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synced 2024-10-05 20:47:46 -04:00
use CI dependencies could waste a lot bandwidth for target test jobs, as example binary artifacts are very large. Now we will parse required artifacts first, then use API to download required files in artifacts.
384 lines
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384 lines
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# Copyright 2015-2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http:#www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""" IDF Test Applications """
import subprocess
import os
import json
from tiny_test_fw import App
from . import CIAssignExampleTest
import gitlab_api
except ImportError:
gitlab_api = None
def parse_flash_settings(path):
file_name = os.path.basename(path)
if file_name == "flasher_args.json":
# CMake version using build metadata file
with open(path, "r") as f:
args = json.load(f)
flash_files = [(offs, binary) for (offs, binary) in args["flash_files"].items() if offs != ""]
flash_settings = args["flash_settings"]
app_name = os.path.splitext(args["app"]["file"])[0]
# GNU Make version uses download.config arguments file
with open(path, "r") as f:
args = f.readlines()[-1].split(" ")
flash_files = []
flash_settings = {}
for idx in range(0, len(args), 2): # process arguments in pairs
if args[idx].startswith("--"):
# strip the -- from the command line argument
flash_settings[args[idx][2:]] = args[idx + 1]
# offs, filename
flash_files.append((args[idx], args[idx + 1]))
# we can only guess app name in download.config.
for p in flash_files:
if not os.path.dirname(p[1]) and "partition" not in p[1]:
# app bin usually in the same dir with download.config and it's not partition table
app_name = os.path.splitext(p[1])[0]
app_name = None
return flash_files, flash_settings, app_name
class Artifacts(object):
def __init__(self, dest_root_path, artifact_index_file, app_path, config_name, target):
assert gitlab_api
# at least one of app_path or config_name is not None. otherwise we can't match artifact
assert app_path or config_name
assert os.path.exists(artifact_index_file)
self.gitlab_inst = gitlab_api.Gitlab(os.getenv("CI_PROJECT_ID"))
self.dest_root_path = dest_root_path
with open(artifact_index_file, "r") as f:
artifact_index = json.load(f)
self.artifact_info = self._find_artifact(artifact_index, app_path, config_name, target)
def _find_artifact(artifact_index, app_path, config_name, target):
for artifact_info in artifact_index:
match_result = True
if app_path:
match_result = app_path in artifact_info["app_dir"]
if config_name:
match_result = match_result and config_name == artifact_info["config"]
if target:
match_result = match_result and target == artifact_info["target"]
if match_result:
ret = artifact_info
ret = None
return ret
def download_artifacts(self):
if self.artifact_info:
base_path = os.path.join(self.artifact_info["work_dir"], self.artifact_info["build_dir"])
job_id = self.artifact_info["ci_job_id"]
# 1. download flash args file
if self.artifact_info["build_system"] == "cmake":
flash_arg_file = os.path.join(base_path, "flasher_args.json")
flash_arg_file = os.path.join(base_path, "download.config")
self.gitlab_inst.download_artifact(job_id, [flash_arg_file], self.dest_root_path)
# 2. download all binary files
flash_files, flash_settings, app_name = parse_flash_settings(os.path.join(self.dest_root_path,
artifact_files = [os.path.join(base_path, p[1]) for p in flash_files]
artifact_files.append(os.path.join(base_path, app_name + ".elf"))
self.gitlab_inst.download_artifact(job_id, artifact_files, self.dest_root_path)
# 3. download sdkconfig file
self.gitlab_inst.download_artifact(job_id, [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base_path), "sdkconfig")],
base_path = None
return base_path
def download_artifact_files(self, file_names):
if self.artifact_info:
base_path = os.path.join(self.artifact_info["work_dir"], self.artifact_info["build_dir"])
job_id = self.artifact_info["ci_job_id"]
# download all binary files
artifact_files = [os.path.join(base_path, fn) for fn in file_names]
self.gitlab_inst.download_artifact(job_id, artifact_files, self.dest_root_path)
# download sdkconfig file
self.gitlab_inst.download_artifact(job_id, [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base_path), "sdkconfig")],
base_path = None
return base_path
class IDFApp(App.BaseApp):
Implements common esp-idf application behavior.
idf applications should inherent from this class and overwrite method get_binary_path.
IDF_DOWNLOAD_CONFIG_FILE = "download.config"
IDF_FLASH_ARGS_FILE = "flasher_args.json"
def __init__(self, app_path, config_name=None, target=None):
super(IDFApp, self).__init__(app_path)
self.config_name = config_name
self.target = target
self.idf_path = self.get_sdk_path()
self.binary_path = self.get_binary_path(app_path, config_name, target)
self.elf_file = self._get_elf_file_path(self.binary_path)
assert os.path.exists(self.binary_path)
if self.IDF_DOWNLOAD_CONFIG_FILE not in os.listdir(self.binary_path):
if self.IDF_FLASH_ARGS_FILE not in os.listdir(self.binary_path):
msg = ("Neither {} nor {} exists. "
"Try to run 'make print_flash_cmd | tail -n 1 > {}/{}' "
"or 'idf.py build' "
"for resolving the issue."
self.binary_path, self.IDF_DOWNLOAD_CONFIG_FILE)
raise AssertionError(msg)
self.flash_files, self.flash_settings = self._parse_flash_download_config()
self.partition_table = self._parse_partition_table()
def get_sdk_path(cls):
# type: () -> str
idf_path = os.getenv("IDF_PATH")
assert idf_path
assert os.path.exists(idf_path)
return idf_path
def _get_sdkconfig_paths(self):
returns list of possible paths where sdkconfig could be found
Note: could be overwritten by a derived class to provide other locations or order
return [os.path.join(self.binary_path, "sdkconfig"), os.path.join(self.binary_path, "..", "sdkconfig")]
def get_sdkconfig(self):
reads sdkconfig and returns a dictionary with all configuredvariables
:raise: AssertionError: if sdkconfig file does not exist in defined paths
d = {}
sdkconfig_file = None
for i in self._get_sdkconfig_paths():
if os.path.exists(i):
sdkconfig_file = i
assert sdkconfig_file is not None
with open(sdkconfig_file) as f:
for line in f:
configs = line.split('=')
if len(configs) == 2:
d[configs[0]] = configs[1].rstrip()
return d
def get_binary_path(self, app_path, config_name=None, target=None):
# type: (str, str, str) -> str
get binary path according to input app_path.
subclass must overwrite this method.
