Sudeep Mohanty ec742abb25 lp-i2c: Added support for LP I2C peripheral to LP core
This commit adds support for the LP I2C peripheral driver to be used by
the LP core. An example is also added to demonstrate the usage of the LP
I2C peripheral from the LP core.
2023-05-19 07:27:51 +02:00

894 lines
32 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Group: Timing registers */
/** Type of scl_low_period register
* Configures the low level width of the SCL
* Clock
typedef union {
struct {
/** scl_low_period : R/W; bitpos: [8:0]; default: 0;
* This register is used to configure for how long SCL remains low in master mode, in
* I2C module clock cycles.
uint32_t scl_low_period:9;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_scl_low_period_reg_t;
/** Type of sda_hold register
* Configures the hold time after a negative SCL edge.
typedef union {
struct {
/** sda_hold_time : R/W; bitpos: [8:0]; default: 0;
* This register is used to configure the time to hold the data after the negative
* edge of SCL, in I2C module clock cycles.
uint32_t sda_hold_time:9;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_sda_hold_reg_t;
/** Type of sda_sample register
* Configures the sample time after a positive SCL edge.
typedef union {
struct {
/** sda_sample_time : R/W; bitpos: [8:0]; default: 0;
* This register is used to configure for how long SDA is sampled, in I2C module clock
* cycles.
uint32_t sda_sample_time:9;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_sda_sample_reg_t;
/** Type of scl_high_period register
* Configures the high level width of SCL
typedef union {
struct {
/** scl_high_period : R/W; bitpos: [8:0]; default: 0;
* This register is used to configure for how long SCL setup to high level and remains
* high in master mode, in I2C module clock cycles.
uint32_t scl_high_period:9;
/** scl_wait_high_period : R/W; bitpos: [15:9]; default: 0;
* This register is used to configure for the SCL_FSM's waiting period for SCL high
* level in master mode, in I2C module clock cycles.
uint32_t scl_wait_high_period:7;
uint32_t reserved_16:16;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_scl_high_period_reg_t;
/** Type of scl_start_hold register
* Configures the delay between the SDA and SCL negative edge for a start condition
typedef union {
struct {
/** scl_start_hold_time : R/W; bitpos: [8:0]; default: 8;
* This register is used to configure the time between the negative edge
* of SDA and the negative edge of SCL for a START condition, in I2C module clock
* cycles.
uint32_t scl_start_hold_time:9;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_scl_start_hold_reg_t;
/** Type of scl_rstart_setup register
* Configures the delay between the positive
* edge of SCL and the negative edge of SDA
typedef union {
struct {
/** scl_rstart_setup_time : R/W; bitpos: [8:0]; default: 8;
* This register is used to configure the time between the positive
* edge of SCL and the negative edge of SDA for a RESTART condition, in I2C module
* clock cycles.
uint32_t scl_rstart_setup_time:9;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_scl_rstart_setup_reg_t;
/** Type of scl_stop_hold register
* Configures the delay after the SCL clock
* edge for a stop condition
typedef union {
struct {
/** scl_stop_hold_time : R/W; bitpos: [8:0]; default: 8;
* This register is used to configure the delay after the STOP condition,
* in I2C module clock cycles.
uint32_t scl_stop_hold_time:9;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_scl_stop_hold_reg_t;
/** Type of scl_stop_setup register
* Configures the delay between the SDA and
* SCL positive edge for a stop condition
typedef union {
struct {
/** scl_stop_setup_time : R/W; bitpos: [8:0]; default: 8;
* This register is used to configure the time between the positive edge
* of SCL and the positive edge of SDA, in I2C module clock cycles.
uint32_t scl_stop_setup_time:9;
uint32_t reserved_9:23;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_scl_stop_setup_reg_t;
/** Type of scl_st_time_out register
* SCL status time out register
typedef union {
struct {
/** scl_st_to_i2c : R/W; bitpos: [4:0]; default: 16;
* The threshold value of SCL_FSM state unchanged period. It should be o more than 23
uint32_t scl_st_to_i2c:5;
uint32_t reserved_5:27;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_scl_st_time_out_reg_t;
/** Type of scl_main_st_time_out register
* SCL main status time out register
typedef union {
struct {
/** scl_main_st_to_i2c : R/W; bitpos: [4:0]; default: 16;
* The threshold value of SCL_MAIN_FSM state unchanged period.nIt should be o more
* than 23
uint32_t scl_main_st_to_i2c:5;
uint32_t reserved_5:27;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_scl_main_st_time_out_reg_t;
/** Group: Configuration registers */
/** Type of ctr register
* Transmission setting
typedef union {
struct {
/** sda_force_out : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* 1: direct output, 0: open drain output.
uint32_t sda_force_out:1;
/** scl_force_out : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* 1: direct output, 0: open drain output.
uint32_t scl_force_out:1;
/** sample_scl_level : R/W; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* This register is used to select the sample mode.
