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synced 2024-10-05 20:47:46 -04:00
488 lines
30 KiB
488 lines
30 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef volatile struct efuse_dev_s {
uint32_t pgm_data0;
uint32_t pgm_data1;
uint32_t pgm_data2;
uint32_t pgm_data3;
uint32_t pgm_data4;
uint32_t pgm_data5;
uint32_t pgm_data6;
uint32_t pgm_data7;
uint32_t pgm_check_value0;
uint32_t pgm_check_value1;
uint32_t pgm_check_value2;
uint32_t rd_wr_dis;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reg_rd_dis : 7; /*Set this bit to disable reading from BlOCK4-10.*/
uint32_t reg_rpt4_reserved5 : 1; /*Reserved*/
uint32_t reg_dis_icache : 1; /*Set this bit to disable Icache.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_dcache : 1; /*Set this bit to disable Dcache.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_download_icache : 1; /*Set this bit to disable Icache in download mode (boot_mode[3:0] is 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7).*/
uint32_t reg_dis_download_dcache : 1; /*Set this bit to disable Dcache in download mode ( boot_mode[3:0] is 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7).*/
uint32_t reg_dis_force_download : 1; /*Set this bit to disable the function that forces chip into download mode.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb : 1; /*Set this bit to disable USB function.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_can : 1; /*Set this bit to disable CAN function.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_app_cpu : 1; /*Disable app cpu.*/
uint32_t reg_soft_dis_jtag : 3; /*Set these bits to disable JTAG in the soft way (odd number 1 means disable ). JTAG can be enabled in HMAC module.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_pad_jtag : 1; /*Set this bit to disable JTAG in the hard way. JTAG is disabled permanently.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_download_manual_encrypt: 1; /*Set this bit to disable flash encryption when in download boot modes.*/
uint32_t reg_usb_drefh : 2; /*Controls single-end input threshold vrefh, 1.76 V to 2 V with step of 80 mV, stored in eFuse.*/
uint32_t reg_usb_drefl : 2; /*Controls single-end input threshold vrefl, 0.8 V to 1.04 V with step of 80 mV, stored in eFuse.*/
uint32_t reg_usb_exchg_pins : 1; /*Set this bit to exchange USB D+ and D- pins.*/
uint32_t reg_ext_phy_enable : 1; /*Set this bit to enable external PHY.*/
uint32_t reg_btlc_gpio_enable : 2; /*Enable btlc gpio.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_modecurlim : 1; /*SPI regulator switches current limit mode.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_drefh : 2; /*SPI regulator high voltage reference.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_repeat_data0;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_drefm : 2; /*SPI regulator medium voltage reference.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_drefl : 2; /*SPI regulator low voltage reference.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_xpd : 1; /*SPI regulator power up signal.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_tieh : 1; /*SPI regulator output is short connected to VDD3P3_RTC_IO.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_force : 1; /*Set this bit and force to use the configuration of eFuse to configure VDD_SPI.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_en_init : 1; /*Set SPI regulator to 0 to configure init[1:0]=0.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_encurlim : 1; /*Set SPI regulator to 1 to enable output current limit.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_dcurlim : 3; /*Tunes the current limit threshold of SPI regulator when tieh=0, about 800 mA/(8+d).*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_init : 2; /*Adds resistor from LDO output to ground. 0: no resistance 1: 6 K 2: 4 K 3: 2 K.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_dcap : 2; /*Prevents SPI regulator from overshoot.*/
uint32_t reg_wdt_delay_sel : 2; /*Selects RTC watchdog timeout threshold, in unit of slow clock cycle. 0: 40000. 1: 80000. 2: 160000. 3:320000.*/
uint32_t reg_spi_boot_crypt_cnt : 3; /*Set this bit to enable SPI boot encrypt/decrypt. Odd number of 1: enable. even number of 1: disable.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_boot_key_revoke0 : 1; /*Set this bit to enable revoking first secure boot key.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_boot_key_revoke1 : 1; /*Set this bit to enable revoking second secure boot key.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_boot_key_revoke2 : 1; /*Set this bit to enable revoking third secure boot key.*/
