Island fc3253163e component/ble_mesh: ESP BLE Mesh release
1. BLE Mesh Core

* Provisioning: Node Role
    * Advertising and GATT bearer
    * Authentication OOB

* Provisioning: Provisioner Role
    * Advertising and GATT bearer
    * Authentication OOB

* Networking
    * Relay
    * Segmentation and Reassembly
    * Key Refresh
    * IV Update

* Proxy Support

* Multiple Client Models Run Simultaneously
    * Support multiple client models send packets to different nodes simultaneously
    * No blocking between client model and server

* NVS Storage
    * Store Provisioning Data of BLE Mesh Nodes in Flash

2. BLE Mesh Applications

* BLE Mesh Node & Provisioner
    * Node Example
    * Provisioner Example
    * Node + Generic OnOff Client Example

* Fast Provisioning
    * Vendor Fast Prov Server Model
    * Vendor Fast Prov Client Model
    * Examples

* Wi-Fi & BLE Mesh Coexistence
    * Example

* BLE Mesh Console Commands
    * Example

3. BLE Mesh Models

* Foundation Models
    * Configuration Server Model
    * Configuration Client Model
    * Health Server Model
    * Health Client Model

* Generic Client Models
    * Generic OnOff Client
    * Generic Level Client
    * Generic Location Client
    * Generic Default Transition Timer Client
    * Generic Power OnOff Client
    * Generic Power Level Client
    * Generic Battery Client
    * Generic Property Client

* Generic Server Models
    * Generic OnOff Server (Example)

* Lighting Client Models
    * Light Lightness Client
    * Light CTL Client
    * Light HSL Client
    * Light xyL Client
    * Light LC Client

* Sensor Client Model
    * Sensor Client

* Time and Scenes Client Models
    * Time Client
    * Scene Client
    * Scheduler Client
2019-06-24 11:31:24 +08:00

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ESP BLE Mesh and WiFi Coexist example

此demo是用来测试当BLE Mesh实现正常的配网和收发消息的正常功能时WiFi 所能达到的最大throughput值。用户可以根据此demo中的throughput值来实现自己需要的应用场景。如果用户对ESP32 BLE Mesh使用方法还不熟悉的话 可以参考BLE Mesh brief introduction


  • WiFi Iperf协议
  • BLE Mesh fast provision Server

WiFi的Iperf协议使用方法请参考WiFi Iperf README

当WiFi的Iperf开起来之后BLE Mesh就可以使用fast provsion 进行配网了此demo只实现了fast provsion 的server功能。此demo 的BLE Mesh模块实现了一个Element和以下几个Model

  • Config Server Model: 此Model是当对方需要配置APP Key, Dev Key,等信息时需要使用此Model
  • Config Client Model 此Model是当需要配置APP Key, Dev Key,等信息时需要使用此Model
  • Generic OnOff Server Model此Model通过暴露自己的OnOff State从而实现LED 灯的开关功能
  • Generic OnOff Client Model 使用此Model可以实现开关功能控制别的node 的LED灯的开关
  • Fast Provision Server Model 此Model是为了进行快速配网而实现的自定义Model通过此Model当节点作为临时provisioner进行配网成功后需要将生成的Element地址通过此Model进行传给provisioner
  • Fast Provision Client Model此Model和Fast Provision Server Model是配合使用的