squash the commit.
component/bt:Added the update_white_list & set_prefer_conn_params API to the bt project.
component/bt: Added the get white list size API & delete the read adv tx power API.
component/bt: Change the esp_gap_ble_api.h esp_ble_gap_set_prefer_conn_params API docs.
changed btm_find_dev to btm_find_or_alloc_dev
component/bt: Change the rssi API deep copy method.
component/bt: Change the code as comment in the gitlab.
squash the commit.
component/bt:Added the update_white_list & set_prefer_conn_params API to the bt project.
component/bt: Added the get white list size API & delete the read adv tx power API.
component/bt: Change the esp_gap_ble_api.h esp_ble_gap_set_prefer_conn_params API docs.
changed btm_find_dev to btm_find_or_alloc_dev
component/bt: Change the rssi API deep copy method.
component/bt: Change the code as comment in the gitlab.
component/bt: change the ESP_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF redefinition error.
component/bt: Change the ESP_BLE_IS_VALID_PARAM function with the compile error.
squash again all the commit.
component/bt: Change all the gattc API && bta gattc layer.
component/bt: Debug the code and change the btc_ble_gattc_get_db method.
component/bt: Change the gatt read API interface.
component/bt: Reconstruction the BTA_gattc_cache code.
component/bt: Change back the bluedroid_get_status to marco.
component/bt: Added the serch service res start_handle & end_handle to the result.
component/bt: Change the gattc docs format.
component/bt: Change the docs format.
component/bt: fix the read char value bug.
component/bt: change the gattc_get_attr_count method.
component/bt: Change back the bta_gattc write ccc code.
component/bt: Change the gattc api docs format
component/bt: Change the gattc API docs.
component/bt: Change the prepare write descriptor method to avoid the exection.
Component/bt: modify gatt clinet demo with new API
component/bt: Change the p_src_data->read.p_value to avoid exection.
compoent/bt: Change the bugfix of gattc unreg for the notify.
Modify gattc security demo
component/bt: Change the log error.
Component/bt: modify gattc_multi_connect demo
componnet/bt: Change the bta_gattc_cache sdp include.
component/bt: Change the start_handle & end_handle not from the service.
component/bt: Change the gattc API docs.
component/bt: Change the return issues.
component/bt: Fixed the include service bug.
component/bt: Modify gattc_multi_connect demo , add scan log
component/bt: Fixed the BTA_GATTC_GetIncludeService start handle & end handle error bug.
component/bt: Fix the invalid handle of the get all char issues.
component/bt: Fix the bug with get_db_size_with_type of the start handle & end_handle not correted issue.
component/bt: Fixed the get secondly service num not correct issue.
component/bt: Fixed the last service handle not correted issue.