This directory contains simple examples demonstrating BSD Socket API.
Each example, contains file with mode detailed informations about that particular example.
For more general informations about all examples, see the file in the upper level 'examples' directory.
* UDP Client - The application creates UDP socket and sends message to the predefined port and IP address. After the server's reply, the application prints received reply as ASCII text, waits for 2 seconds and sends another message.
* UDP Server - The application creates UDP socket with the specified port number and waits for the data to be received. Received data are printed as ASCII text and retransmitted back to the client.
* TCP Client - The application creates a TCP socket and tries to connect to the server with predefined IP address and port number. When a connection is successfully established, the application sends message and waits for the answer. After the server's reply, application prints received reply as ASCII text, waits for 2 seconds and sends another message.
* TCP Server - The application creates a TCP socket with the specified port number and waits for a connection request from the client. After accepting a request from the client, connection between server and client is established and the application waits for some data to be received from the client. Received data are printed as ASCII text and retransmitted back to the client.
* UDP Multicast - The application shows how to use the IPV4 & IPV6 UDP multicast features via the BSD-style sockets interface.
Script named `pytest_xxxx` in the application directory can be used for automated tests.
They can also be run locally. Ref: [ESP-IDF Tests with Pytest Guide](
Examples are configured to obtain multiple IPv6 addresses. The actual behavior may differ depending on the local network, typically the ESP gets assigned these two addresses
* Local Link address
* Unique Local address
The value and type of the IPv6 address is displayed in the terminal, for example:
Please make sure that when using the Local Link address, an interface id is included in the configuration: