Matus Fabo 6bc7b4b5e2 change: misaligned partitions now raise an exception
change: alignment for data partitions is now 4kB instead of 4B
remove: STRICT_DATA_ALIGNMENT variable
remove: warning tests for misaligned partitions
add: assertion test for misaligned partitions
add: breaking change documentation
2022-03-15 12:54:59 +01:00

15 lines
726 B

Migrate Storage to ESP-IDF 5.0
Breaking changes:
f_mkfs() signature change in FATFS v0.14
New signature is ``FRESULT f_mkfs (const TCHAR* path, const MKFS_PARM* opt, void* work, UINT len);`` which now uses ``MKFS_PARM`` struct as a second argument.
Partition table generation no longer supports misaligned partitions
When generating a partiton table, ``esp-idf`` will no longer accept partitions which offset does not align to 4kB. This change only affects generating new partition tables, reading and writing to already existing partitions remains unchanged.