Alexandre B c4158aee6f libs
2024-02-18 23:16:44 -05:00

12 KiB

API Reference

Header files

File include/led_strip.h


Type Name
esp_err_t led_strip_clear (led_strip_handle_t strip)
Clear LED strip (turn off all LEDs)
esp_err_t led_strip_del (led_strip_handle_t strip)
Free LED strip resources.
esp_err_t led_strip_refresh (led_strip_handle_t strip)
Refresh memory colors to LEDs.
esp_err_t led_strip_set_pixel (led_strip_handle_t strip, uint32_t index, uint32_t red, uint32_t green, uint32_t blue)
Set RGB for a specific pixel.
esp_err_t led_strip_set_pixel_hsv (led_strip_handle_t strip, uint32_t index, uint16_t hue, uint8_t saturation, uint8_t value)
Set HSV for a specific pixel.
esp_err_t led_strip_set_pixel_rgbw (led_strip_handle_t strip, uint32_t index, uint32_t red, uint32_t green, uint32_t blue, uint32_t white)
Set RGBW for a specific pixel.

Functions Documentation

function led_strip_clear

Clear LED strip (turn off all LEDs)

esp_err_t led_strip_clear (
    led_strip_handle_t strip


  • strip LED strip


  • ESP_OK: Clear LEDs successfully
  • ESP_FAIL: Clear LEDs failed because some other error occurred

function led_strip_del

Free LED strip resources.

esp_err_t led_strip_del (
    led_strip_handle_t strip


  • strip LED strip


  • ESP_OK: Free resources successfully
  • ESP_FAIL: Free resources failed because error occurred

function led_strip_refresh

Refresh memory colors to LEDs.

esp_err_t led_strip_refresh (
    led_strip_handle_t strip


  • strip LED strip


  • ESP_OK: Refresh successfully
  • ESP_FAIL: Refresh failed because some other error occurred

After updating the LED colors in the memory, a following invocation of this API is needed to flush colors to strip.

function led_strip_set_pixel

Set RGB for a specific pixel.

esp_err_t led_strip_set_pixel (
    led_strip_handle_t strip,
    uint32_t index,
    uint32_t red,
    uint32_t green,
    uint32_t blue


  • strip LED strip
  • index index of pixel to set
  • red red part of color
  • green green part of color
  • blue blue part of color


  • ESP_OK: Set RGB for a specific pixel successfully
  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Set RGB for a specific pixel failed because of invalid parameters
  • ESP_FAIL: Set RGB for a specific pixel failed because other error occurred

function led_strip_set_pixel_hsv

Set HSV for a specific pixel.

esp_err_t led_strip_set_pixel_hsv (
    led_strip_handle_t strip,
    uint32_t index,
    uint16_t hue,
    uint8_t saturation,
    uint8_t value


  • strip LED strip
  • index index of pixel to set
  • hue hue part of color (0 - 360)
  • saturation saturation part of color (0 - 255)
  • value value part of color (0 - 255)


  • ESP_OK: Set HSV color for a specific pixel successfully
  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Set HSV color for a specific pixel failed because of an invalid argument
  • ESP_FAIL: Set HSV color for a specific pixel failed because other error occurred

function led_strip_set_pixel_rgbw

Set RGBW for a specific pixel.

esp_err_t led_strip_set_pixel_rgbw (
    led_strip_handle_t strip,
    uint32_t index,
    uint32_t red,
    uint32_t green,
    uint32_t blue,
    uint32_t white


Only call this function if your led strip does have the white component (e.g. SK6812-RGBW)


Also see led_strip_set_pixel if you only want to specify the RGB part of the color and bypass the white component


  • strip LED strip
  • index index of pixel to set
  • red red part of color
  • green green part of color
  • blue blue part of color
  • white separate white component


  • ESP_OK: Set RGBW color for a specific pixel successfully
  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Set RGBW color for a specific pixel failed because of an invalid argument
  • ESP_FAIL: Set RGBW color for a specific pixel failed because other error occurred

File include/led_strip_rmt.h

Structures and Types

Type Name
struct led_strip_rmt_config_t
LED Strip RMT specific configuration.


Type Name
esp_err_t led_strip_new_rmt_device (const led_strip_config_t *led_config, const led_strip_rmt_config_t *rmt_config, led_strip_handle_t *ret_strip)
Create LED strip based on RMT TX channel.

Structures and Types Documentation

struct led_strip_rmt_config_t

LED Strip RMT specific configuration.


  • rmt_clock_source_t clk_src
    RMT clock source

  • struct led_strip_rmt_config_t flags
    Extra driver flags

  • size_t mem_block_symbols
    How many RMT symbols can one RMT channel hold at one time. Set to 0 will fallback to use the default size.

