2023-10-24 06:44:49 -04:00
* SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2023 Espressif Systems ( Shanghai ) CO LTD
* SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache - 2.0
# include <string.h>
# include "esp_types.h"
# include "esp_intr_alloc.h"
# include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
# include "freertos/semphr.h"
# include "freertos/task.h"
# include "freertos/ringbuf.h"
# include "freertos/queue.h"
# include "hal/i2c_hal.h"
# include "soc/i2c_periph.h"
# include "esp_rom_gpio.h"
# include "driver/gpio.h"
# include "hal/gpio_ll.h"
# include "clk_ctrl_os.h"
# include "esp_private/esp_clk.h"
# include "driver/i2c_slave.h"
# include "i2c_private.h"
# include "esp_memory_utils.h"
# include "freertos/idf_additions.h"
// The local log level must be defined before including esp_log.h
// Set the maximum log level for this source file
# endif
# include "esp_log.h"
# include "esp_check.h"
# define I2C_SLAVE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT (32000) /* I2C slave timeout value, APB clock cycle number */
static const char * TAG = " i2c.slave " ;
static esp_err_t i2c_slave_bus_destroy ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave ) ;
static IRAM_ATTR void s_i2c_handle_clock_stretch ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave )
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
if ( i2c_slave - > callbacks . on_stretch_occur ) {
i2c_slave_stretch_event_data_t evt = { 0 } ;
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
i2c_ll_slave_get_stretch_cause ( hal - > dev , & evt . stretch_cause ) ;
i2c_slave - > callbacks . on_stretch_occur ( i2c_slave , & evt , i2c_slave - > user_ctx ) ;
i2c_ll_slave_clear_stretch ( hal - > dev ) ;
# endif
static IRAM_ATTR void s_i2c_handle_rx_fifo_wm ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave , i2c_slave_receive_t * t )
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
uint32_t rx_fifo_cnt ;
i2c_ll_get_rxfifo_cnt ( hal - > dev , & rx_fifo_cnt ) ;
i2c_ll_read_rxfifo ( hal - > dev , i2c_slave - > data_buf , rx_fifo_cnt ) ;
memcpy ( t - > buffer + i2c_slave - > already_receive_len , i2c_slave - > data_buf , rx_fifo_cnt ) ;
i2c_slave - > already_receive_len + = rx_fifo_cnt ;
t - > rcv_fifo_cnt - = rx_fifo_cnt ;
static IRAM_ATTR void s_i2c_handle_complete ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave , i2c_slave_receive_t * t , BaseType_t * do_yield )
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
uint32_t rx_fifo_cnt ;
i2c_ll_get_rxfifo_cnt ( hal - > dev , & rx_fifo_cnt ) ;
if ( rx_fifo_cnt ! = 0 ) {
i2c_ll_read_rxfifo ( hal - > dev , i2c_slave - > data_buf , t - > rcv_fifo_cnt ) ;
memcpy ( t - > buffer + i2c_slave - > already_receive_len , i2c_slave - > data_buf , t - > rcv_fifo_cnt ) ;
i2c_slave - > already_receive_len + = t - > rcv_fifo_cnt ;
t - > rcv_fifo_cnt - = t - > rcv_fifo_cnt ;
if ( i2c_slave - > callbacks . on_recv_done ) {
i2c_slave_rx_done_event_data_t edata = {
. buffer = t - > buffer ,
} ;
i2c_slave - > callbacks . on_recv_done ( i2c_slave , & edata , i2c_slave - > user_ctx ) ;
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR ( i2c_slave - > slv_rx_mux , do_yield ) ;
