Song Ruo Jing d956ba2a6c feat(ppa): add PPA driver support for ESP32P4
Add burst_length option to client
Change uint32_t to color_pixel_rgb888_data_t
Descriptor always malloc with MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT
Add dscr-port mode block size configuration as a separate API in 2D-DMA driver
Do writeback only on an extended window, instead of entire picture
2024-05-24 14:23:14 +08:00

490 lines
17 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "unity.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "driver/ppa.h"
#include "esp_heap_caps.h"
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "ccomp_timer.h"
#include "hal/color_hal.h"
#define ALIGN_UP(num, align) (((num) + ((align) - 1)) & ~((align) - 1))
TEST_CASE("ppa_client_do_ppa_operation", "[PPA]")
const uint32_t w = 480;
const uint32_t h = 480;
const uint32_t buf_1_color_type_id = COLOR_TYPE_ID(COLOR_SPACE_ARGB, COLOR_PIXEL_ARGB8888);
const uint32_t buf_2_color_type_id = COLOR_TYPE_ID(COLOR_SPACE_ARGB, COLOR_PIXEL_ARGB8888);
color_space_pixel_format_t buf_1_cm = {
.color_type_id = buf_1_color_type_id,
color_space_pixel_format_t buf_2_cm = {
.color_type_id = buf_2_color_type_id,
uint32_t buf_1_size = ALIGN_UP(w * h * color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(buf_1_cm) / 8, 64);
uint32_t buf_2_size = ALIGN_UP(w * h * color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(buf_2_cm) / 8, 64);
uint8_t *buf_1 = heap_caps_aligned_calloc(64, buf_1_size, sizeof(uint8_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
uint8_t *buf_2 = heap_caps_aligned_calloc(64, buf_2_size, sizeof(uint8_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
// Register different types of PPA clients
ppa_client_handle_t ppa_client_srm_handle;
ppa_client_handle_t ppa_client_blend_handle;
ppa_client_handle_t ppa_client_fill_handle_a;
ppa_client_handle_t ppa_client_fill_handle_b;
ppa_client_config_t ppa_client_config = {
.oper_type = PPA_OPERATION_SRM,
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_register_client(&ppa_client_config, &ppa_client_srm_handle));
ppa_client_config.oper_type = PPA_OPERATION_BLEND;
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_register_client(&ppa_client_config, &ppa_client_blend_handle));
ppa_client_config.oper_type = PPA_OPERATION_FILL;
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_register_client(&ppa_client_config, &ppa_client_fill_handle_a));
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_register_client(&ppa_client_config, &ppa_client_fill_handle_b));
ppa_srm_oper_config_t srm_oper_config = {
.in.buffer = buf_1,
.in.pic_w = w,
.in.pic_h = h,
.in.block_w = w,
.in.block_h = h,
.in.block_offset_x = 0,
.in.block_offset_y = 0,
.in.srm_cm = buf_1_color_type_id,
.out.buffer = buf_2,
.out.buffer_size = buf_2_size,
.out.pic_w = w,
.out.pic_h = h,
.out.block_offset_x = 0,
.out.block_offset_y = 0,
.out.srm_cm = buf_2_color_type_id,
.rotation_angle = PPA_SRM_ROTATION_ANGLE_0,
.scale_x = 1.0,
.scale_y = 1.0,
// A SRM client can request to do a SRM operation
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror(ppa_client_srm_handle, &srm_oper_config));
// A non-SRM client can not request to do a SRM operation
TEST_ESP_ERR(ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror(ppa_client_blend_handle, &srm_oper_config));
ppa_blend_oper_config_t blend_oper_config = {
.in_bg.buffer = buf_1,
.in_bg.pic_w = w,
.in_bg.pic_h = h,
.in_bg.block_w = w,
.in_bg.block_h = h,
.in_bg.block_offset_x = 0,
.in_bg.block_offset_y = 0,
.in_bg.blend_cm = buf_1_color_type_id,
.in_fg.buffer = buf_2,
.in_fg.pic_w = w,
.in_fg.pic_h = h,
.in_fg.block_w = w,
.in_fg.block_h = h,
.in_fg.block_offset_x = 0,
.in_fg.block_offset_y = 0,
.in_fg.blend_cm = buf_2_color_type_id,
.out.buffer = buf_1,
.out.buffer_size = buf_1_size,
.out.pic_w = w,
.out.pic_h = h,