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_0 : 4; /*Purpose of Key0.*/
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_1 : 4; /*Purpose of Key1.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_repeat_data1;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_2 : 4; /*Purpose of Key2.*/
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_3 : 4; /*Purpose of Key3.*/
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_4 : 4; /*Purpose of Key4.*/
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_5 : 4; /*Purpose of Key5.*/
uint32_t reg_rpt4_reserved0 : 4; /*Reserved (used for four backups method).*/
uint32_t reg_secure_boot_en : 1; /*Set this bit to enable secure boot.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_boot_aggressive_revoke: 1; /*Set this bit to enable revoking aggressive secure boot.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb_jtag : 1; /*Set this bit to disable function of usb switch to jtag in module of usb device.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb_device : 1; /*Set this bit to disable usb device.*/
uint32_t reg_strap_jtag_sel : 1; /*Set this bit to enable selection between usb_to_jtag and pad_to_jtag through strapping gpio10 when both reg_dis_usb_jtag and reg_dis_pad_jtag are equal to 0.*/
uint32_t reg_usb_phy_sel : 1; /*This bit is used to switch internal PHY and external PHY for USB OTG and USB Device. 0: internal PHY is assigned to USB Device while external PHY is assigned to USB OTG. 1: internal PHY is assigned to USB OTG while external PHY is assigned to USB Device.*/
uint32_t reg_power_glitch_dsense : 2; /*Sample delay configuration of power glitch.*/
uint32_t reg_flash_tpuw : 4; /*Configures flash waiting time after power-up, in unit of ms. If the value is less than 15, the waiting time is the configurable value; Otherwise, the waiting time is twice the configurable value.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_repeat_data2;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reg_dis_download_mode : 1; /*Set this bit to disable download mode (boot_mode[3:0] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7).*/
uint32_t reg_dis_direct_boot : 1; /*Set this bit to disable direct boot..*/
uint32_t dis_usb_serial_jtag_rom_print : 1; /*Set this bit to disable USB-Serial-JTAG print during rom boot*/
uint32_t reg_flash_ecc_mode : 1; /*Set ECC mode in ROM, 0: ROM would Enable Flash ECC 16to18 byte mode. 1:ROM would use 16to17 byte mode.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb_serial_jtag_download_mode: 1; /*Set this bit to disable download through USB-Serial-JTAG.*/
uint32_t reg_enable_security_download : 1; /*Set this bit to enable secure UART download mode.*/
uint32_t reg_uart_print_control : 2; /*Set the default UARTboot message output mode. 00: Enabled. 01: Enabled when GPIO8 is low at reset. 10: Enabled when GPIO8 is high at reset. 11:disabled.*/
uint32_t reg_pin_power_selection : 1; /*GPIO33-GPIO37 power supply selection in ROM code. 0: VDD3P3_CPU. 1: VDD_SPI.*/
uint32_t reg_flash_type : 1; /*Set the maximum lines of SPI flash. 0: four lines. 1: eight lines.*/
uint32_t reg_flash_page_size : 2; /*Set Flash page size.*/
uint32_t reg_flash_ecc_en : 1; /*Set 1 to enable ECC for flash boot.*/
uint32_t reg_force_send_resume : 1; /*Set this bit to force ROM code to send a resume command during SPI boot.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_version : 16; /*Secure version (used by ESP-IDF anti-rollback feature).*/
uint32_t reg_rpt4_reserved1 : 1; /*Reserved (used for four backups method).*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb_otg_download_mode : 1; /*Set this bit to disable download through USB-OTG*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_repeat_data3;
union {
struct {
uint32_t disable_wafer_version_major : 1;
uint32_t disable_blk_version_major : 1;
uint32_t reg_rpt4_reserved2 : 22; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t reserved24 : 8; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_repeat_data4;
uint32_t rd_mac_spi_sys_0;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reg_mac_1 : 16; /*Stores the high 16 bits of MAC address.*/
uint32_t reg_spi_pad_conf_0 : 16; /*Stores the zeroth part of SPI_PAD_CONF.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_mac_spi_sys_1;
uint32_t rd_mac_spi_sys_2;
union {
struct {
uint32_t spi_pad_conf_2: 18; /*Stores the second part of SPI_PAD_CONF.*/
uint32_t wafer_version_minor_low: 3;
uint32_t pkg_version: 3;
uint32_t blk_version_minor:3;
uint32_t reg_sys_data_part0_0: 5;
uint32_t val;
} rd_mac_spi_sys_3;
uint32_t rd_mac_spi_sys_4;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved1: 23;
uint32_t wafer_version_minor_high: 1;