i2c_ll_disable_intr_mask ( hal - > dev , I2C_LL_SLAVE_RX_EVENT_INTR ) ;
static IRAM_ATTR void s_i2c_handle_tx_fifo_wm ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave , BaseType_t * do_yield )
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
uint32_t tx_fifo_rem ;
i2c_ll_get_txfifo_len ( hal - > dev , & tx_fifo_rem ) ;
size_t size = 0 ;
uint8_t * data = ( uint8_t * ) xRingbufferReceiveUpToFromISR ( i2c_slave - > tx_ring_buf , & size , tx_fifo_rem ) ;
if ( data ) {
i2c_ll_write_txfifo ( hal - > dev , data , size ) ;
vRingbufferReturnItemFromISR ( i2c_slave - > tx_ring_buf , data , do_yield ) ;
if ( size < = i2c_slave - > trans_data_length ) {
portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR ( & i2c_slave - > base - > spinlock ) ;
i2c_slave - > trans_data_length - = size ;
portEXIT_CRITICAL_ISR ( & i2c_slave - > base - > spinlock ) ;
if ( i2c_slave - > trans_data_length = = 0 ) {
i2c_ll_slave_disable_tx_it ( hal - > dev ) ;
} else {
static IRAM_ATTR void s_slave_fifo_isr_handler ( uint32_t int_mask , void * arg , BaseType_t * do_yield )
i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave = ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t ) arg ;
if ( int_mask & I2C_INTR_STRETCH ) {
s_i2c_handle_clock_stretch ( i2c_slave ) ;
# endif
i2c_slave_receive_t * t = & i2c_slave - > receive_desc ;
if ( int_mask & I2C_INTR_SLV_RXFIFO_WM ) {
s_i2c_handle_rx_fifo_wm ( i2c_slave , t ) ;
if ( int_mask & I2C_INTR_SLV_COMPLETE ) {
s_i2c_handle_complete ( i2c_slave , t , do_yield ) ;
if ( int_mask & I2C_INTR_SLV_TXFIFO_WM ) {
s_i2c_handle_tx_fifo_wm ( i2c_slave , do_yield ) ;
static IRAM_ATTR void s_slave_nonfifo_isr_handler ( uint32_t int_mask , void * arg , BaseType_t * do_yield )
i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave = ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t ) arg ;
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
if ( int_mask & I2C_INTR_STRETCH ) {
i2c_slave - > slave_evt . slave_stretch = 1 ;
i2c_ll_slave_clear_stretch ( hal - > dev ) ;
if ( int_mask & I2C_INTR_SLV_COMPLETE ) {
i2c_slave - > slave_evt . trans_complete = 1 ;
xQueueSendFromISR ( i2c_slave - > slv_evt_queue , & i2c_slave - > slave_evt , do_yield ) ;
static IRAM_ATTR void s_slave_isr_handle_default ( void * arg )
i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave = ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t ) arg ;
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
portBASE_TYPE HPTaskAwoken = pdFALSE ;
uint32_t int_mask = 0 ;
i2c_ll_get_intr_mask ( hal - > dev , & int_mask ) ;
i2c_ll_clear_intr_mask ( hal - > dev , int_mask ) ;
if ( int_mask = = 0 ) {
return ;
if ( int_mask & I2C_INTR_UNMATCH ) {
i2c_slave - > slave_evt . addr_unmatch = 1 ;
ESP_DRAM_LOGE ( TAG , " I2C address not match, trans failed " ) ;
# endif
if ( i2c_slave - > fifo_mode = = I2C_SLAVE_NONFIFO ) {
s_slave_nonfifo_isr_handler ( int_mask , i2c_slave , & HPTaskAwoken ) ;
} else {
s_slave_fifo_isr_handler ( int_mask , i2c_slave , & HPTaskAwoken ) ;
//We only need to check here if there is a high-priority task needs to be switched.
