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synced 2024-10-05 20:47:46 -04:00
This example adds functionality to support basic communication in RS485 networks using Modbus protocol. This example uses FreeModbus stack and regular UART driver API to communicate in RS485 half duplex mode. Added initial support of modbus controller pure C api to access device parameters over Modbus transport. Move freemodbus stack and port files into components folder Move the modbus_controller interface into components idf folder Source files updated after review. Add modbus interface documentation docs/en/api-reference/protocols/modbus.rst porttimer.c: fix bug with timer1 selected in the Kconfig Add support of cmake system (added cmake files) Closes https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/858
493 lines
21 KiB
493 lines
21 KiB
// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// mbcontroller.c
// Implementation of the modbus controller
// The modbus controller is responsible for processing of modbus packet and transfer data
// into parameter instance.
#include <sys/time.h> // for calculation of time stamp in milliseconds
#include "esp_log.h" // for log_write
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" // for task creation and queue access
#include "freertos/task.h" // for task api access
#include "freertos/event_groups.h" // for event groups
#include "freertos/queue.h" // for queue api access
#include "mb.h" // for mb types definition
#include "mbutils.h" // for mbutils functions definition for stack callback
#include "sdkconfig.h" // for KConfig values
#include "mbcontroller.h"
static const char* TAG = "MB_CONTROLLER";
#define MB_CHECK(a, ret_val, str, ...) \
if (!(a)) { \
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s(%u): " str, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
return (ret_val); \
// The Macros below handle the endianness while transfer N byte data into buffer
#define _XFER_4_RD(dst, src) { \
*(uint8_t *)(dst)++ = *(uint8_t*)(src + 1); \
*(uint8_t *)(dst)++ = *(uint8_t*)(src + 0); \
*(uint8_t *)(dst)++ = *(uint8_t*)(src + 3); \
*(uint8_t *)(dst)++ = *(uint8_t*)(src + 2); \
(src) += 4; \
#define _XFER_2_RD(dst, src) { \
*(uint8_t *)(dst)++ = *(uint8_t *)(src + 1); \
*(uint8_t *)(dst)++ = *(uint8_t *)(src + 0); \
(src) += 2; \
#define _XFER_4_WR(dst, src) { \
*(uint8_t *)(dst + 1) = *(uint8_t *)(src)++; \
*(uint8_t *)(dst + 0) = *(uint8_t *)(src)++; \
*(uint8_t *)(dst + 3) = *(uint8_t *)(src)++; \
*(uint8_t *)(dst + 2) = *(uint8_t *)(src)++ ; \
#define _XFER_2_WR(dst, src) { \
*(uint8_t *)(dst + 1) = *(uint8_t *)(src)++; \
*(uint8_t *)(dst + 0) = *(uint8_t *)(src)++; \
#define MB_ID_BYTE0(id) ((uint8_t)(id))
#define MB_ID_BYTE1(id) ((uint8_t)(((uint16_t)(id) >> 8) & 0xFF))
#define MB_ID_BYTE2(id) ((uint8_t)(((uint32_t)(id) >> 16) & 0xFF))
#define MB_ID_BYTE3(id) ((uint8_t)(((uint32_t)(id) >> 24) & 0xFF))
// Slave ID constant
static uint8_t mb_slave_id[] = { MB_ID_BYTE0(MB_CONTROLLER_SLAVE_ID),
// Event group parameters
static TaskHandle_t mb_controller_task_handle = NULL;
static EventGroupHandle_t mb_controller_event_group = NULL;
static QueueHandle_t mb_controller_notification_queue_handle = NULL;
static uint8_t mb_type = 0;
static uint8_t mb_address = 0;
static uint8_t mb_port = 0;
static uint32_t mb_speed = 0;
static uint16_t mb_parity = 0;
// This is array of Modbus address area descriptors
static mb_register_area_descriptor_t mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_COUNT] = { 0 };
// The helper function to get time stamp in microseconds