uint32_t wafer_version_major: 2;
uint32_t reserved2: 6;
uint32_t val;
} rd_mac_spi_sys_5;
uint32_t rd_sys_part1_data0;
uint32_t rd_sys_part1_data1;
uint32_t rd_sys_part1_data2;
uint32_t rd_sys_part1_data3;
union {
struct {
uint32_t blk_version_major : 2;
uint32_t reserved1: 30;
uint32_t val;
} rd_sys_part1_data4;
uint32_t rd_sys_part1_data5;
uint32_t rd_sys_part1_data6;
uint32_t rd_sys_part1_data7;
uint32_t rd_usr_data0;
uint32_t rd_usr_data1;
uint32_t rd_usr_data2;
uint32_t rd_usr_data3;
uint32_t rd_usr_data4;
uint32_t rd_usr_data5;
uint32_t rd_usr_data6;
uint32_t rd_usr_data7;
uint32_t rd_key0_data0;
uint32_t rd_key0_data1;
uint32_t rd_key0_data2;
uint32_t rd_key0_data3;
uint32_t rd_key0_data4;
uint32_t rd_key0_data5;
uint32_t rd_key0_data6;
uint32_t rd_key0_data7;
uint32_t rd_key1_data0;
uint32_t rd_key1_data1;
uint32_t rd_key1_data2;
uint32_t rd_key1_data3;
uint32_t rd_key1_data4;
uint32_t rd_key1_data5;
uint32_t rd_key1_data6;
uint32_t rd_key1_data7;
uint32_t rd_key2_data0;
uint32_t rd_key2_data1;
uint32_t rd_key2_data2;
uint32_t rd_key2_data3;
uint32_t rd_key2_data4;
uint32_t rd_key2_data5;
uint32_t rd_key2_data6;
uint32_t rd_key2_data7;
uint32_t rd_key3_data0;
uint32_t rd_key3_data1;
uint32_t rd_key3_data2;
uint32_t rd_key3_data3;
uint32_t rd_key3_data4;
uint32_t rd_key3_data5;
uint32_t rd_key3_data6;
uint32_t rd_key3_data7;
uint32_t rd_key4_data0;
uint32_t rd_key4_data1;
uint32_t rd_key4_data2;
uint32_t rd_key4_data3;
uint32_t rd_key4_data4;
uint32_t rd_key4_data5;
uint32_t rd_key4_data6;
uint32_t rd_key4_data7;
uint32_t rd_key5_data0;
uint32_t rd_key5_data1;
uint32_t rd_key5_data2;
uint32_t rd_key5_data3;
uint32_t rd_key5_data4;
uint32_t rd_key5_data5;
uint32_t rd_key5_data6;
uint32_t rd_key5_data7;
uint32_t rd_sys_part2_data0;
uint32_t rd_sys_part2_data1;
uint32_t rd_sys_part2_data2;
uint32_t rd_sys_part2_data3;
uint32_t rd_sys_part2_data4;
uint32_t rd_sys_part2_data5;
uint32_t rd_sys_part2_data6;
uint32_t rd_sys_part2_data7;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reg_rd_dis_err : 7; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_rpt4_reserved5_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_icache_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_dcache_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_download_icache_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_download_dcache_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_force_download_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_can_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_app_cpu_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_soft_dis_jtag_err : 3; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_pad_jtag_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_download_manual_encrypt_err: 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_usb_drefh_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_usb_drefl_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_usb_exchg_pins_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_ext_phy_enable_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_btlc_gpio_enable_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_modecurlim_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_drefh_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_repeat_err0;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_drefm_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_drefl_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_xpd_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_tieh_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_force_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_en_init_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_encurlim_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_dcurlim_err : 3; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_init_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_vdd_spi_dcap_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_wdt_delay_sel_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_spi_boot_crypt_cnt_err : 3; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_boot_key_revoke0_err: 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_boot_key_revoke1_err: 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_boot_key_revoke2_err: 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_0_err : 4; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_1_err : 4; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_repeat_err1;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_2_err : 4; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_3_err : 4; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_4_err : 4; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_key_purpose_5_err : 4; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_rpt4_reserved0_err : 4; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_boot_en_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_boot_aggressive_revoke_err: 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb_jtag_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb_device_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_strap_jtag_sel_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_usb_phy_sel_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_power_glitch_dsense_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_flash_tpuw_err : 4; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_repeat_err2;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reg_dis_download_mode_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_direct_boot_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb_serial_jtag_rom_print_err:1;/*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_flash_ecc_mode_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb_serial_jtag_download_mode_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_enable_security_download_err: 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_uart_print_control_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_pin_power_selection_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_flash_type_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_flash_page_size_err : 2; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_flash_ecc_en_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_force_send_resume_err : 1; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_secure_version_err : 16; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reg_rpt4_reserved1_err : 1; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t reg_dis_usb_otg_download_mode_err: 1; /*Set this bit to disable download through USB-OTG*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_repeat_err3;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reg_rpt4_reserved2_err : 24; /*If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error.*/
uint32_t reserved24 : 8; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_repeat_err4;
uint32_t reserved_190;
uint32_t reserved_194;
uint32_t reserved_198;
uint32_t reserved_19c;
uint32_t reserved_1a0;
uint32_t reserved_1a4;
uint32_t reserved_1a8;
uint32_t reserved_1ac;
uint32_t reserved_1b0;
uint32_t reserved_1b4;
uint32_t reserved_1b8;
uint32_t reserved_1bc;
union {
struct {
uint32_t rd_mac_spi_8m_err_num: 3; /*The value of this signal means the number of error bytes.*/
uint32_t rd_mac_spi_8m_fail: 1; /*0: Means no failure and that the data of MAC_SPI_8M is reliable 1: Means that programming user data failed and the number of error bytes is over 6.*/
uint32_t rd_sys_part1_num: 3; /*The value of this signal means the number of error bytes.*/
uint32_t rd_sys_part1_fail: 1; /*0: Means no failure and that the data of system part1 is reliable 1: Means that programming user data failed and the number of error bytes is over 6.*/
uint32_t rd_usr_data_err_num: 3; /*The value of this signal means the number of error bytes.*/
uint32_t rd_usr_data_fail: 1; /*0: Means no failure and that the user data is reliable 1: Means that programming user data failed and the number of error bytes is over 6.*/
uint32_t rd_key0_err_num: 3; /*The value of this signal means the number of error bytes.*/
uint32_t rd_key0_fail: 1; /*0: Means no failure and that the data of key$n is reliable 1: Means that programming key$n failed and the number of error bytes is over 6.*/
uint32_t rd_key1_err_num: 3; /*The value of this signal means the number of error bytes.*/
uint32_t rd_key1_fail: 1; /*0: Means no failure and that the data of key$n is reliable 1: Means that programming key$n failed and the number of error bytes is over 6.*/
uint32_t rd_key2_err_num: 3; /*The value of this signal means the number of error bytes.*/
uint32_t rd_key2_fail: 1; /*0: Means no failure and that the data of key$n is reliable 1: Means that programming key$n failed and the number of error bytes is over 6.*/
uint32_t rd_key3_err_num: 3; /*The value of this signal means the number of error bytes.*/
uint32_t rd_key3_fail: 1; /*0: Means no failure and that the data of key$n is reliable 1: Means that programming key$n failed and the number of error bytes is over 6.*/
uint32_t rd_key4_err_num: 3; /*The value of this signal means the number of error bytes.*/
uint32_t rd_key4_fail: 1; /*0: Means no failure and that the data of key$n is reliable 1: Means that programming key$n failed and the number of error bytes is over 6.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_rs_err0;