* 1: sample SDA data on the SCL low level.
* 0: sample SDA data on the SCL high level.
uint32_t sample_scl_level:1;
/** rx_full_ack_level : R/W; bitpos: [3]; default: 1;
* This register is used to configure the ACK value that need to sent by master when
* the rx_fifo_cnt has reached the threshold.
uint32_t rx_full_ack_level:1;
uint32_t reserved_4:1;
/** trans_start : WT; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to start sending the data in txfifo.
uint32_t trans_start:1;
/** tx_lsb_first : R/W; bitpos: [6]; default: 0;
* This bit is used to control the sending mode for data needing to be sent.
* 1: send data from the least significant bit,
* 0: send data from the most significant bit.
uint32_t tx_lsb_first:1;
/** rx_lsb_first : R/W; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* This bit is used to control the storage mode for received data.
* 1: receive data from the least significant bit,
* 0: receive data from the most significant bit.
uint32_t rx_lsb_first:1;
/** clk_en : R/W; bitpos: [8]; default: 0;
* Reserved
uint32_t clk_en:1;
/** arbitration_en : R/W; bitpos: [9]; default: 1;
* This is the enable bit for arbitration_lost.
uint32_t arbitration_en:1;
/** fsm_rst : WT; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* This register is used to reset the scl FMS.
uint32_t fsm_rst:1;
/** conf_upgate : WT; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* synchronization bit
uint32_t conf_upgate:1;
uint32_t reserved_12:20;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_ctr_reg_t;
/** Type of to register
* Setting time out control for receiving data.
typedef union {
struct {
/** time_out_value : R/W; bitpos: [4:0]; default: 16;
* This register is used to configure the timeout for receiving a data bit in APB
* clock cycles.
uint32_t time_out_value:5;
/** time_out_en : R/W; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* This is the enable bit for time out control.
uint32_t time_out_en:1;
uint32_t reserved_6:26;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_to_reg_t;
/** Type of fifo_conf register
* FIFO configuration register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** rxfifo_wm_thrhd : R/W; bitpos: [3:0]; default: 6;
* The water mark threshold of rx FIFO in nonfifo access mode. When
* reg_reg_fifo_prt_en is 1 and rx FIFO counter is bigger than
* reg_rxfifo_wm_thrhd[3:0], reg_rxfifo_wm_int_raw bit will be valid.
uint32_t rxfifo_wm_thrhd:4;
uint32_t reserved_4:1;
/** txfifo_wm_thrhd : R/W; bitpos: [8:5]; default: 2;
* The water mark threshold of tx FIFO in nonfifo access mode. When
* reg_reg_fifo_prt_en is 1 and tx FIFO counter is smaller than
* reg_txfifo_wm_thrhd[3:0], reg_txfifo_wm_int_raw bit will be valid.
uint32_t txfifo_wm_thrhd:4;
uint32_t reserved_9:1;
/** nonfifo_en : R/W; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to enable APB nonfifo access.
uint32_t nonfifo_en:1;
uint32_t reserved_11:1;
/** rx_fifo_rst : R/W; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to reset rx-fifo.
uint32_t rx_fifo_rst:1;
/** tx_fifo_rst : R/W; bitpos: [13]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to reset tx-fifo.
uint32_t tx_fifo_rst:1;
/** fifo_prt_en : R/W; bitpos: [14]; default: 1;
* The control enable bit of FIFO pointer in non-fifo access mode. This bit controls
* the valid bits and the interrupts of tx/rx_fifo overflow, underflow, full and empty.
uint32_t fifo_prt_en:1;
uint32_t reserved_15:17;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_fifo_conf_reg_t;
/** Type of filter_cfg register
* SCL and SDA filter configuration register
typedef union {
struct {
/** scl_filter_thres : R/W; bitpos: [3:0]; default: 0;
* When a pulse on the SCL input has smaller width than this register value
* in I2C module clock cycles, the I2C controller will ignore that pulse.
