Fu Hanxi c8dffc9378
ci: fix collect multi-dut test case with markers issue
While collecting, we stop registering the new plugin.
Otherwise the new created plugin will override the one we passed

also run the tests inside idf. the behavior is different.
2024-01-15 22:36:09 +01:00

318 lines
13 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
import typing as t
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import cached_property
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import pytest
from _pytest.config import ExitCode
from _pytest.main import Session
from _pytest.python import Function
from _pytest.runner import CallInfo
from idf_build_apps import App
from idf_build_apps.constants import BuildStatus
from pytest_embedded import Dut
from pytest_embedded.plugin import parse_multi_dut_args
from pytest_embedded.utils import find_by_suffix
from pytest_embedded.utils import to_list
from pytest_ignore_test_results.ignore_results import ChildCase
from pytest_ignore_test_results.ignore_results import ChildCasesStashKey
from .constants import CollectMode
from .constants import DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG
from .constants import PREVIEW_TARGETS
from .constants import PytestApp
from .constants import PytestCase
from .constants import SUPPORTED_TARGETS
from .utils import comma_sep_str_to_list
from .utils import format_case_id
from .utils import merge_junit_files
IDF_PYTEST_EMBEDDED_KEY = pytest.StashKey['IdfPytestEmbedded']()
ITEM_FAILED_CASES_KEY = pytest.StashKey[list]()
ITEM_FAILED_KEY = pytest.StashKey[bool]()
ITEM_PYTEST_CASE_KEY = pytest.StashKey[PytestCase]()
class IdfPytestEmbedded:
'PASS': 'passed',
'FAIL': 'failed',
'IGNORE': 'skipped',
def __init__(
target: t.Union[t.List[str], str],
single_target_duplicate_mode: bool = False,
apps: t.Optional[t.List[App]] = None,
if isinstance(target, str):
# sequence also matters
self.target = comma_sep_str_to_list(target)
self.target = target
if not self.target:
raise ValueError('`target` should not be empty')
# these are useful while gathering all the multi-dut test cases
# when this mode is activated,
# pytest.mark.esp32
# pytest.mark.parametrize('count', [2], indirect=True)
# def test_foo(dut):
# pass
# should be collected when running `pytest --target esp32`
# otherwise, it should be collected when running `pytest --target esp32,esp32`
self._single_target_duplicate_mode = single_target_duplicate_mode
self.apps_list = (
[os.path.join(app.app_dir, app.build_dir) for app in apps if app.build_status == BuildStatus.SUCCESS]
if apps
else None
self.cases: t.List[PytestCase] = []
# record the additional info
# test case id: {key: value}
self.additional_info: t.Dict[str, t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = defaultdict(dict)
def collect_mode(self) -> CollectMode:
if len(self.target) == 1:
if self.target[0] == CollectMode.MULTI_ALL_WITH_PARAM:
return CollectMode.MULTI_ALL_WITH_PARAM
return CollectMode.SINGLE_SPECIFIC
return CollectMode.MULTI_SPECIFIC
def get_param(item: Function, key: str, default: t.Any = None) -> t.Any:
# funcargs is not calculated while collection
# callspec is something defined in parametrize
if not hasattr(item, 'callspec'):
return default
return item.callspec.params.get(key, default) or default
def item_to_pytest_case(self, item: Function) -> PytestCase:
Turn pytest item to PytestCase
count = self.get_param(item, 'count', 1)
# default app_path is where the test script locates
app_paths = to_list(parse_multi_dut_args(count, self.get_param(item, 'app_path', os.path.dirname(item.path))))
configs = to_list(parse_multi_dut_args(count, self.get_param(item, 'config', DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG)))
targets = to_list(parse_multi_dut_args(count, self.get_param(item, 'target', self.target[0])))
def abspath_or_relpath(s: str) -> str:
if os.path.abspath(s) and s.startswith(os.getcwd()):
return os.path.relpath(s)
return s
return PytestCase(
[PytestApp(abspath_or_relpath(app_paths[i]), targets[i], configs[i]) for i in range(count)], item
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(self, items: t.List[Function]) -> None:
Background info:
We're using `pytest.mark.[TARGET]` as a syntactic sugar to indicate that they are actually supported by all
the listed targets. For example,
>>> @pytest.mark.esp32
>>> @pytest.mark.esp32s2
should be treated as
>>> @pytest.mark.parametrize('target', [
>>> 'esp32',
>>> 'esp32s2',
>>> ], indirect=True)
All single-dut test cases, and some of the multi-dut test cases with the same targets, are using this
way to indicate the supported targets.
