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synced 2024-10-05 20:47:46 -04:00
The "make" build system was deprecated in v4.0 in favor of idf.py (cmake). The remaining support is removed in v5.0.
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API 指南
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
应用层跟踪 <app_trace>
Application Startup Flow <startup>
:SOC_BT_SUPPORTED: BluFi <blufi>
引导加载程序 <bootloader>
构建系统 <build-system>
深度睡眠唤醒存根 <deep-sleep-stub>
:SOC_USB_OTG_SUPPORTED: 通过 USB 升级设备固件 <dfu>
错误处理 <error-handling>
:SOC_BT_SUPPORTED: ESP-BLE-MESH <esp-ble-mesh/ble-mesh-index>
ESP-WIFI-MESH <esp-wifi-mesh>
核心转储 <core_dump>
事件处理 <event-handling>
:SOC_SPIRAM_SUPPORTED: 片外 SPI RAM <external-ram>
严重错误 <fatal-errors>
Flash 加密 <../security/flash-encryption>
:esp32s3: Flash and External SPI RAM Configuration <flash_psram_config>
FreeRTOS SMP 变化 <freertos-smp>
硬件抽象层 <hardware-abstraction>
:CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ARCH_XTENSA: 高层中断 <hlinterrupts>
JTAG 调试 <jtag-debugging/index>
链接脚本生成机制 <linker-script-generation>
lwIP TCP/IP 协议栈 <lwip>
OpenThread <openthread>
Memory Types <memory-types>
分区表 <partition-tables>
Performance <performance/index>
射频校准 <RF_calibration>
:esp32: 安全启动 <../security/secure-boot-v1>
安全启动 V2 <../security/secure-boot-v2>
线程本地存储 <thread-local-storage>
工具 <tools/index>
:esp32s2: ULP-RISC-V 协处理器 <ulp-risc-v>
单元测试 (Target) <unit-tests>
单元测试 (Linux Host) <linux-host-testing>
:SOC_USB_OTG_SUPPORTED: USB 控制台 <usb-otg-console>
:SOC_USB_SERIAL_JTAG_SUPPORTED: USB Serial/JTAG Controller Console <usb-serial-jtag-console>
Wi-Fi 驱动 <wifi>
Wi-Fi Security <wifi-security>