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# Timing
Arduino library with wrappers for seconds millis micros
## Description
A request often made on the Arduino forum and otherwise is an option to reset
the **millis()** function to 0 or another value.
This library provide wrapper classes around **millis()** and **micros()**
with the extra function to do this.
To implement this only a 4 byte offset is needed.
These classes make it easy to make a simple stopwatch.
## Interface
The library has 3 classes that are very similar.
- microSeconds
- milliSeconds
- seconds (wrapper around millis() too)
The interface of all three are very similar, so only one is described
- **milliSeconds()** constructor, sets the offset so it starts at 0.
- **now()** returs the time elapsed since its 'zero moment', either construction
or by a set(0).
- **set(value)** sets the offset of the object. As it is possible to set it
to a non zero value it is easy to adjust the time.
- **uint32_t getOffset()** returns current offset.
The classes are based upon **millis()** and **micros()** therefor have the same
restrictions as these functions with respect to overflow and accuracy.
Depending on e.g. interrupts millis and micros can drift.
| class | overflow after |
|seconds | 49 days, 17:02:47.297 |
| milliSeconds | 49 days, 17:02:47.297 |
| microSeconds | 00 days 01:11:34.967296 |
## Future
idea to give it a clock print layout
- seconds.toClock() -> DD 12:34:56
- milliSeconds.toClock(3) -> 12:23:45.123
- milliSeconds.toClock(1) -> 12:23:45.1
- microSeconds.toCLock() -> 12:23:45.123456 ???
- rounding effect, describe
## Operation
See examples
## Todo
- test on ESP32