To avoid ambiguity,
- when we're collecting single-dut test cases with esp32, we call
`pytest --collect-only --target esp32`
- when we're collecting multi-dut test cases, we list all the targets, even when they're the same
`pytest --collect-only --target esp32,esp32` for two esp32 connected
`pytest --collect-only --target esp32,esp32s2` for esp32 and esp32s2 connected
therefore, we have two different logic for searching test cases, explained in 2.1 and 2.2
# 1. Filter according to nighty_run related markers
if os.getenv('INCLUDE_NIGHTLY_RUN') == '1':
# nightly_run and non-nightly_run cases are both included
elif os.getenv('NIGHTLY_RUN') == '1':
# only nightly_run cases are included
items[:] = [_item for _item in items if _item.get_closest_marker('nightly_run') is not None]
# only non-nightly_run cases are included
items[:] = [_item for _item in items if _item.get_closest_marker('nightly_run') is None]
# 2. Add markers according to special markers
item_to_case_dict: t.Dict[Function, PytestCase] = {}
for item in items:
item.stash[ITEM_PYTEST_CASE_KEY] = item_to_case_dict[item] = self.item_to_pytest_case(item)
if 'supported_targets' in item.keywords:
for _target in SUPPORTED_TARGETS:
if 'preview_targets' in item.keywords:
for _target in PREVIEW_TARGETS:
if 'all_targets' in item.keywords:
# 3.1. CollectMode.SINGLE_SPECIFIC, like `pytest --target esp32`
if self.collect_mode == CollectMode.SINGLE_SPECIFIC:
filtered_items = []
for item in items:
case = item_to_case_dict[item]
# single-dut one
if case.is_single_dut_test_case and self.target[0] in case.target_markers:
# multi-dut ones and in single_target_duplicate_mode
elif self._single_target_duplicate_mode and not case.is_single_dut_test_case:
# ignore those test cases with `target` defined in parametrize, since these will be covered in 3.3
if self.get_param(item, 'target', None) is None and self.target[0] in case.target_markers:
items[:] = filtered_items
# 3.2. CollectMode.MULTI_SPECIFIC, like `pytest --target esp32,esp32`
elif self.collect_mode == CollectMode.MULTI_SPECIFIC:
items[:] = [_item for _item in items if item_to_case_dict[_item].targets == self.target]
# 3.3. CollectMode.MULTI_ALL_WITH_PARAM, intended to be used by `get_pytest_cases`
items[:] = [
for _item in items
if not item_to_case_dict[_item].is_single_dut_test_case
and self.get_param(_item, 'target', None) is not None
# 4. filter by `self.apps_list`, skip the test case if not listed
# should only be used in CI
_items = []
for item in items:
case = item_to_case_dict[item]
if msg := case.all_built_in_app_lists(self.apps_list):
self.additional_info[case.name]['skip_reason'] = msg
# OKAY!!! All left ones will be executed, sort it and add more markers
items[:] = sorted(
_items, key=lambda x: (os.path.dirname(x.path), self.get_param(x, 'config', DEFAULT_SDKCONFIG))
for item in items:
case = item_to_case_dict[item]
# set default timeout 10 minutes for each case
if 'timeout' not in item.keywords:
item.add_marker(pytest.mark.timeout(10 * 60))
# add 'xtal_40mhz' tag as a default tag for esp32c2 target
# only add this marker for esp32c2 cases
if 'esp32c2' in self.target and 'esp32c2' in case.targets and 'xtal_26mhz' not in case.all_markers:
def pytest_report_collectionfinish(self, items: t.List[Function]) -> None:
self.cases = [item.stash[ITEM_PYTEST_CASE_KEY] for item in items]
def pytest_custom_test_case_name(self, item: Function) -> str:
return item.funcargs.get('test_case_name', item.nodeid) # type: ignore
def pytest_runtest_makereport(self, item: Function, call: CallInfo[None]) -> None:
if call.when == 'call':
target = item.funcargs['target']
config = item.funcargs['config']
is_qemu = item.get_closest_marker('qemu') is not None
dut: t.Union[Dut, t.Tuple[Dut]] = item.funcargs['dut'] # type: ignore
if isinstance(dut, (list, tuple)):
res = []
for i, _dut in enumerate(dut):
format_case_id(target, config, case.name + f' {i}', is_qemu=is_qemu),
for case in _dut.testsuite.testcases
item.config.stash[ChildCasesStashKey] = {item.nodeid: res}
item.config.stash[ChildCasesStashKey] = {
item.nodeid: [
format_case_id(target, config, case.name, is_qemu=is_qemu),
for case in dut.testsuite.testcases
def pytest_runtest_teardown(self, item: Function) -> None:
Modify the junit reports. Format the unity c test case names.
tempdir: t.Optional[str] = item.funcargs.get('test_case_tempdir') # type: ignore
if not tempdir:
junits = find_by_suffix('.xml', tempdir)
if not junits:
if len(junits) > 1:
merge_junit_files(junits, os.path.join(tempdir, 'dut.xml'))
junits = [os.path.join(tempdir, 'dut.xml')]
# unity cases
is_qemu = item.get_closest_marker('qemu') is not None
target = item.funcargs['target']
config = item.funcargs['config']
for junit in junits:
xml = ET.parse(junit)
testcases = xml.findall('.//testcase')
for case in testcases:
# modify the junit files
new_case_name = format_case_id(target, config, case.attrib['name'], is_qemu=is_qemu)
case.attrib['name'] = new_case_name
if 'file' in case.attrib:
case.attrib['file'] = case.attrib['file'].replace('/IDF/', '') # our unity test framework
if ci_job_url := os.getenv('CI_JOB_URL'):
case.attrib['ci_job_url'] = ci_job_url
def pytest_sessionfinish(self, session: Session, exitstatus: int) -> None:
if exitstatus != 0:
if exitstatus == ExitCode.NO_TESTS_COLLECTED:
session.exitstatus = 0