.out.block_offset_x = 0,
.out.block_offset_y = 0,
.out.blend_cm = buf_1_color_type_id,
// A blend client can request to do a blend operation
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_blend(ppa_client_blend_handle, &blend_oper_config));
// A non-blend client can not request to do a blend operation
TEST_ESP_ERR(ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, ppa_do_blend(ppa_client_fill_handle_b, &blend_oper_config));
ppa_fill_oper_config_t fill_oper_config = {
.out.buffer = buf_1,
.out.buffer_size = buf_1_size,
.out.pic_w = w,
.out.pic_h = h,
.out.block_offset_x = 0,
.out.block_offset_y = 0,
.out.fill_cm = buf_1_color_type_id,
.fill_block_w = w,
.fill_block_h = h,
.fill_argb_color = {
.val = 0xFF00FF00,
// A fill client can request to do a fill operation
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_fill(ppa_client_fill_handle_a, &fill_oper_config));
// Another fill client can also request another fill operation at the same time
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_fill(ppa_client_fill_handle_b, &fill_oper_config));
// Unregister all PPA clients
static bool ppa_trans_done_cb(ppa_client_handle_t ppa_client, ppa_event_data_t *event_data, void *user_data)
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
SemaphoreHandle_t sem = (SemaphoreHandle_t)user_data;
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(sem, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
return (xHigherPriorityTaskWoken == pdTRUE);
TEST_CASE("ppa_pending_transactions_in_queue", "[PPA]")
// A big picture block takes longer time to process, desired for this test case
const uint32_t w = 1920;
const uint32_t h = 1080;
const uint32_t buf_1_color_type_id = COLOR_TYPE_ID(COLOR_SPACE_ARGB, COLOR_PIXEL_ARGB8888);
const uint32_t buf_2_color_type_id = COLOR_TYPE_ID(COLOR_SPACE_ARGB, COLOR_PIXEL_ARGB8888);
color_space_pixel_format_t buf_1_cm = {
.color_type_id = buf_1_color_type_id,
color_space_pixel_format_t buf_2_cm = {
.color_type_id = buf_2_color_type_id,
uint32_t buf_1_size = w * h * color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(buf_1_cm) / 8;
uint32_t buf_2_size = ALIGN_UP(w * h * color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(buf_2_cm) / 8, 64);
uint8_t *buf_1 = heap_caps_aligned_calloc(64, buf_1_size, sizeof(uint8_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
uint8_t *buf_2 = heap_caps_aligned_calloc(64, buf_2_size, sizeof(uint8_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
// Register two PPA SRM clients with different max_pending_trans_num
ppa_client_handle_t ppa_client_a_handle;
ppa_client_handle_t ppa_client_b_handle;
ppa_client_config_t ppa_client_config = {
.oper_type = PPA_OPERATION_SRM,
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_register_client(&ppa_client_config, &ppa_client_a_handle));
ppa_client_config.max_pending_trans_num = 3;
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_register_client(&ppa_client_config, &ppa_client_b_handle));
ppa_event_callbacks_t cbs = {
.on_trans_done = ppa_trans_done_cb,
ppa_client_register_event_callbacks(ppa_client_a_handle, &cbs);
SemaphoreHandle_t sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
ppa_srm_oper_config_t oper_config = {
.in.buffer = buf_1,
.in.pic_w = w,
.in.pic_h = h,
.in.block_w = w,
.in.block_h = h,
.in.block_offset_x = 0,
.in.block_offset_y = 0,
.in.srm_cm = buf_1_color_type_id,
.out.buffer = buf_2,
.out.buffer_size = buf_2_size,
.out.pic_w = w,
.out.pic_h = h,
.out.block_offset_x = 0,
.out.block_offset_y = 0,
.out.srm_cm = buf_2_color_type_id,
.rotation_angle = PPA_SRM_ROTATION_ANGLE_0,
.scale_x = 1.0,
.scale_y = 1.0,
.user_data = (void *)sem,
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror(ppa_client_a_handle, &oper_config));
// Another transaction cannot be accept since client_a can only hold one transaction
