ACMD41 argument is different between SD mode and SPI mode.
In SPI mode, the only non-zero bit may be the HCS bit. Unlike the SD
mode, the bits reflecting the host's OCR should be zero.
Previously, we used to set these bits the same way as for the SD mode.
This has caused certain cards to fail initializing, apparently their
controllers have checked the ACMD41 argument more strictly and refused
to finish initialization, resulting in an error such as
sdmmc_common: sdmmc_init_ocr: send_op_cond (1) returned 0x107
(Note that this error may have other causes than the one fixed in
this commit. For example, if the card doesn't have a sufficient and
stable power supply, it may also fail to complete the internal
initialization process, and will never clear the busy flag in R1
This commit added the RISC-V utility functions to set the interrupt
threshold for CLIC targets by using direct register value writes.
This makes the functions more efficient during run-time.
This is done to improve the critical section enter and exit performance on esp32p4.
fix(ble/bluedroid): Update maximum BLE reconnection attempts configuration
Closes BLERP-568, BLERP-581, and BLERP-582
See merge request espressif/esp-idf!29186
This commit updates the Panic handler behavior Kconfig setting to make
the GDBStub on Panic (CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_PANIC_GDBSTUB) option to be only
available when esp_gdbstub is part of the component list of the build.
- The ROM text and data sections share the address range
- Initially, we had two PMP entries for this address range - one marking the
region as RX and the other as R.
- However, the latter entry is redundant as the former locks the PMP settings.
- We can divide the ROM region into text and data sections later when we
define boundaries marking these regions from the ROM.
The issue is `esp_flash_write_encryped` function in ROM on ESP32C3, ESP32S3
calls legacy implementation, which uses old configuration. And this causes
write fails.
The solution in this commit is to compile and link this function(and related)
in IRAM instead of the ROM one.
The IRAM cost increases around 1.2KB after the fix
This commit fixes a bug where if multiple concurrent USBH API calls trigger
multiple events on the same device, some events will be lost. As a result,
those lost events don't get processed by the subsequent usbh_process() call.
This commit updates how examples and code snippets initialize the
twai_message_t for transmission. Examples/snippets now explicitly demonstrate
how to initialize every member/bit-field of the object.
Bugfix/nvs Improved handling of BLOB during unreliable power environment and concurrent data access scenarios
Closes IDF-8839
See merge request espressif/esp-idf!28843