:param app_path: path of application
:param config_name: name of the application build config. Will match any config if None
:param target: target name. Will match for target if None
:return: abs app binary path
def _get_elf_file_path(binary_path):
ret = ""
file_names = os.listdir(binary_path)
for fn in file_names:
if os.path.splitext(fn)[1] == ".elf":
ret = os.path.join(binary_path, fn)
return ret
def _parse_flash_download_config(self):
Parse flash download config from build metadata files
Sets self.flash_files, self.flash_settings
(Called from constructor)
Returns (flash_files, flash_settings)
if self.IDF_FLASH_ARGS_FILE in os.listdir(self.binary_path):
# CMake version using build metadata file
path = os.path.join(self.binary_path, self.IDF_FLASH_ARGS_FILE)
# GNU Make version uses download.config arguments file
path = os.path.join(self.binary_path, self.IDF_DOWNLOAD_CONFIG_FILE)
flash_files, flash_settings, app_name = parse_flash_settings(path)
# The build metadata file does not currently have details, which files should be encrypted and which not.
# Assume that all files should be encrypted if flash encryption is enabled in development mode.
sdkconfig_dict = self.get_sdkconfig()
flash_settings["encrypt"] = "CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DEVELOPMENT" in sdkconfig_dict
# make file offsets into integers, make paths absolute
flash_files = [(int(offs, 0), os.path.join(self.binary_path, path.strip())) for (offs, path) in flash_files]
return flash_files, flash_settings
def _parse_partition_table(self):
Parse partition table contents based on app binaries
Returns partition_table data
(Called from constructor)
partition_tool = os.path.join(self.idf_path,
assert os.path.exists(partition_tool)
for (_, path) in self.flash_files:
if "partition" in path:
partition_file = os.path.join(self.binary_path, path)
raise ValueError("No partition table found for IDF binary path: {}".format(self.binary_path))
process = subprocess.Popen(["python", partition_tool, partition_file],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
raw_data = process.stdout.read()
if isinstance(raw_data, bytes):
raw_data = raw_data.decode()
partition_table = dict()
for line in raw_data.splitlines():
if line[0] != "#":
_name, _type, _subtype, _offset, _size, _flags = line.split(",")
if _size[-1] == "K":
_size = int(_size[:-1]) * 1024
elif _size[-1] == "M":
_size = int(_size[:-1]) * 1024 * 1024
_size = int(_size)
except ValueError:
partition_table[_name] = {
"type": _type,
"subtype": _subtype,
"offset": _offset,
"size": _size,
"flags": _flags
return partition_table
class Example(IDFApp):
def _get_sdkconfig_paths(self):
overrides the parent method to provide exact path of sdkconfig for example tests
return [os.path.join(self.binary_path, "..", "sdkconfig")]
def _try_get_binary_from_local_fs(self, app_path, config_name=None, target=None):
# build folder of example path
path = os.path.join(self.idf_path, app_path, "build")
if os.path.exists(path):
return path
if not config_name:
config_name = "default"
# Search for CI build folders.
# Path format: $IDF_PATH/build_examples/app_path_with_underscores/config/target
# (see tools/ci/build_examples_cmake.sh)
# For example: $IDF_PATH/build_examples/examples_get-started_blink/default/esp32
app_path_underscored = app_path.replace(os.path.sep, "_")
example_path = os.path.join(self.idf_path, "build_examples")
for dirpath in os.listdir(example_path):
if os.path.basename(dirpath) == app_path_underscored:
path = os.path.join(example_path, dirpath, config_name, target, "build")
if os.path.exists(path):
return path
return None
def get_binary_path(self, app_path, config_name=None, target=None):
path = self._try_get_binary_from_local_fs(app_path, config_name, target)
if path:
return path
artifacts = Artifacts(self.idf_path, CIAssignExampleTest.ARTIFACT_INDEX_FILE,
app_path, config_name, target)
path = artifacts.download_artifacts()
if path:
return os.path.join(self.idf_path, path)
raise OSError("Failed to find example binary")
class UT(IDFApp):
def get_binary_path(self, app_path, config_name=None, target=None):
if not config_name:
config_name = "default"
path = os.path.join(self.idf_path, app_path)
default_build_path = os.path.join(path, "build")
if os.path.exists(default_build_path):
return path
# first try to get from build folder of unit-test-app
path = os.path.join(self.idf_path, "tools", "unit-test-app", "build")
if os.path.exists(path):
# found, use bin in build path
return path
# ``make ut-build-all-configs`` or ``make ut-build-CONFIG`` will copy binary to output folder
path = os.path.join(self.idf_path, "tools", "unit-test-app", "output", config_name)
if os.path.exists(path):
return path
raise OSError("Failed to get unit-test-app binary path")
class SSC(IDFApp):
def get_binary_path(self, app_path, config_name=None, target=None):
# TODO: to implement SSC get binary path
return app_path
class AT(IDFApp):
def get_binary_path(self, app_path, config_name=None, target=None):
# TODO: to implement AT get binary path
return app_path