correct script to be silent when file: function is not in the object list (just ignore placement)
correct linker.lf to place task functions into flash if CONFIG_FREERTOS_TASK_FUNCTIONS_INTO_FLASH is active otherwise into IRAM
update kconfig option to place functions into IRAM
update linker file after tests
fix spi_device_polling_end crash when xTaskGetTickCount() in flash
disable "yield from lower priority task, other CPU" test case when placing rtos functions into flash
upadate ut app config freertos_flash
combine spi_flash driver and freertos ut configs into one file
ci: fix ut job
remove functions that are called from ISR funcs
add port module functions to place into Flash
place snapshot funcs into Flash when ESP_PANIC_HANDLER_IRAM is not set
ci: add job with tags UT_T1_GPIO,ESP32_IDF
1. separate rom include files and linkscript to esp_rom
2. modefiy "include rom/xxx.h" to "include esp32/rom/xxx.h"
3. Forward compatible
4. update mqtt
New unity component can be used for testing other applications.
Upstream version of Unity is included as a submodule.
Utilities specific to ESP-IDF unit tests (partitions, leak checking
setup/teardown functions, etc) are kept only in unit-test-app.
Kconfig options are added to allow disabling certain Unity features.