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2022-02-27 12:06:47 +01:00
#pragma once
// FILE: GST.h
// VERSION: 0.1.0
// PURPOSE: Arduino library for Gold Standard Test metrics
// URL: https://github.com/RobTillaart/GST
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitivity_and_specificity
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confusion_matrix
// formula's based upon wikipedia.
#define GST_LIB_VERSION (F("0.1.0"))
class GST
GST() {};
// These 4 need to be filled in.
void setTruePositive(float v) { TP = v; P = TP + FN; };
void setTrueNegative(float v) { TN = v; N = TN + FP; };
void setFalsePositive(float v) { FP = v; N = TN + FP; };
void setFalseNegative(float v) { FN = v; P = TP + FN; };
float getTruePositive() { return TP; };
float getTrueNegative() { return TN; };
float getFalsePositive() { return FP; };
float getFalseNegative() { return FN; };
float getTotal() { return P + N; };
float getActualPositive() { return P; };
float getActualNegative() { return N; };
float getTestedPositive() { return TP + FP; };
float getTestedNegative() { return TN + FN; };
float sensitivity() { return TPR(); };
float specificity() { return TNR(); };
// true positive rate
float TPR() { return TP / P; };
// true negative rate
float TNR() { return TN / N; };
// false negative rate
float FNR() { return FN / (FN + TP); };
// false positive rate
float FPR() { return FP / (FP + TN); };
// positive predictive value
float PPV() { return TP / (TP + FP); };
// negative predictive value
float NPV() { return TN / (TN + FN); };
// false discovery rate
float FDR() { return FP / (FP + TP); };
// false omission rate
float FOR() { return FN / (FN + TN); };
// positive likelihood ratio
float LRplus() { return TPR() / FPR(); };
// negative likelihood ratio
float LRminus() { return FNR() / TNR(); };
float prevalenceThreshold() { return sqrt(FPR()) / (sqrt(TPR()) + sqrt(FPR())); };
float threatScore() { return TP / (TP + FN + FP); };
float criticalSuccessIndex() { return threatScore(); };
float prevalence() { return P / (P + N); };
float accuracy() { return (TP + TN) / (P + N); };
float balancedAccuracy() { return (TPR() + TNR()) / 2; };
float F1Score() { return (2 * TP)/(2 * TP + FP + FN); };
// Matthews correlation coefficient
float MCC() { return (TP*TN-FP*FN)/sqrt((TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN)); };
float phi() { return MCC(); };
// FowlkesMallows index
float FM() { return sqrt(PPV()*TPR()); };
// Bookmaker informedness
float BM() { return TPR() + TNR() - 1; };
// markedness
float MK() { return PPV() + NPV() - 1; };
float deltaP() { return MK(); };
// diagnostic odds ratio
float DOR() { return LRplus() / LRminus(); };
float P = 0;
float N = 0;
float TP = 0;
float TN = 0;
float FP = 0;
float FN = 0;
// -- END OF FILE --