Marius Vikhammer e32fc9eb36 ldgen: fixed error reporting of duplicate and missing entries.
Fragment was missing path variable which is used for error reporting.
2022-03-24 13:04:02 +08:00

478 lines
15 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from pyparsing import (Combine, Forward, Group, IndentedBlock, Keyword, LineEnd, Literal, OneOrMore, Opt,
ParseFatalException, SkipTo, Suppress, Word, ZeroOrMore, alphanums, alphas, delimited_list,
nums, rest_of_line)
class Empty:
Return `Empty()` when the sdkconfig does not meet the conditional statements.
def __repr__(self):
return '<EMPTY>'
def __bool__(self):
return False
class Fragment:
Base class for a fragment that can be parsed from a fragment file.
IDENTIFIER = Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '_')
ENTITY = Word(alphanums + '.-_$+')
def __init__(self, name: str, entries: Set[Union[str, Tuple[str]]]): = name
self.entries = entries
self.path = ''
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
class Sections(Fragment):
Fragment which contains list of input sections.
# Unless quoted, symbol names start with a letter, underscore, or point
# and may include any letters, underscores, digits, points, and hyphens.
ENTRY = Combine(Word(alphas + '_.', alphanums + '._-') + Opt('+')) + LineEnd().suppress()
def parse_entry(toks):
# section
return toks[0]
def parse(s, loc, toks):
this = toks[0]
name = this[0]
entries = {entry for entry in this[1] if entry}
if not entries:
raise ParseFatalException(s, loc, 'Sections entries shouldn\'t be empty')
return Sections(name, entries)
def get_section_data_from_entry(sections_entry, symbol=None):
Returns a list of sections given a sections fragment entry,
with the '+' notation and symbol concatenation handled automatically.
if not symbol:
sections = list()
sections.append(sections_entry.replace('+', ''))
sections.append(sections_entry.replace('+', '.*'))
return sections
if sections_entry.endswith('+'):
section = sections_entry.replace('+', '.*')
expansion = section.replace('.*', '.' + symbol)
return section, expansion
return sections_entry, None
class Scheme(Fragment):
Fragment which defines where the input sections defined in a Sections fragment
is going to end up, the target. The targets are markers in a linker script template
(see LinkerScript in
sections1 -> target1
ENTRY = Fragment.IDENTIFIER + Suppress('->') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER + LineEnd().suppress()
def parse_entry(toks):
# section, target
return toks[0], toks[1]
def parse(s, loc, toks):
this = toks[0]
name = this[0]
entries = {entry for entry in this[1] if entry}
if not entries:
raise ParseFatalException(s, loc, 'Scheme entries shouldn\'t be empty')
return Scheme(name, entries)
class EntryFlag:
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
class Surround(EntryFlag):
'__symbol_start', '__symbol_end' is generated before and after
the corresponding input section description, respectively.
SURROUND = (Keyword('SURROUND').suppress()
+ Suppress('(')
+ Suppress(')'))
def __init__(self, symbol: str):
self.symbol = symbol
self.pre = True = True
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Surround):
if self.symbol == other.symbol and self.pre == other.pre and ==
return True
return False
def parse(toks):
return Surround(toks[0])
class Align(EntryFlag):
ALIGN(alignment, [, pre, post]).
Generates alignment command before and/or after the corresponding
input section description, depending on whether pre, post or
both are specified.
PRE = Opt(Suppress(',') + Suppress('pre')).set_results_name('pre')
POST = Opt(Suppress(',') + Suppress('post')).set_results_name('post')
ALIGN = (Keyword('ALIGN').suppress()
+ Suppress('(')
+ Word(nums)
+ Suppress(')'))
def __init__(self, alignment, pre=True, post=False):
self.alignment = alignment
self.pre = pre = post
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Align):
if self.alignment == other.alignment and self.pre == other.pre and ==
return True
return False
def parse(toks):
alignment = int(toks[0])
if == '':
return Align(alignment)
if toks.pre == '' and != '':
return Align(alignment, False, True)
return Align(alignment, True, True)
class Keep(EntryFlag):
Surrounds input section description with KEEP command.