if ( HPTaskAwoken = = pdTRUE ) {
portYIELD_FROM_ISR ( ) ;
esp_err_t i2c_new_slave_device ( const i2c_slave_config_t * slave_config , i2c_slave_dev_handle_t * ret_handle )
esp_log_level_set ( TAG , ESP_LOG_DEBUG ) ;
# endif
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK ;
i2c_slave_dev_t * i2c_slave = NULL ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( slave_config & & ret_handle , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " invalid argument " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO ( slave_config - > sda_io_num ) & & GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO ( slave_config - > scl_io_num ) , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " invalid SDA/SCL pin number " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( slave_config - > i2c_port < SOC_I2C_NUM | | slave_config - > i2c_port = = - 1 , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " invalid i2c port number " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( ( slave_config - > send_buf_depth > 0 ) , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " invalid SCL speed " ) ;
2024-02-04 05:26:29 -05:00
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( ( ( slave_config - > addr_bit_len ! = I2C_ADDR_BIT_LEN_10 ) | | ( ! slave_config - > flags . broadcast_en ) ) , ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE , TAG , " 10bits address cannot used together with broadcast " ) ;
2023-10-24 06:44:49 -04:00
# endif
int i2c_port_num = slave_config - > i2c_port ;
i2c_slave = heap_caps_calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( i2c_slave_dev_t ) , I2C_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( i2c_slave , ESP_ERR_NO_MEM , TAG , " no memory for i2c slave bus " ) ;
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR ( i2c_acquire_bus_handle ( i2c_port_num , & i2c_slave - > base , I2C_BUS_MODE_SLAVE ) , err , TAG , " I2C bus acquire failed " ) ;
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
i2c_slave - > base - > scl_num = slave_config - > scl_io_num ;
i2c_slave - > base - > sda_num = slave_config - > sda_io_num ;
i2c_slave - > fifo_mode = ( slave_config - > flags . access_ram_en = = true ) ? I2C_SLAVE_NONFIFO : I2C_SLAVE_FIFO ;
# endif
if ( slave_config - > flags . slave_unmatch_en ) {
i2c_ll_enable_intr_mask ( hal - > dev , I2C_SLAVE_ADDR_UNMATCH_INT_ENA_M ) ;
# endif
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR ( i2c_common_set_pins ( i2c_slave - > base ) , err , TAG , " i2c slave set pins failed " ) ;
i2c_slave - > tx_ring_buf = xRingbufferCreateWithCaps ( slave_config - > send_buf_depth , RINGBUF_TYPE_BYTEBUF , I2C_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS ) ;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE ( i2c_slave - > tx_ring_buf ! = NULL , ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE , err , TAG , " ringbuffer create failed " ) ;
i2c_slave - > slv_rx_mux = xSemaphoreCreateBinaryWithCaps ( I2C_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS ) ;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE ( i2c_slave - > slv_rx_mux , ESP_ERR_NO_MEM , err , TAG , " No memory for binary semaphore " ) ;
i2c_slave - > slv_tx_mux = xSemaphoreCreateBinaryWithCaps ( I2C_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS ) ;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE ( i2c_slave - > slv_tx_mux , ESP_ERR_NO_MEM , err , TAG , " No memory for binary semaphore " ) ;
i2c_slave - > slv_evt_queue = xQueueCreateWithCaps ( 1 , sizeof ( i2c_slave_evt_t ) , I2C_MEM_ALLOC_CAPS ) ;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE ( ( i2c_slave - > slv_evt_queue ! = NULL ) , ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE , err , TAG , " queue create failed " ) ;
int isr_flags = I2C_INTR_ALLOC_FLAG ;
if ( slave_config - > intr_priority ) {
isr_flags | = 1 < < ( slave_config - > intr_priority ) ;
ret = esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus ( i2c_periph_signal [ i2c_port_num ] . irq , I2C_INTR_ALLOC_FLAG , ( uint32_t ) i2c_ll_get_interrupt_status_reg ( hal - > dev ) , I2C_LL_SLAVE_EVENT_INTR , s_slave_isr_handle_default , i2c_slave , & i2c_slave - > base - > intr_handle ) ;
ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR ( ret , err , TAG , " install i2c slave interrupt failed " ) ;
portENTER_CRITICAL ( & i2c_slave - > base - > spinlock ) ;
i2c_ll_clear_intr_mask ( hal - > dev , I2C_LL_SLAVE_EVENT_INTR ) ;
i2c_hal_slave_init ( hal ) ;
if ( i2c_slave - > fifo_mode = = I2C_SLAVE_NONFIFO ) {
i2c_ll_slave_set_fifo_mode ( hal - > dev , false ) ;
i2c_ll_enable_mem_access_nonfifo ( hal - > dev , true ) ;
} else {
i2c_ll_slave_set_fifo_mode ( hal - > dev , true ) ;
i2c_ll_enable_mem_access_nonfifo ( hal - > dev , false ) ;
# endif
//Default, we enable hardware filter
2023-10-26 02:04:00 -04:00
i2c_ll_set_source_clk ( hal - > dev , slave_config - > clk_source ) ;
2023-10-24 06:44:49 -04:00
bool addr_10bit_en = slave_config - > addr_bit_len ! = I2C_ADDR_BIT_LEN_7 ;
