Darian Leung 854127a57c usb: USB Host stack uses USB PHY driver
This commit updates the USB Host stack to use the USB PHY driver. The
USB PHY and the OTG Controller should now both be setup/deleted using
usb_new_phy() and usb_del_phy() respectively.

- The hcd_install() now expects the USB PHY and OTG Contorller to be
    already setup before it is called
- usb_host_install() now has an option to skip calling usb_del_phy() if
    the user wants to setup their own USB PHY (e.g., in the case of using
    and external PHY).
- CDC-ACM and MSC examples/test updated to use internal PHY

2022-01-06 15:09:39 +08:00

195 lines
9.2 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "unity.h"
#include "test_utils.h"
#include "test_usb_mock_classes.h"
#include "test_usb_common.h"
#include "test_hcd_common.h"
#define NUM_URBS 3
Test HCD ISOC pipe URBs
- Test that an isochronous pipe can be created
- URBs can be created and enqueued to the isoc pipe pipe
- isoc pipe returns HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE for completed URBs
- Test utilizes ISOC OUT transfers and do not require ACKs. So the isoc pipe will target a non existing endpoint
- Setup HCD and wait for connection
- Allocate default pipe and enumerate the device
- Allocate an isochronous pipe and multiple URBs. Each URB should contain multiple packets to test HCD's ability to
schedule an URB across multiple intervals.
- Enqueue those URBs
- Expect HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE for each URB. Verify that data is correct using logic analyzer
- Deallocate URBs
- Teardown
TEST_CASE("Test HCD isochronous pipe URBs", "[hcd][ignore]")
hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl = test_hcd_setup(); //Setup the HCD and port
usb_speed_t port_speed = test_hcd_wait_for_conn(port_hdl); //Trigger a connection
//The MPS of the ISOC OUT pipe is quite large, so we need to bias the FIFO sizing
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, hcd_port_set_fifo_bias(port_hdl, HCD_PORT_FIFO_BIAS_PTX));
vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); //Short delay send of SOF (for FS) or EOPs (for LS)
//Enumerate and reset device
hcd_pipe_handle_t default_pipe = test_hcd_pipe_alloc(port_hdl, NULL, 0, port_speed); //Create a default pipe (using a NULL EP descriptor)
uint8_t dev_addr = test_hcd_enum_device(default_pipe);
//Create ISOC OUT pipe to non-existent device
hcd_pipe_handle_t isoc_out_pipe = test_hcd_pipe_alloc(port_hdl, &mock_isoc_out_ep_desc, dev_addr + 1, port_speed);
//Create URBs
urb_t *urb_list[NUM_URBS];
//Initialize URBs
for (int urb_idx = 0; urb_idx < NUM_URBS; urb_idx++) {
urb_list[urb_idx] = test_hcd_alloc_urb(NUM_PACKETS_PER_URB, URB_DATA_BUFF_SIZE);
urb_list[urb_idx]->transfer.num_bytes = URB_DATA_BUFF_SIZE;
urb_list[urb_idx]->transfer.context = URB_CONTEXT_VAL;
for (int pkt_idx = 0; pkt_idx < NUM_PACKETS_PER_URB; pkt_idx++) {
urb_list[urb_idx]->transfer.isoc_packet_desc[pkt_idx].num_bytes = ISOC_PACKET_SIZE;
//Each packet will consist of the same byte, but each subsequent packet's byte will increment (i.e., packet 0 transmits all 0x0, packet 1 transmits all 0x1)
memset(&urb_list[urb_idx]->transfer.data_buffer[pkt_idx * ISOC_PACKET_SIZE], (urb_idx * NUM_URBS) + pkt_idx, ISOC_PACKET_SIZE);
//Enqueue URBs
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_URBS; i++) {
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, hcd_urb_enqueue(isoc_out_pipe, urb_list[i]));
//Wait for each done event from each URB
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_URBS; i++) {
test_hcd_expect_pipe_event(isoc_out_pipe, HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE);
//Dequeue URBs
for (int urb_idx = 0; urb_idx < NUM_URBS; urb_idx++) {
urb_t *urb = hcd_urb_dequeue(isoc_out_pipe);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(urb_list[urb_idx], urb);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(URB_CONTEXT_VAL, urb->transfer.context);
//Overall URB status and overall number of bytes
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(URB_DATA_BUFF_SIZE, urb->transfer.actual_num_bytes);
for (int pkt_idx = 0; pkt_idx < NUM_PACKETS_PER_URB; pkt_idx++) {
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_COMPLETED, urb->transfer.isoc_packet_desc[pkt_idx].status);
//Free URB list and pipe
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_URBS; i++) {
test_hcd_wait_for_disconn(port_hdl, false);
Test a port sudden disconnect with an active ISOC pipe
Purpose: Test that when sudden disconnection happens on an HCD port, the ISOC pipe will
- Remain active after the HCD_PORT_EVENT_SUDDEN_DISCONN port event
- ISOC pipe can be halted
- ISOC pipe can be flushed (and transfers status are updated accordingly)