TEST_ESP_ERR(ESP_FAIL, ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror(ppa_client_a_handle, &oper_config));
// Wait for the last transaction finishes
xSemaphoreTake(sem, portMAX_DELAY);
// Then a new transaction can be accepted again
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror(ppa_client_a_handle, &oper_config));
// Client can not be unregistered when there are unfinished transactions
TEST_ESP_ERR(ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, ppa_unregister_client(ppa_client_a_handle));
oper_config.mode = PPA_TRANS_MODE_BLOCKING;
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror(ppa_client_b_handle, &oper_config));
// Every PPA engine can only process one operation at a time
// Transactions are being processed with First-In-First-Out
// So, at the moment, the new transaction requested by client_b has finished, the last transaction requested by client_a for sure has finished
TEST_ASSERT(xSemaphoreTake(sem, 0) == pdTRUE);
// client_b can accept more than one transactions
oper_config.mode = PPA_TRANS_MODE_NON_BLOCKING;
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror(ppa_client_b_handle, &oper_config));
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror(ppa_client_b_handle, &oper_config));
oper_config.mode = PPA_TRANS_MODE_BLOCKING;
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror(ppa_client_b_handle, &oper_config));
// The last transaction requested is with BLOCKING mode, so the last call to ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror returned means all transactions finished
// Unregister all PPA clients
TEST_CASE("ppa_srm_performance", "[PPA][ignore]")
const uint32_t w = 1920; // 1920 / 1280 / 800 / 640
const uint32_t h = 1080; // 1080 / 720 / 480
const uint32_t block_w = w;
const uint32_t block_h = h;
const ppa_srm_color_mode_t in_cm = PPA_SRM_COLOR_MODE_ARGB8888;
const ppa_srm_color_mode_t out_cm = PPA_SRM_COLOR_MODE_YUV420;
const ppa_srm_rotation_angle_t rotation = PPA_SRM_ROTATION_ANGLE_0;
const float scale_x = 1.0;
const float scale_y = 1.0;
color_space_pixel_format_t in_pixel_format = {
.color_type_id = in_cm,
color_space_pixel_format_t out_pixel_format = {
.color_type_id = out_cm,
uint32_t in_buf_size = w * h * color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(in_pixel_format) / 8;
uint32_t out_buf_size = ALIGN_UP(w * h * color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(out_pixel_format) / 8, 64);
uint8_t *out_buf = heap_caps_aligned_calloc(64, out_buf_size, sizeof(uint8_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
uint8_t *in_buf = heap_caps_aligned_calloc(64, in_buf_size, sizeof(uint8_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
uint8_t *ptr = in_buf;
for (int x = 0; x < in_buf_size; x++) {
ptr[x] = x;
ppa_client_handle_t ppa_client_handle;
ppa_client_config_t ppa_client_config = {
.oper_type = PPA_OPERATION_SRM,
.max_pending_trans_num = 1,
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_register_client(&ppa_client_config, &ppa_client_handle));
uint32_t out_pic_w = (rotation == PPA_SRM_ROTATION_ANGLE_0 || rotation == PPA_SRM_ROTATION_ANGLE_180) ? w : h;
uint32_t out_pic_h = (rotation == PPA_SRM_ROTATION_ANGLE_0 || rotation == PPA_SRM_ROTATION_ANGLE_180) ? h : w;
ppa_srm_oper_config_t oper_config = {
.in.buffer = in_buf,
.in.pic_w = w,
.in.pic_h = h,
.in.block_w = block_w,
.in.block_h = block_h,
.in.block_offset_x = 0,
.in.block_offset_y = 0,
.in.srm_cm = in_cm,
.out.buffer = out_buf,
.out.buffer_size = out_buf_size,
.out.pic_w = out_pic_w,
.out.pic_h = out_pic_h,
.out.block_offset_x = 0,
.out.block_offset_y = 0,
.out.srm_cm = out_cm,
.rotation_angle = rotation,
.scale_x = scale_x,
.scale_y = scale_y,
.rgb_swap = 0,
.byte_swap = 0,
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_scale_rotate_mirror(ppa_client_handle, &oper_config));
int64_t oper_time = ccomp_timer_stop();