static uint64_t get_time_stamp()
uint64_t time_stamp = esp_timer_get_time();
return time_stamp;
// Helper function to send parameter information to application task
static esp_err_t send_param_info(mb_event_group_t par_type, uint16_t mb_offset,
uint8_t* par_address, uint16_t par_size)
esp_err_t error = ESP_FAIL;
mb_param_info_t par_info;
// Check if queue is not full the send parameter information
par_info.type = par_type;
par_info.size = par_size;
par_info.address = par_address;
par_info.time_stamp = get_time_stamp();
par_info.mb_offset = mb_offset;
BaseType_t status = xQueueSend(mb_controller_notification_queue_handle, &par_info, MB_PAR_INFO_TOUT);
if (pdTRUE == status) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Queue send parameter info (type, address, size): %d, 0x%.4x, %d",
par_type, (uint32_t)par_address, par_size);
error = ESP_OK;
} else if (errQUEUE_FULL == status) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Parameter queue is overflowed.");
return error;
static esp_err_t send_param_access_notification(mb_event_group_t event)
esp_err_t err = ESP_FAIL;
mb_event_group_t bits = (mb_event_group_t)xEventGroupSetBits(mb_controller_event_group, (EventBits_t)event);
if (bits & event) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "The MB_REG_CHANGE_EVENT = 0x%.2x is set.", (uint8_t)event);
err = ESP_OK;
return err;
// Modbus task function
static void modbus_task(void *pvParameters) {
// Main Modbus stack processing cycle
for (;;) {
BaseType_t status = xEventGroupWaitBits(mb_controller_event_group,
pdFALSE, // do not clear bits
// Check if stack started then poll for data
if (status & MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED) {
(void)eMBPoll(); // allow stack to process data
(void)xMBPortSerialTxPoll(); // Send response buffer if ready
// Blocking function to get event on parameter group change for application task
mb_event_group_t mbcontroller_check_event(mb_event_group_t group)
assert(mb_controller_event_group != NULL);
BaseType_t status = xEventGroupWaitBits(mb_controller_event_group, (BaseType_t)group,
return (mb_event_group_t)status;
esp_err_t mbcontroller_set_descriptor(const mb_register_area_descriptor_t descr_info)
MB_CHECK(((descr_info.type < MB_PARAM_COUNT) && (descr_info.type >= MB_PARAM_HOLDING)),
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect modbus instance type = (0x%x).",
MB_CHECK((descr_info.address != NULL),
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb instance pointer is NULL.");
MB_CHECK((descr_info.size >= MB_INST_MIN_SIZE) && (descr_info.size < (MB_INST_MAX_SIZE)),
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb instance size is incorrect = (0x%x).",
mb_area_descriptors[descr_info.type].type = descr_info.type;
mb_area_descriptors[descr_info.type].start_offset = descr_info.start_offset;
mb_area_descriptors[descr_info.type].address = (uint8_t*)descr_info.address;
mb_area_descriptors[descr_info.type].size = descr_info.size;
return ESP_OK;
// Initialization of Modbus controller
esp_err_t mbcontroller_init(void) {
mb_type = MB_MODE_RTU;
mb_address = MB_DEVICE_ADDRESS;
mb_port = MB_UART_PORT;
mb_speed = MB_DEVICE_SPEED;
mb_parity = MB_PARITY_NONE;
// Initialization of active context of the modbus controller
BaseType_t status = 0;
// Parameter change notification queue
mb_controller_event_group = xEventGroupCreate();
MB_CHECK((mb_controller_event_group != NULL),
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, "mb event group error.");
// Parameter change notification queue
mb_controller_notification_queue_handle = xQueueCreate(
