This MR is intended to fix incorrect parsing of HTTP requests when empty header values are present.
The issue is was due to asymmetric behavior of `http_parser` library, which in case of:
non-empty header values : invokes callbacks with the pointer to the start of a value
empty header values : invokes callbacks with pointer to the start of next header or section
Since HTTP server relies on this pointer (along with length of the value) to locate the end of a value, and replace the line terminators (CRLFs) with null characters, the second case needed to be handled correctly.
Closes IDFGH-1539
This change prevents buffer overflows in case of really long file paths.
Other changes:
* Remove query (?) and fragment (#) component from URI when converting to file path
* /index.html and favicon.ico can be overridden by files with same name and path in SPIFFS
* updated
Test services may cause confussion (and did cause some GitHub/forum issues). This update runs test services only when example executed in ci. Also host name is a simple config entry if executed outside of ci.
1. add support for ESP32 DTE
2. add support for SIM800/BG96 DCE
3. add PPPoS setup procedure
4. add support for SMS
5. add mqtt example after PPP connection established
esp-idf/components/freemodbus/modbus_controller/modbus_controller.c: The MB_INST_MAX_SIZE is changed to max value=(65535*2);
Update support for coils read into freemodbus.c;
Update freemodbus component file esp-idf/components/freemodbus/port/portserial.c to remove UART mode settings;
Move UART mode settings into esp-idf/examples/protocols/modbus_slave/main/freemodbus.c
Move UART pin settings from Component config into example Kconfig.projbuild file
Move setup of UART port pins from freemodbus component into example file
This example adds functionality to support basic communication in RS485 networks using Modbus protocol.
This example uses FreeModbus stack and regular UART driver API to communicate in RS485 half duplex mode.
Added initial support of modbus controller pure C api to access device parameters over Modbus transport.
Move freemodbus stack and port files into components folder
Move the modbus_controller interface into components idf folder
Source files updated after review.
Add modbus interface documentation docs/en/api-reference/protocols/modbus.rst
porttimer.c: fix bug with timer1 selected in the Kconfig
Add support of cmake system (added cmake files)