KEEP = Keyword('KEEP()')
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Keep):
return True
return False
def parse():
return Keep()
class Sort(EntryFlag):
SORT([sort_by_first, sort_by_second])
where sort_by_first, sort_by_second = {name, alignment, init_priority}
depending on arguments. Nested sort follows linker script rules.
_keywords = Keyword('name') | Keyword('alignment') | Keyword('init_priority')
SORT = (Keyword('SORT').suppress()
+ Suppress('(')
+ _keywords.set_results_name('first')
+ Opt(Suppress(',') + _keywords.set_results_name('second'))
+ Suppress(')'))
def __init__(self, first: str, second: Optional[str] = None):
self.first = first
self.second = second
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Sort):
if self.first == other.first and self.second == other.second:
return True
return False
def parse(toks):
return Sort(toks.first, toks.second or None)
class Flag:
_section_target = Fragment.IDENTIFIER + Suppress('->') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER
_flag = (Surround.SURROUND.set_parse_action(Surround.parse)
| Align.ALIGN.set_parse_action(Align.parse)
| Keep.KEEP.set_parse_action(Keep.parse)
| Sort.SORT.set_parse_action(Sort.parse))
FLAG = _section_target + OneOrMore(_flag)
def __init__(self, section: str, target: str, flags: List[EntryFlag]):
self.section = section = target
self.flags = flags
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Flag):
if self.section == other.section and == and len(self.flags) == len(other.flags):
for i, j in zip(self.flags, other.flags):
if i != j:
return True
return False
def parse(toks):
return Flag(toks[0], toks[1], toks[2:])
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
class Mapping(Fragment):
Fragment which attaches a scheme to entities (see Entity in, specifying where the input
sections of the entity will end up.
archive: lib1.a
obj1:symbol1 (scheme1); section1 -> target1 KEEP SURROUND(sym1) ...
obj2 (scheme2)
Ultimately, an `entity (scheme)` entry generates an
input section description (see
in the output linker script. It is possible to attach 'flags' to the
`entity (scheme)` to generate different output commands or to
emit additional keywords in the generated input section description. The
input section description, as well as other output commands, is defined in
_any = Literal('*')
_obj = Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '-_').set_results_name('object')
_sym = Fragment.IDENTIFIER.set_results_name('symbol')
# There are three possible patterns for mapping entries:
# obj:symbol (scheme)
# obj (scheme)
# * (scheme)
_entry = (((_obj + Opt(Suppress(':') + _sym)) | _any.set_results_name('object'))
+ Suppress('(')
+ Fragment.IDENTIFIER.set_results_name('section')
+ Suppress(')'))
ENTRY = _entry + LineEnd().suppress()
ARCHIVE = (Word(alphanums + '.-_$+') | Literal('*')) + LineEnd().suppress()
# Flags can be specified for section->target in the scheme specified, ex:
# obj (scheme);
# section->target SURROUND(symbol),
# section2->target2 ALIGN(4)
ENTRY_WITH_FLAG = (_entry + Suppress(';')
+ delimited_list(Flag.FLAG.set_parse_action(Flag.parse)))
def __init__(self, archive: str, flags: Dict[Any, Flag], *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.archive = archive
self.flags = flags
def parse_archive(s, loc, toks):
this = toks[0][0]
if len(this) != 1:
raise ParseFatalException(s, loc, 'Could only specify one archive file in one mapping fragment')
return this[0]
def parse_entry(toks):
return toks.object, toks.symbol or None, toks.section
def parse_entry_with_flag(toks):
entry = toks.object, toks.symbol or None, toks.section
return {
entry: [tok for tok in toks if isinstance(tok, Flag)]
def parse_entries(toks):
return toks[0]
def parse(toks):
this = toks[0]
name = this[0]
archive = this[1]
entries_or_dict_with_flags = this[2]
entries = set()
flags = dict()
for item in entries_or_dict_with_flags:
if isinstance(item, Empty):
elif isinstance(item, dict): # entry with flags
for k, v in item.items():
if k in flags:
flags[k] = v
return Mapping(archive=archive, name=name, entries=entries, flags=flags)
class FragmentFile:
Processes a fragment file and stores all parsed fragments. For
more information on how this class interacts with classes for the different fragment types,
see description of Fragment.