MB_CHECK((mb_controller_notification_queue_handle != NULL),
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, "mb notify queue creation error.");
// Create modbus controller task
status = xTaskCreate((void*)&modbus_task,
if (status != pdPASS) {
MB_CHECK((status == pdPASS), ESP_ERR_NO_MEM,
"mb controller task creation error, xTaskCreate() returns (0x%x).",
assert(mb_controller_task_handle != NULL); // The task is created but handle is incorrect
return ESP_OK;
// Function to get notification about parameter change from application task
esp_err_t mbcontroller_get_param_info(mb_param_info_t* reg_info, uint32_t timeout)
esp_err_t err = ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT;
MB_CHECK((mb_controller_notification_queue_handle != NULL),
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb queue handle is invalid.");
MB_CHECK((reg_info != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb register information is invalid.");
BaseType_t status = xQueueReceive(mb_controller_notification_queue_handle,
reg_info, pdMS_TO_TICKS(timeout));
if (status == pdTRUE) {
err = ESP_OK;
return err;
// Start Modbus controller start function
esp_err_t mbcontroller_start(void)
eMBErrorCode status = MB_EIO;
// Initialize Modbus stack using mbcontroller parameters
status = eMBInit((eMBMode)mb_type, (UCHAR)mb_address, (UCHAR)mb_port,
(ULONG)mb_speed, (eMBParity)mb_parity);
"mb stack initialization failure, eMBInit() returns (0x%x).", status);
status = eMBSetSlaveID(MB_SLAVE_ID_SHORT, TRUE, (UCHAR*)mb_slave_id, sizeof(mb_slave_id));
MB_CHECK((status == MB_ENOERR), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack set slave ID failure.");
status = eMBEnable();
"mb stack set slave ID failure, eMBEnable() returned (0x%x).", (uint32_t)status);
// Set the mbcontroller start flag
EventBits_t flag = xEventGroupSetBits(mb_controller_event_group,
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack start event set error.");
return ESP_OK;
// Modbus controller destroy function
esp_err_t mbcontroller_destroy(void)
eMBErrorCode mb_error = MB_ENOERR;
// Stop polling by clearing correspondent bit in the event group
EventBits_t flag = xEventGroupClearBits(mb_controller_event_group,
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack stop event failure.");
// Desable and then destroy the Modbus stack
mb_error = eMBDisable();
MB_CHECK((mb_error == MB_ENOERR), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack disable failure.");
mb_error = eMBClose();
"mb stack close failure returned (0x%x).", (uint32_t)mb_error);
return ESP_OK;
// Setup modbus controller parameters
esp_err_t mbcontroller_setup(const mb_communication_info_t comm_info)
MB_CHECK(((comm_info.mode == MB_MODE_RTU) || (comm_info.mode == MB_MODE_ASCII)),
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect mode = (0x%x).",
MB_CHECK((comm_info.slave_addr <= MB_ADDRESS_MAX),
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb wrong slave address = (0x%x).",
MB_CHECK((comm_info.port <= UART_NUM_2), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG,
"mb wrong port to set = (0x%x).", (uint32_t)comm_info.port);
"mb wrong parity option = (0x%x).", (uint32_t)comm_info.parity);
mb_type = (uint8_t)comm_info.mode;
mb_address = (uint8_t)comm_info.slave_addr;
mb_port = (uint8_t)comm_info.port;
mb_speed = (uint32_t)comm_info.baudrate;
mb_parity = (uint8_t)comm_info.parity;
return ESP_OK;
/* ----------------------- Callback functions for Modbus stack ---------------------------------*/
// These are executed by modbus stack to read appropriate type of registers.
