2023-08-09 11:57:53 +02:00

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Arduino library for M5 8ANGLE 8x12 bit potentiometers.
## Description
M5ANGLE8 is an Arduino class to read the potentiometers of the M5 8ANGLE module.
It also provides means to write RGB values to the 9 LED's in the same module.
The potentiometers can be read with 8 bit (faster) or 12 bit.
Derived from these two resolutions this library also supports resolutions from 1 to 12 bit.
So the range can be chosen to match your application.
Furthermore the library can reverse the range from 0..n => n..0.
The library has a wrapper function **selectionRead(channel, steps)** around the analogRead
to make a selection between 0..steps-1.
The library can read the state of the mini switch.
The library can set the RGB value and brightness of the 9 LEDS.
First tests are done and the library looks stable now.
Missing is an interrupt signal e.g. on change.
One has to poll all channels for changes which is not efficient.
A single byte register that showed change since last read would allow to monitor
all 8 potentiometers in one call.
Feedback is welcome!
#### I2C
The address range is in theory from 0..127, however the I2C specification
states it should be between 8 and 119 as some addresses are reserved.
The default address is **0x43** or **67**.
| clock | works | notes |
| 100 KHz | yes |
| 200 KHz | yes |
| 400 KHz | yes | max speed advised
| 600 KHz | no |
See log file performance sketch.
#### Accuracy
The potentiometers in my test setup were quite stable and have little noise.
At 12 bit resolution I got most of the time 2 bits or less noise.
The angle of 280° for 4095 values is 14~15 steps per degree,
that makes it pretty difficult to set a value exactly.
The update performance of LEDs looks stable up to 40x per second in total.
Beyond that frequency some blocking effects occur.
Roughly determined with led_demo.
#### Related
- https://github.com/RobTillaart/GAMMA
- https://github.com/RobTillaart/map2colour
- https://github.com/RobTillaart/M5Angle8
- https://github.com/RobTillaart/M5ROTATE8
## Interface
#include "M5ANGLE8.h"
#### Constructor part
- **M5ANGLE8(uint8_t address = M5ANGLE8_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, TwoWire \*wire = &Wire)** constructor.
Default address = 0x43, default Wire.
- **bool begin(int sda, int scl)** ESP32 et al.
- **bool begin()** initialize I2C, check if connected.
- **bool isConnected()** checks if address is on the I2C bus.
- **bool setAddress(uint8_t address = M5ANGLE8_DEFAULT_ADDRESS)** set a new address for the device.
Default 0x43.
- **uint8_t getAddress()** convenience function.
- **uint8_t getVersion()** get firmware version from device.
#### Analog part
- **uint16_t analogRead(uint8_t channel, uint8_t resolution = 12)**
Read a potentiometer, resolution can be set from 1..12 bit, constrained.
- **void setReverse(bool reverse)** reverse the range of the potentiometers.
Default is false == 0..n (true == n..0) - think right turn.
- **bool getReverse()** get the current setting.
- **uint16_t selectorRead(uint8_t channel, uint8_t steps)** maps the analogRead upon 0..steps-1 steps.
#### Input switch part
- **uint8_t inputSwitch()** read status of the switch.
#### LED part
- **bool writeRGB(uint8_t channel, uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B, uint8_t brightness)**
Set the RGB value and brightness of a specific LED.
channel = 0..8
brightness - 0..100
- **bool setAll(uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B, uint8_t brightness)** set all LEDS.
- **bool allOff()** switch all LEDs off.
Returns true.
## Future
#### Must
- improve documentation
- keep in sync with **M5ROTATE8** where possible.
#### Should
- error handling
- **bool writeBrightness(channel)**
- **bool readRGB(channel, &R, &G, &B, &brightness)**
- or **uint32_t readRGB(uint8_t channel)**
- improve on return values of functions.
- improve performance
- faster **allOff()** writing 2x 16 bytes dedicated.
- read all analog ports in one call. (array of values).
- investigate address changes
#### Could
- add examples
- complex wave generator (freq, p0..p6 7 harmonics)
- digital lock - 4096^8 possibilities in theory. 256^8 = 2^64 is enough...
even 8^8 = 16 million.
switch => verify trigger
- dynamic "multi-mapping", set 8 points to match a curve.
- equalizer 2x4 band (stereo)
- LED colour mapping green -> yellow -> red.
- investigate pulsating LED, how much performance costs?
- investigate "optimal" polling frequency
- add unit tests
#### Wont (unless)
- write separate colour channels?
- caching?
- version (not interesting),
- RGB values = 32 bytes