union {
struct {
uint32_t rd_key5_err_num: 3; /*The value of this signal means the number of error bytes.*/
uint32_t rd_key5_fail: 1; /*0: Means no failure and that the data of KEY5 is reliable 1: Means that programming user data failed and the number of error bytes is over 6.*/
uint32_t rd_sys_part2_num: 3; /*The value of this signal means the number of error bytes.*/
uint32_t rd_sys_part2_fail: 1; /*0: Means no failure and that the data of system part2 is reliable 1: Means that programming user data failed and the number of error bytes is over 6.*/
uint32_t reserved8: 24; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_rs_err1;
union {
struct {
uint32_t mem_force_pd: 1; /*Set this bit to force eFuse SRAM into power-saving mode.*/
uint32_t mem_clk_force_on: 1; /*Set this bit and force to activate clock signal of eFuse SRAM.*/
uint32_t mem_force_pu: 1; /*Set this bit to force eFuse SRAM into working mode.*/
uint32_t reserved3: 13; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t clk_en: 1; /*Set this bit and force to enable clock signal of eFuse memory.*/
uint32_t reserved17: 15; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} clk;
union {
struct {
uint32_t op_code: 16; /*0x5A5A: Operate programming command 0x5AA5: Operate read command.*/
uint32_t reserved16: 16; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} conf;
union {
struct {
uint32_t state: 4; /*Indicates the state of the eFuse state machine.*/
uint32_t otp_load_sw: 1; /*The value of OTP_LOAD_SW.*/
uint32_t otp_vddq_c_sync2: 1; /*The value of OTP_VDDQ_C_SYNC2.*/
uint32_t otp_strobe_sw: 1; /*The value of OTP_STROBE_SW.*/
uint32_t otp_csb_sw: 1; /*The value of OTP_CSB_SW.*/
uint32_t otp_pgenb_sw: 1; /*The value of OTP_PGENB_SW.*/
uint32_t otp_vddq_is_sw: 1; /*The value of OTP_VDDQ_IS_SW.*/
uint32_t repeat_err_cnt: 8; /*Indicates the number of error bits during programming BLOCK0.*/
uint32_t reserved18: 14; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} status;
union {
struct {
uint32_t read_cmd: 1; /*Set this bit to send read command.*/
uint32_t pgm_cmd: 1; /*Set this bit to send programming command.*/
uint32_t blk_num: 4; /*The serial number of the block to be programmed. Value 0-10 corresponds to block number 0-10 respectively.*/
uint32_t reserved6: 26; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} cmd;
union {
struct {
uint32_t read_done: 1; /*The raw bit signal for read_done interrupt.*/
uint32_t pgm_done: 1; /*The raw bit signal for pgm_done interrupt.*/
uint32_t reserved2: 30; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} int_raw;
union {
struct {
uint32_t read_done: 1; /*The status signal for read_done interrupt.*/
uint32_t pgm_done: 1; /*The status signal for pgm_done interrupt.*/
uint32_t reserved2: 30; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} int_st;
union {
struct {
uint32_t read_done: 1; /*The enable signal for read_done interrupt.*/
uint32_t pgm_done: 1; /*The enable signal for pgm_done interrupt.*/
uint32_t reserved2: 30; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} int_ena;
union {
struct {
uint32_t read_done: 1; /*The clear signal for read_done interrupt.*/
uint32_t pgm_done: 1; /*The clear signal for pgm_done interrupt.*/
uint32_t reserved2: 30; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} int_clr;
union {
struct {
uint32_t dac_clk_div: 8; /*Controls the division factor of the rising clock of the programming voltage.*/
uint32_t dac_clk_pad_sel: 1; /*Don't care.*/
uint32_t dac_num: 8; /*Controls the rising period of the programming voltage.*/
uint32_t oe_clr: 1; /*Reduces the power supply of the programming voltage.*/
uint32_t reserved18: 14; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} dac_conf;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 24; /*Reserved. (Default read timing parameter)*/
uint32_t reg_read_init_num : 8; /*Configures the initial read time of eFuse.*/
uint32_t val;
} rd_tim_conf;
uint32_t wr_tim_conf0;
union {
struct {
uint32_t tsup_a: 8; /*Configures the setup time of programming operation.*/
uint32_t pwr_on_num: 16; /*Configures the power up time for VDDQ.*/
uint32_t reserved24: 8; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} wr_tim_conf1;
union {
struct {
uint32_t pwr_off_num: 16; /*Configures the power outage time for VDDQ.*/
uint32_t reserved16: 16; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} wr_tim_conf2;
union {
struct {
uint32_t date: 28; /*Stores eFuse version.*/
uint32_t reserved28: 4; /*Reserved.*/
uint32_t val;
} date;
} efuse_dev_t;
extern efuse_dev_t EFUSE;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*_SOC_EFUSE_STRUCT_H_ */