uint32_ttimer_sel:2;/*There are four high speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for high speed channel. 2'b00: seletc hstimer0. 2'b01: select hstimer1. 2'b10: select hstimer2. 2'b11: select hstimer3.*/
uint32_tsig_out_en:1;/*This is the output enable control bit for high speed channel*/
uint32_tidle_lv:1;/*This bit is used to control the output value when high speed channel is off.*/
uint32_tclk_en:1;/*This bit is clock gating control signal. when software configure LED_PWM internal registers it controls the register clock.*/
uint32_tduty:25;/*The register is used to control output duty. When hstimerx(x=[0 3]) chosen by high speed channel has reached reg_lpoint_hsch0 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_hsch0=(reg_hpoint_hsch0[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch0[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_hsch0=(reg_hpoint_hsch0[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch0[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/
uint32_tduty_scale:10;/*This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for high speed channel.*/
uint32_tduty_cycle:10;/*This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_hsch0 cycles for high speed channel.*/
uint32_tduty_num:10;/*This register is used to control the number of increased or decreased times for high speed channel.*/
uint32_tduty_inc:1;/*This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for high speed channel.*/
uint32_tduty_start:1;/*When reg_duty_num_hsch0 reg_duty_cycle_hsch0 and reg_duty_scale_hsch0 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch0. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/
uint32_ttimer_sel:2;/*There are four low speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for low speed channel. 2'b00: seletc lstimer0. 2'b01: select lstimer1. 2'b10: select lstimer2. 2'b11: select lstimer3.*/
uint32_tsig_out_en:1;/*This is the output enable control bit for low speed channel.*/
uint32_tidle_lv:1;/*This bit is used to control the output value when low speed channel is off.*/
uint32_tpara_up:1;/*This bit is used to update register LEDC_LSCH0_HPOINT and LEDC_LSCH0_DUTY for low speed channel.*/
uint32_tduty:25;/*The register is used to control output duty. When lstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by low speed channel has reached reg_lpoint_lsch0 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_lsch0=(reg_hpoint_lsch0[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch0[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_lsch0=(reg_hpoint_lsch0[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch0[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/
uint32_tduty_scale:10;/*This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for low speed channel.*/
uint32_tduty_cycle:10;/*This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_lsch0 cycles for low speed channel.*/
uint32_tduty_num:10;/*This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for low speed channel6.*/
uint32_tduty_inc:1;/*This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for low speed channel6.*/
uint32_tduty_start:1;/*When reg_duty_num_hsch1 reg_duty_cycle_hsch1 and reg_duty_scale_hsch1 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch1. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/
uint32_ttimer_lim:5;/*This register controls the range of the counter in high speed timer. the counter range is [0 2**reg_hstimer0_lim] the max bit width for counter is 20.*/
uint32_tdiv_num:18;/*This register is used to configure parameter for divider in high speed timer the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part.*/
uint32_tpause:1;/*This bit is used to pause the counter in high speed timer*/
uint32_trst:1;/*This bit is used to reset high speed timer the counter will be 0 after reset.*/
uint32_ttick_sel:1;/*This bit is used to choose apb_clk or ref_tick for high speed timer. 1'b1:apb_clk 0:ref_tick*/
uint32_ttimer_lim:5;/*This register controls the range of the counter in low speed timer. the counter range is [0 2**reg_lstimer0_lim] the max bit width for counter is 20.*/
uint32_tdiv_num:18;/*This register is used to configure parameter for divider in low speed timer the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part.*/
uint32_tpause:1;/*This bit is used to pause the counter in low speed timer.*/
uint32_trst:1;/*This bit is used to reset low speed timer the counter will be 0 after reset.*/
uint32_ttick_sel:1;/*This bit is used to choose slow_clk or ref_tick for low speed timer. 1'b1:slow_clk 0:ref_tick*/
uint32_tparam_update:1;/*Set this bit to update reg_div_num_lstime0 and reg_lstimer0_lim.*/
uint32_thstimer0_ovf:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel0 counter overflow event.*/
uint32_thstimer1_ovf:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel1 counter overflow event.*/
uint32_thstimer2_ovf:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel2 counter overflow event.*/
uint32_thstimer3_ovf:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel3 counter overflow event.*/
uint32_tlstimer0_ovf:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel0 counter overflow event.*/
uint32_tlstimer1_ovf:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel1 counter overflow event.*/
uint32_tlstimer2_ovf:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel2 counter overflow event.*/
uint32_tlstimer3_ovf:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel3 counter overflow event.* uint32_t duty_chng_end_hsch0: 1; /*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 0 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_hsch1:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 1 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_hsch2:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 2 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_hsch3:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 3 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_hsch4:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 4 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_hsch5:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 5 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_hsch6:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 6 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_hsch7:1;/*The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 7 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_lsch0:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 0 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_lsch1:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 1 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_lsch2:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 2 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_lsch3:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 3 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_lsch4:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 4 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_lsch5:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 5 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_lsch6:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 6 duty change done event.*/
uint32_tduty_chng_end_lsch7:1;/*The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 7 duty change done event*/