VDD_SDIO power domain can now be configured for light sleep
by the application. It is now possible to keep the power domain
ON during light sleep, keeping the GPIOs connected to it powered.
The power domain will, by default be:
- Kept ON if CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_PD_FLASH is not set
- Turned OFF if not set
The application can still force it to be ON by calling
`esp_sleep_pd_config(ESP_PD_DOMAIN_VDDSDIO, ESP_PD_OPTION_ON);`
components/bt: Do not use feature: timer support isr dispatch method
disable controller after wake up finished.
protect critical section of power down
choose clk in sleep
components/coex: mac bb power down in light sleep
components/coex: Macro changed
components/os: protect reserved interrupt number
update phy to phy_version 300,6e46ba7,Jan 25 2021
some bugfix
esp_system: removed repeated interrupt allocator code and moved common code to esp_system
xtens: moved xtensa specific code from freertos to the xtensa component
hal/interrupt_controller: added interrupt controller hal and ll files
docs: update the doxyfile with new location of esp_itr_alloc.h file
xtensa: fixed dangerous relocation problem after moving xtensa interrupt files out of freertos
docs: removed Xtensa reference from intr_allocator api-reference
xtensa: pushed the interrupt function that manages non iram interrupts to the xtensa layer
esp_system/test: fixed platform dependent setting for intr_allocator tests
hal: rename the functions used to manage non iram interrupt mask.
- Introduce system time function and concept of system time provider.
esp_timer is system time provider when present.
- Set the reference point for system time, g_startup_time.
- Use the system time functions in newlib instead of calling esp_timer
functions directly