2022-07-13 15:46:33 +02:00

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Arduino CI JSON check Arduino-lint License: MIT GitHub release


Arduino library for the SHT2x, HTU2x and Si70xx temperature and humidity sensors.


This library is not tested extensively yet. It should work for SHT20, SHT21 and SHT25 but these are not tested yet. The SHT2x family of sensors should work up to 400 KHz I2C.

Furthermore there are a number of compatible sensors, these are not tested either.

Accuracy table

Sensor Temperature Humidity Notes
SHT20 ~0.3 ±3.0
SHT21 ~0.3 ±3.0
SHT25 ~0.3 ±1.8
HTU20 to-do
HTU21 to-do
Si7013 to-do
Si7020 to-do
Si7021 to-do

All sensors in this family of sensors have address 0x40 (64 decimal). If you want to use more on one I2C bus one needs either an I2C multiplexer or one should switch sensors on/off like the select in SPI communication.



All classes below are derived from SHT2x class.

  • SHT2x() constructor base class.
  • SHT20() constructor.
  • SHT21() constructor.
  • SHT25() constructor.
  • HTU20() constructor.
  • HTU21() constructor.
  • Si7013() constructor.
  • Si7020() constructor.
  • Si7021() constructor.

Base interface

  • bool begin(int dataPin, int clockPin) begin function for ESP8266 & ESP32; returns false if device address is incorrect or device cannot be reset.
  • bool begin(TwoWire *wire = &Wire) optional set the wire interface for platforms with multiple I2C buses. begin() calls reset() which can take up to 15 ms.
  • bool read() Reads both the temperature and humidity.
    Initial release has a blocking delay.
  • bool isConnected() check if sensor is reachable over I2C. Returns false if not connected.
  • uint16_t getStatus() returns a 2 bit status. See Status fields below.
  • uint32_t lastRead() in milliSeconds since start of program.
  • bool reset() resets the sensor, soft reset, no hard reset supported.
  • float getHumidity() computes the relative humidity in % based off the latest raw reading, and returns it.
  • float getTemperature() computes the temperature in °C based off the latest raw reading, and returns it.
  • uint16_t getRawHumidity() returns the raw two-byte representation of humidity directly from the sensor.
  • uint16_t getRawTemperature() returns the raw two-byte representation of temperature directly from the sensor.

Note that the temperature and humidity values are recalculated on every call to getHumidity() and getTemperature(). If you're worried about the extra cycles, you should make sure to cache these values or only request them after you've performed a new read().

Note: The raw temperature and raw humidity are ideal to minimize storage or to minimize communication.

Error interface

  • int getError() returns last set error flag and clear it. Be sure to clear the error flag by calling getError() before calling any command as the error flag could be from a previous command.
Value Symbolic Description Notes
0x00 SHT2x_OK no error
0x81 SHT2x_ERR_WRITECMD I2C write failed
0x82 SHT2x_ERR_READBYTES I2C read failed
0x83 SHT2x_ERR_HEATER_OFF Could not switch off heater
0x84 SHT2x_ERR_NOT_CONNECT Could not connect
0x85 SHT2x_ERR_CRC_TEMP CRC error in temperature
0x86 SHT2x_ERR_CRC_HUM CRC error in humidity
0x87 SHT2x_ERR_CRC_STATUS CRC error in status field not used
0x88 SHT2x_ERR_HEATER_COOLDOWN Heater need to cool down
0x88 SHT2x_ERR_HEATER_ON Could not switch on heater

Note: the HTU20 / HTU21 classes share the same error codes.

Heater interface

WARNING: Do not use heater for long periods.
Datasheet SHT2x does not mention max time so the maximum time of the SHT3x series is assumed here.

Use the heater for max 180 seconds, and let it cool down 180 seconds = 3 minutes. THe library guards the cool down time by preventing switching the heater on within 180 seconds of the last switch off. Note: this guarding is not reboot persistent.

WARNING: The user is responsible to switch the heater off manually!

The class does NOT do this automatically.
Switch off the heater by directly calling heatOff() or indirectly by calling isHeaterOn().

  • void setHeatTimeout(uint8_t seconds) Set the time out of the heat cycle. This value is truncated to max 180 seconds.
  • uint8_t getHeatTimeout() returns the value set.
  • bool heatOn() switches heat cycle on if not already on. Returns false if fails, setting error to SHT2x_ERR_HEATER_COOLDOWN or to SHT2x_ERR_HEATER_ON.
  • bool heatOff() switches heat cycle off. Returns false if fails, setting error to SHT2x_ERR_HEATER_OFF.
  • bool isHeaterOn() is the sensor still in heating cycle?

Electronic ID

To be tested.

  • uint32_t getEIDA() returns unique ID part A.
  • uint32_t getEIDB() returns unique ID part B.
  • uint8_t getFirmwareVersion() returns firmware version.

Status fields

From HTU20 datasheet

bits value meaning
00 0 open circuit
01 1 temperature reading
10 2 humidity reading
11 3 closed circuit


Warning experimental

  • needs more testing as results are not in line with the datasheet.

  • only tested on a HTUxx sensor.

  • tested with SHT2X_resolution.ino

  • void setResolution(uint8_t res) res = 0..3, other values return false.

  • uint8_t getResolution() returns resolution set 0..3.

Datasheet SHT20 Table 8: (resolution)

RES Humidity Temperature
0 12 bit 14 bit
1 08 bit 12 bit
2 10 bit 13 bit
3 11 bit 11 bit

Datasheet SHT20 Table 7: (timing) and results of real measurements. ( )

0 29 85 114 116
1 4 22 26 113
2 9 43 52 084
3 15 11 26 102

Timing in milliseconds.


  • bool batteryOK() returns true if VCC > 2.5 Volts.


  • test test test
    • get hardware
  • investigate resolution anomalies
  • improve documentation
  • fix TODO in code (.cpp and .h)
  • add examples
    • test resolutions
    • performance different resolutions
    • test battery
  • update unit tests


  • add crc8 check (need sensor)
  • improve error handling (all code paths)
  • investigate blocking delay() in read
    • ASYNC NO HOLD call to read T or H
    • void requestTemperature() ==> void readTemperature()
    • void requestHumidity() ==> void readHumidity()


  • add getSerialNumber() getEIDA() and getEIDB() covers this