i2c_ll_set_slave_addr ( hal - > dev , slave_config - > slave_addr , addr_10bit_en ) ;
i2c_ll_slave_broadcast_enable ( hal - > dev , slave_config - > flags . broadcast_en ) ;
# endif
i2c_ll_set_txfifo_empty_thr ( hal - > dev , I2C_FIFO_EMPTY_THRESH_VAL_DEFAULT ) ;
i2c_ll_set_rxfifo_full_thr ( hal - > dev , I2C_FIFO_FULL_THRESH_VAL_DEFAULT ) ;
// set timing for data
i2c_ll_set_sda_timing ( hal - > dev , 10 , 10 ) ;
i2c_ll_set_tout ( hal - > dev , I2C_SLAVE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT ) ;
i2c_ll_slave_enable_scl_stretch ( hal - > dev , slave_config - > flags . stretch_en ) ;
# endif
i2c_ll_slave_tx_auto_start_en ( hal - > dev , true ) ;
i2c_ll_update ( hal - > dev ) ;
portEXIT_CRITICAL ( & i2c_slave - > base - > spinlock ) ;
xSemaphoreGive ( i2c_slave - > slv_rx_mux ) ;
xSemaphoreGive ( i2c_slave - > slv_tx_mux ) ;
* ret_handle = i2c_slave ;
return ESP_OK ;
err :
if ( i2c_slave ) {
i2c_slave_bus_destroy ( i2c_slave ) ;
return ret ;
static esp_err_t i2c_slave_bus_destroy ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave )
if ( i2c_slave ) {
if ( i2c_slave - > slv_rx_mux ) {
vSemaphoreDeleteWithCaps ( i2c_slave - > slv_rx_mux ) ;
i2c_slave - > slv_rx_mux = NULL ;
if ( i2c_slave - > slv_tx_mux ) {
vSemaphoreDeleteWithCaps ( i2c_slave - > slv_tx_mux ) ;
i2c_slave - > slv_tx_mux = NULL ;
if ( i2c_slave - > tx_ring_buf ) {
vRingbufferDeleteWithCaps ( i2c_slave - > tx_ring_buf ) ;
i2c_slave - > tx_ring_buf = NULL ;
if ( i2c_slave - > slv_evt_queue ) {
vQueueDeleteWithCaps ( i2c_slave - > slv_evt_queue ) ;
i2c_release_bus_handle ( i2c_slave - > base ) ;
free ( i2c_slave ) ;
return ESP_OK ;
esp_err_t i2c_del_slave_device ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave )
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( i2c_slave , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " i2c slave not initialized " ) ;
int port_id = i2c_slave - > base - > port_num ;
ESP_LOGD ( TAG , " del i2c bus(%d) " , port_id ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR ( i2c_slave_bus_destroy ( i2c_slave ) , TAG , " destroy i2c bus failed " ) ;
return ESP_OK ;
esp_err_t i2c_slave_transmit ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave , const uint8_t * data , int size , int xfer_timeout_ms )
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( i2c_slave , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " i2c slave not initialized " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( data , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " invalid data buffer " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( ( i2c_slave - > fifo_mode = = I2C_SLAVE_FIFO ) , ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED , TAG , " non-fifo mode is not suppored in this API, please set access_ram_en to false " ) ;
esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK ;
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
TickType_t wait_ticks = ( xfer_timeout_ms = = - 1 ) ? portMAX_DELAY : pdMS_TO_TICKS ( xfer_timeout_ms ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( xSemaphoreTake ( i2c_slave - > slv_tx_mux , wait_ticks ) = = pdTRUE , ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT , TAG , " transmit timeout " ) ;
ESP_GOTO_ON_FALSE ( xRingbufferSend ( i2c_slave - > tx_ring_buf , data , size , wait_ticks ) = = pdTRUE , ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE , err , TAG , " no space in ringbuffer " ) ;
portENTER_CRITICAL ( & i2c_slave - > base - > spinlock ) ;
i2c_slave - > trans_data_length + = size ;
i2c_ll_enable_intr_mask ( hal - > dev , I2C_LL_SLAVE_TX_EVENT_INTR ) ;
portEXIT_CRITICAL ( & i2c_slave - > base - > spinlock ) ;
err :
xSemaphoreGive ( i2c_slave - > slv_tx_mux ) ;
return ret ;
esp_err_t i2c_slave_receive ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave , uint8_t * data , size_t receive_size )
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( i2c_slave , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " i2c slave not initialized " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( data , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " invalid data buffer " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( ( i2c_slave - > fifo_mode = = I2C_SLAVE_FIFO ) , ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED , TAG , " non-fifo mode is not suppored in this API, please set access_ram_en to false " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( esp_ptr_internal ( data ) , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " buffer must locate in internal RAM if IRAM_SAFE is enabled " ) ;
# endif
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
xSemaphoreTake ( i2c_slave - > slv_rx_mux , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
i2c_slave_receive_t * t = & i2c_slave - > receive_desc ;
t - > buffer = data ;
t - > rcv_fifo_cnt = receive_size ;
i2c_slave - > already_receive_len = 0 ;
// Clear all interrupt raw bits before enable, avoid previous bus data affects interrupt.