uint32_t scl_filter_thres:4;
/** sda_filter_thres : R/W; bitpos: [7:4]; default: 0;
* When a pulse on the SDA input has smaller width than this register value
* in I2C module clock cycles, the I2C controller will ignore that pulse.
uint32_t sda_filter_thres:4;
/** scl_filter_en : R/W; bitpos: [8]; default: 1;
* This is the filter enable bit for SCL.
uint32_t scl_filter_en:1;
/** sda_filter_en : R/W; bitpos: [9]; default: 1;
* This is the filter enable bit for SDA.
uint32_t sda_filter_en:1;
uint32_t reserved_10:22;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_filter_cfg_reg_t;
/** Type of clk_conf register
* I2C CLK configuration register
typedef union {
struct {
/** sclk_div_num : R/W; bitpos: [7:0]; default: 0;
* the integral part of the fractional divisor for i2c module
uint32_t sclk_div_num:8;
/** sclk_div_a : R/W; bitpos: [13:8]; default: 0;
* the numerator of the fractional part of the fractional divisor for i2c module
uint32_t sclk_div_a:6;
/** sclk_div_b : R/W; bitpos: [19:14]; default: 0;
* the denominator of the fractional part of the fractional divisor for i2c module
uint32_t sclk_div_b:6;
/** sclk_sel : R/W; bitpos: [20]; default: 0;
* The clock selection for i2c module:0-XTAL,1-CLK_8MHz.
uint32_t sclk_sel:1;
/** sclk_active : R/W; bitpos: [21]; default: 1;
* The clock switch for i2c module
uint32_t sclk_active:1;
uint32_t reserved_22:10;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_clk_conf_reg_t;
/** Type of scl_sp_conf register
* Power configuration register
typedef union {
struct {
/** scl_rst_slv_en : R/W/SC; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* When I2C master is IDLE, set this bit to send out SCL pulses. The number of pulses
* equals to reg_scl_rst_slv_num[4:0].
uint32_t scl_rst_slv_en:1;
/** scl_rst_slv_num : R/W; bitpos: [5:1]; default: 0;
* Configure the pulses of SCL generated in I2C master mode. Valid when
* reg_scl_rst_slv_en is 1.
uint32_t scl_rst_slv_num:5;
/** scl_pd_en : R/W; bitpos: [6]; default: 0;
* The power down enable bit for the I2C output SCL line. 1: Power down. 0: Not power
* down. Set reg_scl_force_out and reg_scl_pd_en to 1 to stretch SCL low.
uint32_t scl_pd_en:1;
/** sda_pd_en : R/W; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* The power down enable bit for the I2C output SDA line. 1: Power down. 0: Not power
* down. Set reg_sda_force_out and reg_sda_pd_en to 1 to stretch SDA low.
uint32_t sda_pd_en:1;
uint32_t reserved_8:24;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_scl_sp_conf_reg_t;
/** Group: Status registers */
/** Type of sr register
* Describe I2C work status.
typedef union {
struct {
/** resp_rec : RO; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* The received ACK value in master mode or slave mode. 0: ACK, 1: NACK.
uint32_t resp_rec:1;
uint32_t reserved_1:2;
/** arb_lost : RO; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* When the I2C controller loses control of SCL line, this register changes to 1.
uint32_t arb_lost:1;
/** bus_busy : RO; bitpos: [4]; default: 0;
* 1: the I2C bus is busy transferring data, 0: the I2C bus is in idle state.
uint32_t bus_busy:1;
uint32_t reserved_5:3;
/** rxfifo_cnt : RO; bitpos: [12:8]; default: 0;
* This field represents the amount of data needed to be sent.
uint32_t rxfifo_cnt:5;
uint32_t reserved_13:5;
/** txfifo_cnt : RO; bitpos: [22:18]; default: 0;
* This field stores the amount of received data in RAM.
uint32_t txfifo_cnt:5;
uint32_t reserved_23:1;
/** scl_main_state_last : RO; bitpos: [26:24]; default: 0;
* This field indicates the states of the I2C module state machine.
* 0: Idle, 1: Address shift, 2: ACK address, 3: Rx data, 4: Tx data, 5: Send ACK, 6:
* Wait ACK
uint32_t scl_main_state_last:3;
uint32_t reserved_27:1;
/** scl_state_last : RO; bitpos: [30:28]; default: 0;
* This field indicates the states of the state machine used to produce SCL.
