2023-04-25 10:25:42 +02:00

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# A1301
Arduino library for A1301 and A1302 magnetometer.
## Description
The A1301 and A1302 are continuous-time, Ratio-metric, linear Hall-effect sensors.
They are optimized to accurately provide a voltage output that is proportional to
an applied magnetic field.
These devices have a quiescent output voltage that is 50% of the supply voltage.
This voltage level is a.k.a. the midPoint.
Two output sensitivity options are provided: 2.5 mV/G typical for the A1301,
and 1.3 mV/G typical for the A1302. (from datasheet)
The following 5 classes are supported:
| sensor | sensitivity | support |
| A1301 | 2.5 mV/Gauss | Y |
| A1302 | 1.3 mV/Gauss | Y |
| A1324 | 5.000 mV/Gauss | Y |
| A1325 | 3.125 mV/Gauss | Y |
| A1326 | 2.500 mV/Gauss | Y |
Other, more or less, compatible sensors are welcome.
(see future below.)
The library is experimental and need more testing.
Feedback, issues and improvements are welcome,
Please open an issue on GitHub.
## Connection
// always check datasheet.
// PIN A1301
// ===============
// 1 GND
// 2 DATA
// 3 VDD +5V
## Interface
#include "A1301.h"
#### Constructor
- **HALL(uint8_t pin)** base class constructor.
pin is the analogPin to read from.
- **A1301(uint8_t pin)** constructor.
- **A1302(uint8_t pin)** constructor.
- **A1324(uint8_t pin)** constructor.
- **A1325(uint8_t pin)** constructor.
- **A1326(uint8_t pin)** constructor.
#### Configuration
- **void begin(float voltage, uint16_t steps)**
Sets the parameters voltage and number of steps of the internal ADC.
Note this allows to update the voltage runtime.
- **void setMidPoint(float midPoint)** the value of midPoint depends on the internal ADC.
It is the value where there is no (zero) magnetic field.
Note it does not need to be a whole value.
This allows quite precise tuning.
- **float getMidPoint()** returns the current midPoint.
- **void setSensitivity(float sensitivity)** overrule default sensitivity.
Use with care.
- **float getSensitivity()** return current sensitivity.
#### Read
- **float raw(uint8_t times = 1)** raw analog measurement.
- **float read(uint8_t times = 1)** raw measurement converted to Gauss.
Can be positive (North) or negative (South).
Returns Gauss.
- **float readExt(float raw)** to be used with external ADC.
Note: **raw** is an ADC measurement, not a voltage.
Can be positive (North) or negative (South).
Returns Gauss.
Can also be used for testing, e.g. replay of a series of data.
#### Analyse
- **bool isNorth()** idem.
- **bool isSouth()** idem.
- **float lastGauss()** returns last measurement in Gauss.
- **float prevGauss()** returns previous measurement in Gauss.
#### Saturation.
Experimental saturation level.
- **void setMaxGauss(float maxGauss)** set the saturation level.
If maxGauss < 0 the absolute value is set.
- **float getMaxGauss()** returns the set saturation level.
- **bool isSaturated()** true when ADC (lastRead) seems to max out.
- **float saturationLevel()** returns value between 0..100%.
#### Tesla
- **float Tesla(float Gauss)** convenience convertor.
- **float mTesla(float Gauss)** convenience convertor.
- **float uTesla(float Gauss)** convenience convertor.
## Operation
The examples show the basic working of the functions.
(to elaborate more examples)
## Future
#### Must
- improve documentation
- buy hardware A1301 / A1302 / etc...
- test with hardware (again)
#### Should
- unit tests
- test **isSaturated()** + **saturationLevel()**
- limits might be sensor dependant.
- optimize math
- multiplications instead of divisions.
- other constants needed?
#### Could
- **float findZero()** how exactly => ACS712 **autoMidPoint()**
- investigate **float determineNoise()** (set/get)
- add examples.
- performance read()
- Possible compatible
- HoneyWell - SS39ET/SS49E/SS59ET
- HoneyWell - SS490 Series
- temperature correction functions?
- see datasheet.
#### Ideas
(thinking out loud section)
- isEast() and isWest() meaning?
- **isEast()** field strength is "rising" ==> lastGauss > prevGauss
- **isWest()** field strength is "sinking" ==> lastGauss < prevGauss
- should that be absolute or not? or just **bool isRising()**
- **float readDelta(uint8_t times = 1)** returns the relative change.
- atan2(prevGauss, lastGauss)?
- angle indicates relative delta compared to magnitude and direction.
- 45 135 degrees is no change.
- can the strength of the signal be converted to distance?
- for a given magnet
- repeatability + noise.
- influence of angle of the field-lines?
- defaults for parameters of some functions?
#### Won't
- printable interface
- does not add much.