uint32_tdiv_cnt:8;/*This register is used to configure the frequency divider's factor in channel0-7.*/
uint32_tidle_thres:16;/*In receive mode when no edge is detected on the input signal for longer than reg_idle_thres_ch0 then the receive process is done.*/
uint32_tmem_size:4;/*This register is used to configure the the amount of memory blocks allocated to channel0-7.*/
uint32_tcarrier_en:1;/*This is the carrier modulation enable control bit for channel0-7.*/
uint32_tcarrier_out_lv:1;/*This bit is used to configure the way carrier wave is modulated for channel0-7.1'b1:transmit on low output level 1'b0:transmit on high output level.*/
uint32_tmem_pd:1;/*This bit is used to reduce power consumed by memory. 1:memory is in low power state.*/
uint32_tclk_en:1;/*This bit is used to control clock.when software configure RMT internal registers it controls the register clock.*/
uint32_tapb_mem_rst:1;/*Set this bit to reset W/R ram address for channel0-7 by apb fifo access (using fifo is discouraged, please see the note above at data_ch[] item)*/
volatileuint32_tstatus_ch[8];/*The status for channel0-7*/
volatileuint32_tapb_mem_addr_ch[8];/*The ram relative address in channel0-7 by apb fifo access (using fifo is discouraged, please see the note above at data_ch[] item)*/
uint32_tch0_tx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 0 turns to high level when the transmit process is done.*/
uint32_tch0_rx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 0 turns to high level when the receive process is done.*/
uint32_tch0_err:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 0 turns to high level when channel 0 detects some errors.*/
uint32_tch1_tx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 1 turns to high level when the transmit process is done.*/
uint32_tch1_rx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 1 turns to high level when the receive process is done.*/
uint32_tch1_err:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 1 turns to high level when channel 1 detects some errors.*/
uint32_tch2_tx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 2 turns to high level when the transmit process is done.*/
uint32_tch2_rx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 2 turns to high level when the receive process is done.*/
uint32_tch2_err:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 2 turns to high level when channel 2 detects some errors.*/
uint32_tch3_tx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 3 turns to high level when the transmit process is done.*/
uint32_tch3_rx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 3 turns to high level when the receive process is done.*/
uint32_tch3_err:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 3 turns to high level when channel 3 detects some errors.*/
uint32_tch4_tx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 4 turns to high level when the transmit process is done.*/
uint32_tch4_rx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 4 turns to high level when the receive process is done.*/
uint32_tch4_err:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 4 turns to high level when channel 4 detects some errors.*/
uint32_tch5_tx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 5 turns to high level when the transmit process is done.*/
uint32_tch5_rx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 5 turns to high level when the receive process is done.*/
uint32_tch5_err:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 5 turns to high level when channel 5 detects some errors.*/
uint32_tch6_tx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 6 turns to high level when the transmit process is done.*/
uint32_tch6_rx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 6 turns to high level when the receive process is done.*/
uint32_tch6_err:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 6 turns to high level when channel 6 detects some errors.*/
uint32_tch7_tx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 7 turns to high level when the transmit process is done.*/
uint32_tch7_rx_end:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 7 turns to high level when the receive process is done.*/
uint32_tch7_err:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 7 turns to high level when channel 7 detects some errors.*/
uint32_tch0_tx_thr_event:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 0 turns to high level when transmitter in channel0 have send data more than reg_rmt_tx_lim_ch0 after detecting this interrupt software can updata the old data with new data.*/
uint32_tch1_tx_thr_event:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 1 turns to high level when transmitter in channel1 have send data more than reg_rmt_tx_lim_ch1 after detecting this interrupt software can updata the old data with new data.*/
uint32_tch2_tx_thr_event:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 2 turns to high level when transmitter in channel2 have send data more than reg_rmt_tx_lim_ch2 after detecting this interrupt software can updata the old data with new data.*/
uint32_tch3_tx_thr_event:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 3 turns to high level when transmitter in channel3 have send data more than reg_rmt_tx_lim_ch3 after detecting this interrupt software can updata the old data with new data.*/
uint32_tch4_tx_thr_event:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 4 turns to high level when transmitter in channel4 have send data more than reg_rmt_tx_lim_ch4 after detecting this interrupt software can updata the old data with new data.*/
uint32_tch5_tx_thr_event:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 5 turns to high level when transmitter in channel5 have send data more than reg_rmt_tx_lim_ch5 after detecting this interrupt software can updata the old data with new data.*/
uint32_tch6_tx_thr_event:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 6 turns to high level when transmitter in channel6 have send data more than reg_rmt_tx_lim_ch6 after detecting this interrupt software can updata the old data with new data.*/
uint32_tch7_tx_thr_event:1;/*The interrupt raw bit for channel 7 turns to high level when transmitter in channel7 have send data more than reg_rmt_tx_lim_ch7 after detecting this interrupt software can updata the old data with new data.*/
uint32_tfifo_mask:1;/*Set this bit to enable RMTMEM and disable apb fifo access (using fifo is discouraged, please see the note above at data_ch[] item)*/
uint32_tmem_tx_wrap_en:1;/*when data need to be send is more than channel's mem can store then set this bit to enable reuse of mem this bit is used together with reg_rmt_tx_lim_chn.*/