def __init__(self, fragments: List[Fragment]):
self.path = None # assign later, couldn't pass extra argument while parsing
self.fragments: List[Fragment] = fragments
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
def parse_fragment_file(path, sdkconfig):
def parse_conditional(toks):
this = toks[0]
for stmt in this:
if stmt[0] in ['if', 'elif']: # if/elif
if sdkconfig.evaluate_expression(stmt.condition):
return stmt[-1]
else: # else
return stmt[-1]
return Empty()
def get_conditional_stmt(_stmt):
condition = SkipTo(':').set_results_name('condition') + Suppress(':')
_suite = IndentedBlock(_stmt)
if_decl = Literal('if') + condition
elif_decl = Literal('elif') + condition
else_decl = Literal('else:')
if_ = Group(if_decl + _suite)
elif_ = Group(elif_decl + _suite)
else_ = Group(else_decl + _suite)
return Group(if_ + Opt(OneOrMore(elif_)) + Opt(else_)).set_parse_action(parse_conditional)
def get_suite(_stmt):
__stmt = Forward()
__conditional = get_conditional_stmt(__stmt)
__stmt <<= (comment
| _stmt
| __conditional)
return IndentedBlock(__stmt)
def parse(toks):
return FragmentFile([tok for tok in toks if not isinstance(tok, Empty)])
# comment
comment = (Literal('#') + rest_of_line).set_parse_action(lambda s, l, t: Empty())
# section
section_entry = Sections.ENTRY.set_parse_action(Sections.parse_entry)
section_entries_suite = get_suite(section_entry)
section_header = Suppress('[sections:') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER + Suppress(']') + LineEnd().suppress()
section = Group(section_header
+ Suppress('entries:')
+ section_entries_suite).set_parse_action(Sections.parse)
# scheme
scheme_entry = Scheme.ENTRY.set_parse_action(Scheme.parse_entry)
scheme_entries_suite = get_suite(scheme_entry)
scheme_header = Suppress('[scheme:') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER + Suppress(']') + LineEnd().suppress()
scheme = Group(scheme_header
+ Suppress('entries:')
+ scheme_entries_suite).set_parse_action(Scheme.parse)
# mapping
mapping_archive = Mapping.ARCHIVE
mapping_archive_suite = get_suite(mapping_archive)
mapping_entry = Mapping.ENTRY.set_parse_action(Mapping.parse_entry)
mapping_entry_with_flag = Mapping.ENTRY_WITH_FLAG.set_parse_action(Mapping.parse_entry_with_flag)
mapping_entries_suite = get_suite(mapping_entry | mapping_entry_with_flag)
mapping_header = Suppress('[mapping:') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER + Suppress(']')
mapping = Group(mapping_header
+ Group(Suppress('archive:')
+ mapping_archive_suite).set_parse_action(Mapping.parse_archive)
+ Group(Suppress('entries:')
+ mapping_entries_suite).set_parse_action(Mapping.parse_entries)
# highest level
fragment = (section
| scheme
| mapping
| get_conditional_stmt(section | scheme | mapping))
parser = ZeroOrMore(fragment).ignore(comment).set_parse_action(parse)
fragment_file = parser.parse_file(path, parse_all=True)[0]
fragment_file.path = path
for frag in fragment_file.fragments:
frag.path = path
return fragment_file