// This is required to suppress warning when register start address is zero
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtype-limits"
// Callback function for reading of MB Input Registers
eMBErrorCode eMBRegInputCB(UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress,
assert(pucRegBuffer != NULL);
USHORT usRegInputNregs = (USHORT)(mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_INPUT].size >> 1); // Number of input registers
USHORT usInputRegStart = (USHORT)mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_INPUT].start_offset; // Get Modbus start address
UCHAR* pucInputBuffer = (UCHAR*)mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_INPUT].address; // Get instance address
USHORT usRegs = usNRegs;
eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR;
USHORT iRegIndex;
// If input or configuration parameters are incorrect then return an error to stack layer
if ((usAddress >= usInputRegStart)
&& (pucInputBuffer != NULL)
&& (usNRegs >= 1)
&& ((usAddress + usRegs) <= (usInputRegStart + usRegInputNregs + 1))
&& (usRegInputNregs >= 1)) {
iRegIndex = (USHORT)(usAddress - usInputRegStart - 1);
iRegIndex <<= 1; // register Address to byte address
pucInputBuffer += iRegIndex;
UCHAR* pucBufferStart = pucInputBuffer;
while (usRegs > 0) {
_XFER_2_RD(pucRegBuffer, pucInputBuffer);
iRegIndex += 2;
usRegs -= 1;
// Send access notification
// Send parameter info to application task
(void)send_param_info(MB_EVENT_INPUT_REG_RD, (uint16_t)usAddress,
(uint8_t*)pucBufferStart, (uint16_t)usNRegs);
} else {
eStatus = MB_ENOREG;
return eStatus;
// Callback function for reading of MB Holding Registers
// Executed by stack when request to read/write holding registers is received
eMBErrorCode eMBRegHoldingCB(UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress,
USHORT usNRegs, eMBRegisterMode eMode)
assert(pucRegBuffer != NULL);
USHORT usRegHoldingNregs = (USHORT)(mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_HOLDING].size >> 1);
USHORT usRegHoldingStart = (USHORT)mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_HOLDING].start_offset;
UCHAR* pucHoldingBuffer = (UCHAR*)mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_HOLDING].address;
eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR;
USHORT iRegIndex;
USHORT usRegs = usNRegs;
// Check input and configuration parameters for correctness
if ((usAddress >= usRegHoldingStart)
&& (pucHoldingBuffer != NULL)
&& ((usAddress + usRegs) <= (usRegHoldingStart + usRegHoldingNregs + 1))
&& (usRegHoldingNregs >= 1)
&& (usNRegs >= 1)) {
iRegIndex = (USHORT) (usAddress - usRegHoldingStart - 1);
iRegIndex <<= 1; // register Address to byte address
pucHoldingBuffer += iRegIndex;
UCHAR* pucBufferStart = pucHoldingBuffer;
switch (eMode) {
while (usRegs > 0) {
_XFER_2_RD(pucRegBuffer, pucHoldingBuffer);
iRegIndex += 2;
usRegs -= 1;
// Send access notification
// Send parameter info
(void)send_param_info(MB_EVENT_HOLDING_REG_RD, (uint16_t)usAddress,
(uint8_t*)pucBufferStart, (uint16_t)usNRegs);
while (usRegs > 0) {
_XFER_2_WR(pucHoldingBuffer, pucRegBuffer);
pucHoldingBuffer += 2;
iRegIndex += 2;
usRegs -= 1;
// Send access notification
// Send parameter info
(void)send_param_info(MB_EVENT_HOLDING_REG_WR, (uint16_t)usAddress,
(uint8_t*)pucBufferStart, (uint16_t)usNRegs);
} else {
eStatus = MB_ENOREG;
return eStatus;
// Callback function for reading of MB Coils Registers
eMBErrorCode eMBRegCoilsCB(UCHAR* pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress,
USHORT usNCoils, eMBRegisterMode eMode)
assert(NULL != pucRegBuffer);
