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# Weight
Library of weight conversion functions
## Description
Weight.h is a library containing weight conversion functions.
Open for additions, including obscure weight metrics or
weight related math functions and constants.
## Interface
Overview of conversions:
stone - lbs - ounce
| | |
kilo kilo - gram
kilo - (stone, lbs, ounce)
Functions are straightforward.
- **float lbs2kilo(float lbs)**
- **float kilo2lbs(float kilos)**
- **float ounce2gram(float ounce)**
- **float gram2ounce(float gram)**
- **float gram2kilo(float gram)**
- **float kilo2gram( float kilo)**
- **float lbs2ounce(float lbs)**
- **float ounce2lbs(float ounce)**
- **float stone2lbs(float stone)**
- **float lbs2stone(float lbs)**
- **float stone2kilo(float stone)**
- **float kilo2stone(float kilo)**
- **float US2metric(float stone, float lbs, float ounce)**
- **float metric2US(float kilo, float &stone, float &lbs, float &ounce)**
## ideas for future (TBD)
- mass of all elements -
- an array of floats
- a compressed format with access function (1 byte/ element)
- constants e.g. MASS_OXYGEN
- molarity functions
- mass of common substances.
- large masses - sun planets ?
- gravity constants of planets REL or ABS eg REL_GRAVITY_EARTH 1.0
- teaspoon
- although that is a volume unit.
- volume conversion too?
- create datatypes of stone lbs kilo etc.?
## Operation
See examples