2021-12-13 20:51:57 +01:00

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# AverageAngle
Arduino library to calculate correctly the average of multiple angles.
## Description
AverageAngle is an class to calculate the average of angles.
This is especially useful when angles are around 0 degrees,
e.g. from a compass sensor or the resultant of a track.
Example, the average angle of 359 and 1 is 0, not 179 (most of the time)
Furthermore the AverageAngle can also include the **length (weight)** of the angle as if it is a vector.
Default this length is set to 1 so all angles are by default of equal weight.
Example: The average angle of 359 (length = 2) and 1 (length = 1) is 359.something not zero.
See also **runningAngle** class.
## Interface
- **enum AngleType { DEGREES, RADIANS, GRADIANS } ** idem. 100 GRADIANS == 90 DEGREES.
- **AverageAngle(AngleType type = DEGREES)** constructor defaults to degrees.
- **uint32_t add(float alpha, float length = 1.0)** add a new angle, optional with length.
**add()** returns the number of elements (count).
- **void reset()** clears internal buffers.
- **uint32_t count()** the amount of angles added.
- **float getAverage() ** returns the average.
- **float getTotalLength() ** the length of the resulting 'angle' when we see them as vectors.
- **float getAverageLength()** returns the average length of the angles added.
- **AngleType type()** returns DEGREES = 0, RADIANS = 1 or GRADIANS = 2.
- **void setType(AngleType type)** changes type DEGREES, RADIANS or GRADIANS.
## Gradians
Gradians a.k.a. gon, is a less often used unit for angles.
There are 100 gradians in a right angle. A full circle = 400 gradians.
## Operation
If you want to average 5 compass readings you can just add the angles and
do not use the length parameter.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
delay(100); // e.g. compass read needs some time
If you want to average a track, e.g. 5 steps North, 3 steps west etc,
you need to include the length of each step.
AA.add(90, 5); // 5 steps north
AA.add(180, 3); // 3 steps west
## Future
- Improve documentation.
- check if other units exist to support.