* 0: Idle, 1: Start, 2: Negative edge, 3: Low, 4: Positive edge, 5: High, 6: Stop
uint32_t scl_state_last:3;
uint32_t reserved_31:1;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_sr_reg_t;
/** Type of fifo_st register
* FIFO status register.
typedef union {
struct {
/** rxfifo_raddr : RO; bitpos: [3:0]; default: 0;
* This is the offset address of the APB reading from rxfifo
uint32_t rxfifo_raddr:4;
uint32_t reserved_4:1;
/** rxfifo_waddr : RO; bitpos: [8:5]; default: 0;
* This is the offset address of i2c module receiving data and writing to rxfifo.
uint32_t rxfifo_waddr:4;
uint32_t reserved_9:1;
/** txfifo_raddr : RO; bitpos: [13:10]; default: 0;
* This is the offset address of i2c module reading from txfifo.
uint32_t txfifo_raddr:4;
uint32_t reserved_14:1;
/** txfifo_waddr : RO; bitpos: [18:15]; default: 0;
* This is the offset address of APB bus writing to txfifo.
uint32_t txfifo_waddr:4;
uint32_t reserved_19:13;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_fifo_st_reg_t;
/** Type of data register
* Rx FIFO read data.
typedef union {
struct {
/** fifo_rdata : RO; bitpos: [7:0]; default: 0;
* The value of rx FIFO read data.
uint32_t fifo_rdata:8;
uint32_t reserved_8:24;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_data_reg_t;
/** Group: Interrupt registers */
/** Type of int_raw register
* Raw interrupt status
typedef union {
struct {
/** rxfifo_wm_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for I2C_RXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_wm_int_raw:1;
/** txfifo_wm_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [1]; default: 1;
* The raw interrupt bit for I2C_TXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt.
uint32_t txfifo_wm_int_raw:1;
/** rxfifo_ovf_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for I2C_RXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_ovf_int_raw:1;
/** end_detect_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t end_detect_int_raw:1;
/** byte_trans_done_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [4]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t byte_trans_done_int_raw:1;
/** arbitration_lost_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST_INT interrupt.
uint32_t arbitration_lost_int_raw:1;
/** mst_txfifo_udf_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [6]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t mst_txfifo_udf_int_raw:1;
/** trans_complete_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t trans_complete_int_raw:1;
/** time_out_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [8]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_TIME_OUT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t time_out_int_raw:1;
/** trans_start_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [9]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_TRANS_START_INT interrupt.
uint32_t trans_start_int_raw:1;
/** nack_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt.
uint32_t nack_int_raw:1;
/** txfifo_ovf_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for I2C_TXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t txfifo_ovf_int_raw:1;
/** rxfifo_udf_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for I2C_RXFIFO_UDF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_udf_int_raw:1;
/** scl_st_to_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [13]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for I2C_SCL_ST_TO_INT interrupt.
uint32_t scl_st_to_int_raw:1;
/** scl_main_st_to_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [14]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for I2C_SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT interrupt.
uint32_t scl_main_st_to_int_raw:1;
/** det_start_int_raw : R/SS/WTC; bitpos: [15]; default: 0;
* The raw interrupt bit for I2C_DET_START_INT interrupt.
uint32_t det_start_int_raw:1;
uint32_t reserved_16:16;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_int_raw_reg_t;
/** Type of int_clr register
* Interrupt clear bits
typedef union {
struct {
/** rxfifo_wm_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear I2C_RXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_wm_int_clr:1;
/** txfifo_wm_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear I2C_TXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt.
uint32_t txfifo_wm_int_clr:1;
/** rxfifo_ovf_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear I2C_RXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_ovf_int_clr:1;
/** end_detect_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t end_detect_int_clr:1;
/** byte_trans_done_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [4]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t byte_trans_done_int_clr:1;
/** arbitration_lost_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear the I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST_INT interrupt.
uint32_t arbitration_lost_int_clr:1;
/** mst_txfifo_udf_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [6]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t mst_txfifo_udf_int_clr:1;
/** trans_complete_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear the I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t trans_complete_int_clr:1;
/** time_out_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [8]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear the I2C_TIME_OUT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t time_out_int_clr:1;
/** trans_start_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [9]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear the I2C_TRANS_START_INT interrupt.
uint32_t trans_start_int_clr:1;
/** nack_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt.
