2.0 KiB
Minimalistic library for the DS18B20 temperature sensor.
This DS18B20 library is a minimalistic library for a DS18B20 sensor. It will give only temperatures in whole degrees C. Goal is to minimize footprint.
If you need more functions or control over the DS18B20 family I refer to the library of Miles Burton - https://github.com/milesburton/Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library or to
This DS18B20_INT library supports only the DS18B20, only one sensor per pin, no parasite mode, no Fahrenheit and no alarm functions. The only feature the class supports is the asynchronous reading of the temperature by means of three core functions:
- DS18B20_INT(onewire) constructor needs a reference to OneWire object.
- begin() resets oneWire and set resolution to 9 bit.
returns true if all is OK. - requestTemperatures() trigger temperature comversion
- isConversionComplete() check if conversion is complete
- int16_t readTempC() returns temperature in whole degrees only. -55..125
This library supports only one DS18B20 per Arduino/ MCU pin.
// /---+
// / o | 1 GND
// | o | 2 DATA
// \ o | 3 VCC
// \---+
Connect a pull-up resistor 4.7 KOhm between pin3 and pin2. When the wires are longer this resistor needs to be smaller.
Check examples.
Miles Burton who originally developed the Arduino Temperature Control Library. and all people who contributed to that lib.