i2c_ll_clear_intr_mask ( hal - > dev , I2C_LL_SLAVE_RX_EVENT_INTR ) ;
i2c_ll_enable_intr_mask ( hal - > dev , I2C_LL_SLAVE_RX_EVENT_INTR ) ;
return ESP_OK ;
esp_err_t i2c_slave_read_ram ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave , uint8_t ram_offset , uint8_t * data , size_t receive_size )
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( i2c_slave , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " i2c slave not initialized " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( data , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " invalid data buffer " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( ( ram_offset + receive_size < = SOC_I2C_FIFO_LEN ) , ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE , TAG , " don't read data cross fifo boundary, see `SOC_I2C_FIFO_LEN` " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( ( i2c_slave - > fifo_mode = = I2C_SLAVE_NONFIFO ) , ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED , TAG , " fifo mode is not suppored in this API, please set access_ram_en to true " ) ;
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
uint32_t fifo_size = 0 ;
portENTER_CRITICAL ( & i2c_slave - > base - > spinlock ) ;
i2c_ll_get_rxfifo_cnt ( hal - > dev , & fifo_size ) ;
if ( receive_size > fifo_size ) {
ESP_LOGE ( TAG , " receive size is so large that fifo has not so much data to get " ) ;
portEXIT_CRITICAL ( & i2c_slave - > base - > spinlock ) ;
i2c_ll_read_by_nonfifo ( hal - > dev , ram_offset , data , fifo_size ) ;
portEXIT_CRITICAL ( & i2c_slave - > base - > spinlock ) ;
return ESP_OK ;
esp_err_t i2c_slave_write_ram ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave , uint8_t ram_offset , const uint8_t * data , size_t size )
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( i2c_slave , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " i2c slave not initialized " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( data , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " invalid data buffer " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( ( i2c_slave - > fifo_mode = = I2C_SLAVE_NONFIFO ) , ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED , TAG , " fifo mode is not suppored in this API, please set access_ram_en to true " ) ;
i2c_hal_context_t * hal = & i2c_slave - > base - > hal ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( xSemaphoreTake ( i2c_slave - > slv_tx_mux , portMAX_DELAY ) = = pdTRUE , ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT , TAG , " write to ram lock timeout " ) ;
uint32_t fifo_size = 0 ;
i2c_ll_txfifo_rst ( hal - > dev ) ;
i2c_ll_get_txfifo_len ( hal - > dev , & fifo_size ) ;
if ( ram_offset + fifo_size < size ) {
ESP_EARLY_LOGE ( TAG , " No extra fifo to fill your buffer, please split your buffer " ) ;
i2c_ll_write_by_nonfifo ( hal - > dev , ram_offset , data , size ) ;
xSemaphoreGive ( i2c_slave - > slv_tx_mux ) ;
return ESP_OK ;
# endif
esp_err_t i2c_slave_register_event_callbacks ( i2c_slave_dev_handle_t i2c_slave , const i2c_slave_event_callbacks_t * cbs , void * user_data )
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( i2c_slave ! = NULL , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " i2c slave handle not initialized " ) ;
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( cbs , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " invalid argument " ) ;
if ( cbs - > on_stretch_occur ) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( esp_ptr_in_iram ( cbs - > on_stretch_occur ) , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " i2c stretch occur callback not in IRAM " ) ;
if ( cbs - > on_recv_done ) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( esp_ptr_in_iram ( cbs - > on_recv_done ) , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " i2c receive done callback not in IRAM " ) ;
if ( user_data ) {
ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE ( esp_ptr_internal ( user_data ) , ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG , TAG , " user context not in internal RAM " ) ;
memcpy ( & ( i2c_slave - > callbacks ) , cbs , sizeof ( i2c_slave_event_callbacks_t ) ) ;
i2c_slave - > user_ctx = user_data ;
return ESP_OK ;