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# Distancetable
Arduino library to store a symmetrical distance table in less memory.
## Description
The DistanceTable library is a class that stores a symmetrical distance table
which is typically N x N entries in less memory space.
It uses (N x (N-1))/2 ("in a triangle") as an euclidean distance table is
symmetrical around its main diagonal.
Furthermore as the main diagonal are all zero it does not need to be stored either.
An ATMEL328 (Arduino) can store a 30 x 30 matrix = 900 floats in 1740 bytes,
where it typically would take 900 x 4 = 3600 bytes.
Within the 2K RAM of an Arduino one could store normally a 21 x 21 matrix (1764 bytes).
## Interface
- **DistanceTable(uint8_t size, float value = 0.0)** Constructor, allocates memory and sets initial value to all elements.
- **~DistanceTable();** Destructor, frees memory
- **void clear()** sets all entries to 0.0.
- **void setAll(float value)** sets all entries to value;
- **void set(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, float value )** sets a value for (x,y) and automatically for (y, x)
- **float get(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)** gets a value from (x,y). If x == y it will return 0.
- **float minimum(uint8_t &x, uint8_t &y)** Returns minimum and first occurrence in x and y. It does skip x == y pairs as these are 0.
- **float maximum(uint8_t &x, uint8_t &y)** Returns maximum and first occurrence in x and y. It does skip x == y pairs as these are 0.
- **uint16_t count(value, epsilon)** counts the number of occurrences of value. As we are comparing floats the epsilon can set a margin for 'almost equal'.
### Debug
- **void dump(Print \* stream = &Serial)** dumps distance table , default to serial.
- **uint8_t dimension()** dimension of the table == parameter in constructor.
- **uint16_t elements()** amount of elements allocated.
- **uint16_t memoryUsed()** amount of memory used.
## Future
- **clear()** could set all to NAN? is that better as it indicates unknown?
setAll() let the user decide.
Note: table can be used for other symmetrical 2D tables.
And therefore include negative values.
## Operational
See examples.