2021-11-02 17:26:51 +01:00

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# HeartBeat
Arduino library for a HeartBeat with frequency and duty cycle.
## Description
The heartbeat library offers a simple HeartBeat by sending pulses to
a digital pin. Typical usage is to blink a (built in) LED as indicator
a program is still alive.
The library uses no hardware timer and is based upon micros() so the user
is responsible to call the **beat()** function as often as needed or
better even more.
The library allows to set the frequency runtime, so the HeartBeat
can be used as a first level debugging tool. Different frequencies can indicate
a different state of the program or a different level of some sensor.
No heart beat indicates the program is stuck or blocked.
For more complex patterns, please check my pulsePattern library.
## Interface
The interface consists of the following functions:
- **HeartBeat()** constructor
- **void begin(uint8_t pin, float frequency)** to configure the HeartBeat.
The default frequency is 1.0
- **void setFrequency(float frequency)** change the frequency of the pulsing.
Will not enable or disable the HeartBeat.
Must be > 0.001 otherwise it will be constrained to 0.001.
On the upper side values beyond 10 Hz are hard for humans but are allowed.
- **void setDutyCycle(float dutyCycle = 50)** duty cycle in percentage time HIGH.
Must be between 0.00 and 100.0. A value of 0 will put the heartbeat effectively off.
- **float getFrequency()** returns set frequency (or constrained value).
- **float getDutyCycle()** returns set duty cycle (or constrained value).
- **void enable()** enable the pulsing.
- **void disable()** disable the pulsing; will switch of the LED.
- **void beat()** the worker; this function checks if the HeartBeat is enabled
and the LED must be toggled.
It must be called as often as possible to keep a steady pace,
at least 4 times the given frequency.
Not calling **beat()** effectively stops the heartbeat.
- **uint8_t getState()** returns the state of the heartbeat.
Useful for debugging.
#### Obsolete
- **set(float freq)** is replaced by **setFrequency()**.
## Applications
Applications include but are not limited to
- show an alive sign, typical freq of 1 Hz is sufficient.
- show error code by means of different frequencies.
- 1 Hz = OK
- 2 Hz = Warning
- 5 Hz = Error
- no signal would indicate also an error.
- indicate power e.g. round(amps) - you might need to map the range!
- indicate the volume by increasing heartBeat
- indicate a changing distant - increasing or decreasing.
- Geiger counter style.
## Operation
See examples
## Future
- differentiate between ON / OFF time
- improve documentation
- add examples