uint32_t nack_int_clr:1;
/** txfifo_ovf_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear I2C_TXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t txfifo_ovf_int_clr:1;
/** rxfifo_udf_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear I2C_RXFIFO_UDF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_udf_int_clr:1;
/** scl_st_to_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [13]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear I2C_SCL_ST_TO_INT interrupt.
uint32_t scl_st_to_int_clr:1;
/** scl_main_st_to_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [14]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear I2C_SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT interrupt.
uint32_t scl_main_st_to_int_clr:1;
/** det_start_int_clr : WT; bitpos: [15]; default: 0;
* Set this bit to clear I2C_DET_START_INT interrupt.
uint32_t det_start_int_clr:1;
uint32_t reserved_16:16;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_int_clr_reg_t;
/** Type of int_ena register
* Interrupt enable bits
typedef union {
struct {
/** rxfifo_wm_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for I2C_RXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_wm_int_ena:1;
/** txfifo_wm_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for I2C_TXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt.
uint32_t txfifo_wm_int_ena:1;
/** rxfifo_ovf_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for I2C_RXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_ovf_int_ena:1;
/** end_detect_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t end_detect_int_ena:1;
/** byte_trans_done_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [4]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t byte_trans_done_int_ena:1;
/** arbitration_lost_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST_INT interrupt.
uint32_t arbitration_lost_int_ena:1;
/** mst_txfifo_udf_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [6]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t mst_txfifo_udf_int_ena:1;
/** trans_complete_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t trans_complete_int_ena:1;
/** time_out_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [8]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_TIME_OUT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t time_out_int_ena:1;
/** trans_start_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [9]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_TRANS_START_INT interrupt.
uint32_t trans_start_int_ena:1;
/** nack_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt.
uint32_t nack_int_ena:1;
/** txfifo_ovf_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for I2C_TXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t txfifo_ovf_int_ena:1;
/** rxfifo_udf_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for I2C_RXFIFO_UDF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_udf_int_ena:1;
/** scl_st_to_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [13]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for I2C_SCL_ST_TO_INT interrupt.
uint32_t scl_st_to_int_ena:1;
/** scl_main_st_to_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [14]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for I2C_SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT interrupt.
uint32_t scl_main_st_to_int_ena:1;
/** det_start_int_ena : R/W; bitpos: [15]; default: 0;
* The interrupt enable bit for I2C_DET_START_INT interrupt.
uint32_t det_start_int_ena:1;
uint32_t reserved_16:16;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_int_ena_reg_t;
/** Type of int_status register
* Status of captured I2C communication events
typedef union {
struct {
/** rxfifo_wm_int_st : RO; bitpos: [0]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_RXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_wm_int_st:1;
/** txfifo_wm_int_st : RO; bitpos: [1]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_TXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt.
uint32_t txfifo_wm_int_st:1;
/** rxfifo_ovf_int_st : RO; bitpos: [2]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_RXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_ovf_int_st:1;
/** end_detect_int_st : RO; bitpos: [3]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t end_detect_int_st:1;
/** byte_trans_done_int_st : RO; bitpos: [4]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t byte_trans_done_int_st:1;
/** arbitration_lost_int_st : RO; bitpos: [5]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST_INT interrupt.
uint32_t arbitration_lost_int_st:1;
/** mst_txfifo_udf_int_st : RO; bitpos: [6]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t mst_txfifo_udf_int_st:1;
/** trans_complete_int_st : RO; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt.
uint32_t trans_complete_int_st:1;
/** time_out_int_st : RO; bitpos: [8]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_TIME_OUT_INT interrupt.
uint32_t time_out_int_st:1;
/** trans_start_int_st : RO; bitpos: [9]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_TRANS_START_INT interrupt.
uint32_t trans_start_int_st:1;
/** nack_int_st : RO; bitpos: [10]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt.
uint32_t nack_int_st:1;
/** txfifo_ovf_int_st : RO; bitpos: [11]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_TXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t txfifo_ovf_int_st:1;
/** rxfifo_udf_int_st : RO; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_RXFIFO_UDF_INT interrupt.
uint32_t rxfifo_udf_int_st:1;
/** scl_st_to_int_st : RO; bitpos: [13]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_SCL_ST_TO_INT interrupt.
uint32_t scl_st_to_int_st:1;
/** scl_main_st_to_int_st : RO; bitpos: [14]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT interrupt.
uint32_t scl_main_st_to_int_st:1;
/** det_start_int_st : RO; bitpos: [15]; default: 0;
* The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_DET_START_INT interrupt.
uint32_t det_start_int_st:1;
uint32_t reserved_16:16;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_int_status_reg_t;
/** Group: Command registers */
/** Type of command register
* I2C command register
typedef union {
struct {
/** command : R/W; bitpos: [13:0]; default: 0;
* This is the content of a command. It consists of three parts:
* op_code is the command, 6: RSTART, 1: WRITE, 3: READ, 2: STOP, 4: END.