  • uint32_t resolution_hz
    RMT tick resolution, if set to zero, a default resolution (10MHz) will be applied

  • uint32_t with_dma
    Use DMA to transmit data

Functions Documentation

function led_strip_new_rmt_device

Create LED strip based on RMT TX channel.

esp_err_t led_strip_new_rmt_device (
    const led_strip_config_t *led_config,
    const led_strip_rmt_config_t *rmt_config,
    led_strip_handle_t *ret_strip


  • led_config LED strip configuration
  • rmt_config RMT specific configuration
  • ret_strip Returned LED strip handle


  • ESP_OK: create LED strip handle successfully
  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: create LED strip handle failed because of invalid argument
  • ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: create LED strip handle failed because of out of memory
  • ESP_FAIL: create LED strip handle failed because some other error

File include/led_strip_spi.h

Structures and Types

Type Name
struct led_strip_spi_config_t
LED Strip SPI specific configuration.


Type Name
esp_err_t led_strip_new_spi_device (const led_strip_config_t *led_config, const led_strip_spi_config_t *spi_config, led_strip_handle_t *ret_strip)
Create LED strip based on SPI MOSI channel.

Structures and Types Documentation

struct led_strip_spi_config_t

LED Strip SPI specific configuration.


  • spi_clock_source_t clk_src
    SPI clock source

  • struct led_strip_spi_config_t flags
    Extra driver flags

  • spi_host_device_t spi_bus
    SPI bus ID. Which buses are available depends on the specific chip

  • uint32_t with_dma
    Use DMA to transmit data

Functions Documentation

function led_strip_new_spi_device

Create LED strip based on SPI MOSI channel.

esp_err_t led_strip_new_spi_device (
    const led_strip_config_t *led_config,
    const led_strip_spi_config_t *spi_config,
    led_strip_handle_t *ret_strip


Although only the MOSI line is used for generating the signal, the whole SPI bus can't be used for other purposes.


  • led_config LED strip configuration
  • spi_config SPI specific configuration
  • ret_strip Returned LED strip handle


  • ESP_OK: create LED strip handle successfully
  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: create LED strip handle failed because of invalid argument
  • ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: create LED strip handle failed because of unsupported configuration
  • ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: create LED strip handle failed because of out of memory
  • ESP_FAIL: create LED strip handle failed because some other error

File include/led_strip_types.h

Structures and Types

Type Name
enum led_model_t
LED strip model.
enum led_pixel_format_t
LED strip pixel format.
struct led_strip_config_t
LED Strip Configuration.
typedef struct led_strip_t * led_strip_handle_t
LED strip handle.

Structures and Types Documentation

enum led_model_t

LED strip model.

enum led_model_t {


Different led model may have different timing parameters, so we need to distinguish them.

enum led_pixel_format_t

LED strip pixel format.

enum led_pixel_format_t {

struct led_strip_config_t

LED Strip Configuration.


  • struct led_strip_config_t flags
    Extra driver flags

  • uint32_t invert_out
    Invert output signal

  • led_model_t led_model
    LED model

  • led_pixel_format_t led_pixel_format
    LED pixel format

  • uint32_t max_leds
    Maximum LEDs in a single strip

  • int strip_gpio_num
    GPIO number that used by LED strip

typedef led_strip_handle_t

LED strip handle.

typedef struct led_strip_t* led_strip_handle_t;

File interface/led_strip_interface.h

Structures and Types

Type Name
struct led_strip_t
LED strip interface definition.
typedef struct led_strip_t led_strip_t

Structures and Types Documentation

struct led_strip_t

LED strip interface definition.


  • esp_err_t(* clear
    Clear LED strip (turn off all LEDs)

  • strip LED strip

  • timeout_ms timeout value for clearing task


  • ESP_OK: Clear LEDs successfully

  • ESP_FAIL: Clear LEDs failed because some other error occurred

  • esp_err_t(* del
    Free LED strip resources.

  • strip LED strip


  • ESP_OK: Free resources successfully

  • ESP_FAIL: Free resources failed because error occurred

  • esp_err_t(* refresh
    Refresh memory colors to LEDs.

  • strip LED strip

  • timeout_ms timeout value for refreshing task


  • ESP_OK: Refresh successfully
  • ESP_FAIL: Refresh failed because some other error occurred

After updating the LED colors in the memory, a following invocation of this API is needed to flush colors to strip.

  • esp_err_t(* set_pixel
    Set RGB for a specific pixel.

  • strip LED strip

  • index index of pixel to set

  • red red part of color

  • green green part of color

  • blue blue part of color


  • ESP_OK: Set RGB for a specific pixel successfully

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Set RGB for a specific pixel failed because of invalid parameters

  • ESP_FAIL: Set RGB for a specific pixel failed because other error occurred

  • esp_err_t(* set_pixel_rgbw
    Set RGBW for a specific pixel. Similar to set_pixelbut also set the white component.

  • strip LED strip

  • index index of pixel to set

  • red red part of color

  • green green part of color

  • blue blue part of color

  • white separate white component


  • ESP_OK: Set RGBW color for a specific pixel successfully
  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Set RGBW color for a specific pixel failed because of an invalid argument
  • ESP_FAIL: Set RGBW color for a specific pixel failed because other error occurred

typedef led_strip_t

typedef struct led_strip_t led_strip_t;

Type of LED strip