Marek Fiala 7b417fc3f2 feat(tools): Add backup option to use legacy export script
This feature serves as an immediate fix in case
the new export approach causes issues.
The user can simply set the environment variable `ESP_IDF_LEGACY_EXPORT`,
and the old export script will be used.
2024-09-05 10:13:05 +02:00

95 lines
3.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
$S = [IO.Path]::PathSeparator # path separator. WIN:';', UNIX:":"
$IDF_PATH = "$PSScriptRoot"
# As export_legacy got moved, remove the trailing 'tools\legacy_exports' to detect IDF_PATH
$IDF_PATH = $IDF_PATH -replace "\\tools\\legacy_exports$", ""
Write-Output "Setting IDF_PATH: $IDF_PATH"
Write-Output "Checking Python compatibility"
python "$IDF_PATH/tools/"
Write-Output "Adding ESP-IDF tools to PATH..."
$OLD_PATH = $env:PATH.split($S) | Select-Object -Unique # array without duplicates
# using to get $envars_array to set
$envars_raw = python "$IDF_PATH/tools/" export --format key-value
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } # if error
$envars_array = @() # will be filled like:
# [
# [vname1, vval1], [vname2, vval2], ...
# ]
foreach ($line in $envars_raw) {
$pair = $line.split("=") # split in name, val
$var_name = $pair[0].Trim() # trim spaces on the ends of the name
$var_val = $pair[1].Trim() # trim spaces on the ends of the val
$envars_array += (, ($var_name, $var_val))
if ($null -eq $IsWindows) {
# $IsWindows was added in PowerShell Core 6 and PowerShell 7 together with multi-platform support. # I.E. if this
# internal variable is not set then PowerShell 5 is used and # the platform cannot be # anything else than Windows.
$Windows = $true
foreach ($pair in $envars_array) {
# setting the values
$var_name = $pair[0].Trim() # trim spaces on the ends of the name
$var_val = $pair[1].Trim() # trim spaces on the ends of the val
if ($var_name -eq "PATH") {
# trim "%PATH%" or "`$PATH"
if ($IsWindows -or $Windows) {
$var_val = $var_val.Trim($S + "%PATH%")
} else {
$var_val = $var_val.Trim($S + "`$PATH")
# apply
$env:PATH = $var_val + $S + $env:PATH
} else {
New-Item -Path "env:$var_name" -Value "$var_val" -Force
# Allow calling some IDF python tools without specifying the full path
function { &python "$IDF_PATH\tools\" $args }
function { &python "$IDF_PATH\components\esptool_py\esptool\" $args }
function { &python "$IDF_PATH\components\esptool_py\esptool\" $args }
function { &python "$IDF_PATH\components\app_update\" $args }
function { &python "$IDF_PATH\components\partition_table\" $args }
#Compare Path's OLD vs. NEW
$NEW_PATH = $env:PATH.split($S) | Select-Object -Unique # array without duplicates
$dif_Path = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $OLD_PATH -DifferenceObject $NEW_PATH -PassThru
if ($null -ne $dif_Path) {
Write-Output "`nAdded to PATH`n-------------"
Write-Output $dif_Path
} else {
Write-Output "No directories added to PATH:"
Write-Output $OLD_PATH
Write-Output "Checking if Python packages are up to date..."
Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow -FilePath "python" -Args "`"$IDF_PATH/tools/`" check-python-dependencies"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } # if error
$uninstall = python "$IDF_PATH/tools/" uninstall --dry-run
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($uninstall)){
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Detected installed tools that are not currently used by active ESP-IDF version."
Write-Output "$uninstall"
Write-Output "For free up even more space, remove installation packages of those tools. Use option 'python.exe $IDF_PATH\tools\ uninstall --remove-archives'."
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "
Done! You can now compile ESP-IDF projects.
Go to the project directory and run: build