- Setup HCD and wait for connection
- Allocate default pipe and enumerate the device
- Allocate an isochronous pipe and multiple URBs. Each URB should contain multiple packets to test HCD's ability to
schedule an URB across multiple intervals.
- Enqueue those URBs
- Trigger a disconnect after a short delay
- Check that HCD_PORT_EVENT_SUDDEN_DISCONN event is generated. Handle that port event.
- Check that both pipes remain in the HCD_PIPE_STATE_ACTIVE after the port error.
- Check that both pipes pipe can be halted.
- Check that the default pipe can be flushed. A HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE event should be generated for the ISOC pipe
because it had enqueued URBs.
- Check that all URBs can be dequeued and their status is updated
- Free both pipes
- Teardown
TEST_CASE("Test HCD isochronous pipe sudden disconnect", "[hcd][ignore]")
hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl = test_hcd_setup(); //Setup the HCD and port
usb_speed_t port_speed = test_hcd_wait_for_conn(port_hdl); //Trigger a connection
//The MPS of the ISOC OUT pipe is quite large, so we need to bias the FIFO sizing
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, hcd_port_set_fifo_bias(port_hdl, HCD_PORT_FIFO_BIAS_PTX));
vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); //Short delay send of SOF (for FS) or EOPs (for LS)
//Enumerate and reset device
hcd_pipe_handle_t default_pipe = test_hcd_pipe_alloc(port_hdl, NULL, 0, port_speed); //Create a default pipe (using a NULL EP descriptor)
uint8_t dev_addr = test_hcd_enum_device(default_pipe);
//Create ISOC OUT pipe to non-existent device
hcd_pipe_handle_t isoc_out_pipe = test_hcd_pipe_alloc(port_hdl, &mock_isoc_out_ep_desc, dev_addr + 1, port_speed);
//Create URBs
urb_t *urb_list[NUM_URBS];
//Initialize URBs
for (int urb_idx = 0; urb_idx < NUM_URBS; urb_idx++) {
urb_list[urb_idx] = test_hcd_alloc_urb(NUM_PACKETS_PER_URB, URB_DATA_BUFF_SIZE);
urb_list[urb_idx]->transfer.num_bytes = URB_DATA_BUFF_SIZE;
urb_list[urb_idx]->transfer.context = URB_CONTEXT_VAL;
for (int pkt_idx = 0; pkt_idx < NUM_PACKETS_PER_URB; pkt_idx++) {
urb_list[urb_idx]->transfer.isoc_packet_desc[pkt_idx].num_bytes = ISOC_PACKET_SIZE;
//Each packet will consist of the same byte, but each subsequent packet's byte will increment (i.e., packet 0 transmits all 0x0, packet 1 transmits all 0x1)
memset(&urb_list[urb_idx]->transfer.data_buffer[pkt_idx * ISOC_PACKET_SIZE], (urb_idx * NUM_URBS) + pkt_idx, ISOC_PACKET_SIZE);
//Enqueue URBs
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_URBS; i++) {
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, hcd_urb_enqueue(isoc_out_pipe, urb_list[i]));
//Add a short delay to let the transfers run for a bit
test_usb_set_phy_state(false, 0);
//Disconnect event should have occurred. Handle the port event
test_hcd_expect_port_event(port_hdl, HCD_PORT_EVENT_DISCONNECTION);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(HCD_PORT_EVENT_DISCONNECTION, hcd_port_handle_event(port_hdl));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(HCD_PORT_STATE_RECOVERY, hcd_port_get_state(port_hdl));
printf("Sudden disconnect\n");
//Both pipes should still be active
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(HCD_PIPE_STATE_ACTIVE, hcd_pipe_get_state(default_pipe));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(HCD_PIPE_STATE_ACTIVE, hcd_pipe_get_state(isoc_out_pipe));
//Halt both pipes
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, hcd_pipe_command(default_pipe, HCD_PIPE_CMD_HALT));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, hcd_pipe_command(isoc_out_pipe, HCD_PIPE_CMD_HALT));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED, hcd_pipe_get_state(default_pipe));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(HCD_PIPE_STATE_HALTED, hcd_pipe_get_state(isoc_out_pipe));
//Flush both pipes. ISOC pipe should return completed URBs
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, hcd_pipe_command(default_pipe, HCD_PIPE_CMD_FLUSH));
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, hcd_pipe_command(isoc_out_pipe, HCD_PIPE_CMD_FLUSH));
//Dequeue ISOC URBs
for (int urb_idx = 0; urb_idx < NUM_URBS; urb_idx++) {
urb_t *urb = hcd_urb_dequeue(isoc_out_pipe);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(urb_list[urb_idx], urb);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(URB_CONTEXT_VAL, urb->transfer.context);
//The URB has either completed entirely or is marked as no_device
TEST_ASSERT(urb->transfer.status == USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_COMPLETED || urb->transfer.status == USB_TRANSFER_STATUS_NO_DEVICE);
//Free URB list and pipe
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_URBS; i++) {