printf("Time passed: %lld us\n", oper_time);
TEST_CASE("ppa_blend_performance", "[PPA][ignore]")
const uint32_t w = 1280;
const uint32_t h = 720;
const uint32_t block_w = w;
const uint32_t block_h = h;
const ppa_blend_color_mode_t in_bg_cm = PPA_BLEND_COLOR_MODE_ARGB8888;
const ppa_blend_color_mode_t in_fg_cm = PPA_BLEND_COLOR_MODE_ARGB8888;
const ppa_blend_color_mode_t out_cm = PPA_BLEND_COLOR_MODE_ARGB8888;
color_space_pixel_format_t in_bg_pixel_format = {
.color_type_id = in_bg_cm,
color_space_pixel_format_t in_fg_pixel_format = {
.color_type_id = in_fg_cm,
color_space_pixel_format_t out_pixel_format = {
.color_type_id = out_cm,
uint32_t in_bg_buf_size = w * h * color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(in_bg_pixel_format) / 8;
uint32_t in_fg_buf_size = w * h * color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(in_fg_pixel_format) / 8;
uint32_t out_buf_size = ALIGN_UP(w * h * color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(out_pixel_format) / 8, 64);
uint8_t *out_buf = heap_caps_aligned_calloc(64, out_buf_size, sizeof(uint8_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
uint8_t *in_bg_buf = heap_caps_aligned_calloc(64, in_bg_buf_size, sizeof(uint8_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
uint8_t *in_fg_buf = heap_caps_aligned_calloc(64, in_fg_buf_size, sizeof(uint8_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
uint8_t *ptr = in_bg_buf;
for (int x = 0; x < in_bg_buf_size; x++) {
ptr[x] = x & 0x55;
ptr = in_fg_buf;
for (int x = 0; x < in_fg_buf_size; x++) {
ptr[x] = x & 0xAA;
ppa_client_handle_t ppa_client_handle;
ppa_client_config_t ppa_client_config = {
.max_pending_trans_num = 1,
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_register_client(&ppa_client_config, &ppa_client_handle));
ppa_blend_oper_config_t oper_config = {
.in_bg.buffer = in_bg_buf,
.in_bg.pic_w = w,
.in_bg.pic_h = h,
.in_bg.block_w = block_w,
.in_bg.block_h = block_h,
.in_bg.block_offset_x = 0,
.in_bg.block_offset_y = 0,
.in_bg.blend_cm = in_bg_cm,
.in_fg.buffer = in_fg_buf,
.in_fg.pic_w = w,
.in_fg.pic_h = h,
.in_fg.block_w = block_w,
.in_fg.block_h = block_h,
.in_fg.block_offset_x = 0,
.in_fg.block_offset_y = 0,
.in_fg.blend_cm = in_fg_cm,
.out.buffer = out_buf,
.out.buffer_size = out_buf_size,
.out.pic_w = w,
.out.pic_h = h,
.out.block_offset_x = 0,
.out.block_offset_y = 0,
.out.blend_cm = out_cm,
.bg_ck_en = false,
.fg_ck_en = false,
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_blend(ppa_client_handle, &oper_config));
int64_t oper_time = ccomp_timer_stop();
printf("Time passed: %lld us\n", oper_time);
TEST_CASE("ppa_fill_performance", "[PPA][ignore]")
const uint32_t w = 1280;
const uint32_t h = 720;
const uint32_t block_w = 800;
const uint32_t block_h = 480;
const ppa_fill_color_mode_t out_cm = PPA_FILL_COLOR_MODE_RGB565;
color_space_pixel_format_t out_pixel_format = {
.color_type_id = out_cm,
uint32_t out_buf_size = ALIGN_UP(w * h * color_hal_pixel_format_get_bit_depth(out_pixel_format) / 8, 64);
uint8_t *out_buf = heap_caps_aligned_calloc(64, out_buf_size, sizeof(uint8_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
ppa_client_handle_t ppa_client_handle;
ppa_client_config_t ppa_client_config = {
.oper_type = PPA_OPERATION_FILL,
.max_pending_trans_num = 1,
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_register_client(&ppa_client_config, &ppa_client_handle));
ppa_fill_oper_config_t oper_config = {
.out.buffer = out_buf,
.out.buffer_size = out_buf_size,
.out.pic_w = w,
.out.pic_h = h,
.out.block_offset_x = 0,
.out.block_offset_y = 0,
.out.fill_cm = out_cm,
.fill_block_w = block_w,
.fill_block_h = block_h,
.fill_argb_color = {
.val = 0xFF00FFFF,
TEST_ESP_OK(ppa_do_fill(ppa_client_handle, &oper_config));
int64_t oper_time = ccomp_timer_stop();
printf("Time passed: %lld us\n", oper_time);