* Byte_num represents the number of bytes that need to be sent or received.
* ack_check_en, ack_exp and ack are used to control the ACK bit. See I2C cmd
* structure for more information.
uint32_t byte_num:8;
uint32_t ack_en:1;
uint32_t ack_exp:1;
uint32_t ack_val:1;
uint32_t op_code:3;
uint32_t reserved_14:17;
/** command_done : R/W/SS; bitpos: [31]; default: 0;
* When command is done in I2C Master mode, this bit changes to high
* level.
uint32_t command_done:1;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_command_reg_t;
/** Group: Version register */
/** Type of date register
* Version register
typedef union {
struct {
/** date : R/W; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 35656003;
* This is the the version register.
uint32_t date:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_date_reg_t;
/** Group: Address register */
/** Type of txfifo_start_addr register
* I2C TXFIFO base address register
typedef union {
struct {
/** txfifo_start_addr : HRO; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* This is the I2C txfifo first address.
uint32_t txfifo_start_addr:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_txfifo_start_addr_reg_t;
/** Type of rxfifo_start_addr register
* I2C RXFIFO base address register
typedef union {
struct {
/** rxfifo_start_addr : HRO; bitpos: [31:0]; default: 0;
* This is the I2C rxfifo first address.
uint32_t rxfifo_start_addr:32;
uint32_t val;
} lp_i2c_rxfifo_start_addr_reg_t;
typedef struct lp_i2c_dev_t {
volatile lp_i2c_scl_low_period_reg_t scl_low_period;
volatile lp_i2c_ctr_reg_t ctr;
volatile lp_i2c_sr_reg_t sr;
volatile lp_i2c_to_reg_t to;
uint32_t reserved_010;
volatile lp_i2c_fifo_st_reg_t fifo_st;
volatile lp_i2c_fifo_conf_reg_t fifo_conf;
volatile lp_i2c_data_reg_t data;
volatile lp_i2c_int_raw_reg_t int_raw;
volatile lp_i2c_int_clr_reg_t int_clr;
volatile lp_i2c_int_ena_reg_t int_ena;
volatile lp_i2c_int_status_reg_t int_status;
volatile lp_i2c_sda_hold_reg_t sda_hold;
volatile lp_i2c_sda_sample_reg_t sda_sample;
volatile lp_i2c_scl_high_period_reg_t scl_high_period;
uint32_t reserved_03c;
volatile lp_i2c_scl_start_hold_reg_t scl_start_hold;
volatile lp_i2c_scl_rstart_setup_reg_t scl_rstart_setup;
volatile lp_i2c_scl_stop_hold_reg_t scl_stop_hold;
volatile lp_i2c_scl_stop_setup_reg_t scl_stop_setup;
volatile lp_i2c_filter_cfg_reg_t filter_cfg;
volatile lp_i2c_clk_conf_reg_t clk_conf;
volatile lp_i2c_command_reg_t command[8];
volatile lp_i2c_scl_st_time_out_reg_t scl_st_time_out;
volatile lp_i2c_scl_main_st_time_out_reg_t scl_main_st_time_out;
volatile lp_i2c_scl_sp_conf_reg_t scl_sp_conf;
uint32_t reserved_084[29];
volatile lp_i2c_date_reg_t date;
uint32_t reserved_0fc;
volatile lp_i2c_txfifo_start_addr_reg_t txfifo_start_addr;
uint32_t reserved_104[31];
volatile lp_i2c_rxfifo_start_addr_reg_t rxfifo_start_addr;
} lp_i2c_dev_t;
// We map the LP_I2C instance to the i2c_dev_t struct for convinience of using the same HAL/LL. See soc/i2c_struct.h
//extern lp_i2c_dev_t LP_I2C;
#ifndef __cplusplus
_Static_assert(sizeof(lp_i2c_dev_t) == 0x184, "Invalid size of lp_i2c_dev_t structure");
#ifdef __cplusplus