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# FunctionGenerator
Arduino library to generate (numeric) wave forms for a DAC
## Description
This library presents a class for a function generator in software.
It is typical used to control one or more DAC's.
To maximize signal quality one has to apply all (or most) processor power
to calculate new values over and over again to get enough resolution.
In practice the generator is useful for low frequencies,
0.01 - 25 Hz, depending on waveform and processor and number of DAC's.
(see indication below).
Note: this class generates float values, performance wise this can be optimized,
to achieve higher speeds at cost of accuracy / precision.
## Performance
Indication of what performance can be expected (based upon 0.2.1 version).
Note that the values need to be transported to a DAC or serial port too.
Numbers based on performance example, for one single signal.
| Processor | Clock | Waveform | usec/calls | max freq |
| Arduino UNO | 16 MHz | sawtooth | 62 | 60 Hz |
| Arduino UNO | 16 MHz | triangle | 74 | 50 Hz |
| Arduino UNO | 16 MHz | square | 53 | 1000 Hz |
| Arduino UNO | 16 MHz | sinus | 164 | 25 Hz |
| Arduino UNO | 16 MHz | stair | 81 | 50 Hz |
| Arduino UNO | 16 MHz | random | 37 | 1000 Hz |
| | | | | |
| ESP32 | 240 MHz | sawtooth | 3.8 | 1000 Hz |
| ESP32 | 240 MHz | triangle | 3.9 | 1000 Hz |
| ESP32 | 240 MHz | square | 2.8 | 1000 Hz |
| ESP32 | 240 MHz | sinus | 13.6 | 250 Hz |
| ESP32 | 240 MHz | stair | 4.8 | 800 Hz |
| ESP32 | 240 MHz | random | 1.3 | 1000 Hz |
- assumption minimal 250 samples per period to get a smooth signal.
if a rougher signal is OK, higher frequencies are possible.
- ESP32 can do more calculations however 1000 Hz seems to be a nice
upper limit for a software based function generator.
- if one wants to control multiple DAC's one need to divide the numbers.
Note: hardware function generator https://github.com/RobTillaart/AD985X
## Interface
### Constructor
- **funcgen(float period = 1.0, float amplitude = 1.0, float phase = 0.0, float yShift = 0.0)**
All parameters can be set in the constructor but also later in configuration.
### Configuration
- **void setPeriod(float period = 1.0)** set the period of the wave in seconds.
- **float getPeriod()** returns the set period.
- **void setFrequency(float frequency = 1.0)** set the frequency of the wave in Hertz (1/s).
- **float getFrequency()** returns the set frequency.
- **void setAmplitude(float amplitude = 1.0)** sets the amplitude of the wave. TODO point to point?
Setting the amplitude to 0 gives ?what?
- **float getAmplitude()** returns the set amplitude.
- **void setPhase(float phase = 0.0)** shifts the phase of the wave. Will only be noticeable when
compared with other waves.
- **float getPhase()** returns the set phase.
- **void setYShift(float yShift = 0.0)** sets an Y-shift in amplitude, allows to set some zero point.
- **float getYShift()** returns the set Y-shift.
### Wave forms
t is time in seconds
- **float sawtooth(float t, uint8_t mode = 0)** mode == 0 (default) ==> sawtooth /|. mode == 1 ==> sawtooth |\.
- **float triangle(float t)** triangle form, duty cycle 50%.
- **float square(float t)** square wave with duty cycle 50%.
- **float sinus(float t)** sinus wave, has no duty cycle.
- **float stair(float t, uint16_t steps = 8, uint8_t mode = 0)** mode = 0 ==> steps up, mode = 1 steps down.
- **float random()** noise generation.
- **float line()** constant voltage line
- **float zero()** constant zero.
Line() and zero() are functions that can be used to drive a constant voltage from a DAC
and can be used to calibrate the generator / DAC combination.
## Operational
See examples.
## Future
#### waveforms
- square duty-cycle (will be slower!)
- triangle duty-cycle (makes sawtooth a special triangle)
- trapezium wave (would merge square and triangle and sawtooth)
#### investigate
- duty-cycle for sinus what does it mean. move peak.
- white noise, pink noise etc.
- investigate algorithms for performance gains (DAC specific values 10-12-16 bit)
- Amplitude modulation ?
- external clock to synchronize two or more sw function generators.
- RC function curve.
- heartbeat curve?
- record a signal and play back
#### misc
- stand-alone functions in separate .h?
- mapping to voltage function.
- check for synergy with https://github.com/RobTillaart/AD985X
#### examples
- example ESP32 version as separate task...
- example with DAC. 8 12 16 bit.
- example with potentiometers for 4 parameters