USHORT usRegCoilNregs = (USHORT)(mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_COIL].size >> 1); // number of registers in storage area
USHORT usRegCoilsStart = (USHORT)mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_COIL].start_offset; // MB offset of coils registers
UCHAR* pucRegCoilsBuf = (UCHAR*)mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_COIL].address;
eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR;
USHORT iRegIndex;
USHORT usCoils = usNCoils;
usAddress--; // The address is already +1
if ((usAddress >= usRegCoilsStart)
&& (usRegCoilNregs >= 1)
&& ((usAddress + usCoils) <= (usRegCoilsStart + (usRegCoilNregs << 4) + 1))
&& (pucRegCoilsBuf != NULL)
&& (usNCoils >= 1)) {
iRegIndex = (USHORT) (usAddress - usRegCoilsStart);
CHAR* pucCoilsDataBuf = (CHAR*)(pucRegCoilsBuf + (iRegIndex >> 3));
switch (eMode) {
while (usCoils > 0) {
UCHAR ucResult = xMBUtilGetBits((UCHAR*)pucRegCoilsBuf, iRegIndex, 1);
xMBUtilSetBits(pucRegBuffer, iRegIndex - (usAddress - usRegCoilsStart), 1, ucResult);
// Send an event to notify application task about event
(void)send_param_info(MB_EVENT_COILS_WR, (uint16_t)usAddress,
(uint8_t*)(pucCoilsDataBuf), (uint16_t)usNCoils);
while (usCoils > 0) {
UCHAR ucResult = xMBUtilGetBits(pucRegBuffer,
iRegIndex - (usAddress - usRegCoilsStart), 1);
xMBUtilSetBits((uint8_t*)pucRegCoilsBuf, iRegIndex, 1, ucResult);
// Send an event to notify application task about event
(void)send_param_info(MB_EVENT_COILS_WR, (uint16_t)usAddress,
(uint8_t*)pucCoilsDataBuf, (uint16_t)usNCoils);
} // switch ( eMode )
} else {
// If the configuration or input parameters are incorrect then return error to stack
eStatus = MB_ENOREG;
return eStatus;
// Callback function for reading of MB Discrete Input Registers
eMBErrorCode eMBRegDiscreteCB(UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress,
USHORT usNDiscrete)
assert(pucRegBuffer != NULL);
USHORT usRegDiscreteNregs = (USHORT)(mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_DISCRETE].size >> 1); // number of registers in storage area
USHORT usRegDiscreteStart = (USHORT)mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_DISCRETE].start_offset; // MB offset of registers
UCHAR* pucRegDiscreteBuf = (UCHAR*)mb_area_descriptors[MB_PARAM_DISCRETE].address; // the storage address
eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR;
USHORT iRegIndex, iRegBitIndex, iNReg;
UCHAR* pucDiscreteInputBuf;
iNReg = usNDiscrete / 8 + 1;
pucDiscreteInputBuf = (UCHAR*) pucRegDiscreteBuf;
// It already plus one in modbus function method.
if ((usAddress >= usRegDiscreteStart)
&& (usRegDiscreteNregs >= 1)
&& (pucRegDiscreteBuf != NULL)
&& ((usAddress + usNDiscrete) <= (usRegDiscreteStart + (usRegDiscreteNregs * 16)))
&& (usNDiscrete >= 1)) {
iRegIndex = (USHORT) (usAddress - usRegDiscreteStart) / 8; // Get register index in the buffer for bit number
iRegBitIndex = (USHORT)(usAddress - usRegDiscreteStart) % 8; // Get bit index
UCHAR* pucTempBuf = &pucDiscreteInputBuf[iRegIndex];
while (iNReg > 0) {
*pucRegBuffer++ = xMBUtilGetBits(&pucDiscreteInputBuf[iRegIndex++], iRegBitIndex, 8);
// Last discrete
usNDiscrete = usNDiscrete % 8;
// Filling zero to high bit
*pucRegBuffer = *pucRegBuffer << (8 - usNDiscrete);
*pucRegBuffer = *pucRegBuffer >> (8 - usNDiscrete);
// Send an event to notify application task about event
(void)send_param_info(MB_EVENT_DISCRETE_RD, (uint16_t)usAddress,
(uint8_t*)pucTempBuf, (uint16_t)usNDiscrete);
} else {
eStatus = MB_ENOREG;
return eStatus;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop // require GCC