isp_sharpen_m_freq_coeffm_freq_coeff;///< Medium freq pixel sharpeness coeff
uint8_th_thresh;///< High threshold, pixel value higher than this threshold will be multiplied by `h_freq_coeff`
uint8_tl_thresh;///< Low threshold, pixel value higher than this threshold but lower than `h_thresh` will be multiplied by `m_freq_coeff`. Pixel value lower than this threshold will be set to 0
uint8_tpadding_data;///< Sharpen edge padding pixel data
uint8_tsharpen_template[ISP_SHARPEN_TEMPLATE_X_NUMS][ISP_SHARPEN_TEMPLATE_Y_NUMS];///< Sharpen template data
uint8_tpadding_line_tail_valid_start_pixel;///< Sharpen edge padding line tail valid start pixel, padding data will only be valid between the valid start pixel and the valid end pixel. Set both the start and end pixel to 0 to make all padding pixel valid
uint8_tpadding_line_tail_valid_end_pixel;///< Sharpen edge padding line tail valid end pixel, padding data will only be valid between the valid start pixel and the valid end pixel. Set both the start and end pixel to 0 to make all padding pixel valid