Darian Leung accbaee57c Add USB Host Library
This commit adds the preliminary version of the USB Host Library. This commit contains:

- USBH (USB Host Driver)
- Hub Driver that only supports a single device and device enumeration
- USB Host Library (asychronous API)
- Test cases for USB Host Library asychronous API

The following changes were made to the existing HCD:
- Removed HCD_PIPE_STATE_INVALID. Pipes are no longer invalidated
- Changed pipe commands to halt, flush, and clear. Pipes need to be manually
  halted, flush, and cleared.
- Halting and flushing a pipe will execute the pipe callback if it causes a
2021-08-24 23:28:00 +08:00

90 lines
3.4 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdio.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "unity.h"
#include "test_utils.h"
#include "test_usb_mock_classes.h"
#include "test_hcd_common.h"
// --------------------------------------------------- Test Cases ------------------------------------------------------
Test HCD interrupt pipe URBs
- Test that an interrupt pipe can be created
- URBs can be created and enqueued to the interrupt pipe
- Interrupt pipe returns HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE
- Test that URBs can be aborted when enqueued
- Setup HCD and wait for connection
- Allocate default pipe and enumerate the device
- Setup interrupt pipe and allocate URBs
- Enqueue URBs, expect HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE, and requeue
- Stop after fixed number of iterations
- Deallocate URBs
- Teardown
Note: Some mice will NAK until it is moved, so try moving the mouse around if this test case gets stuck.
#define NUM_URBS 3
#define URB_DATA_BUFF_SIZE 4 //MPS is 4
#define NUM_URB_ITERS (NUM_URBS * 100)
TEST_CASE("Test HCD interrupt pipe URBs", "[hcd][ignore]")
hcd_port_handle_t port_hdl = test_hcd_setup(); //Setup the HCD and port
usb_speed_t port_speed = test_hcd_wait_for_conn(port_hdl); //Trigger a connection
vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); //Short delay send of SOF (for FS) or EOPs (for LS)
hcd_pipe_handle_t default_pipe = test_hcd_pipe_alloc(port_hdl, NULL, 0, port_speed); //Create a default pipe (using a NULL EP descriptor)
uint8_t dev_addr = test_hcd_enum_device(default_pipe);
//Allocate interrupt pipe and URBS
hcd_pipe_handle_t intr_pipe = test_hcd_pipe_alloc(port_hdl, &mock_hid_mouse_in_ep_desc, dev_addr, port_speed);
urb_t *urb_list[NUM_URBS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_URBS; i++) {
urb_list[i] = test_hcd_alloc_urb(0, URB_DATA_BUFF_SIZE);
urb_list[i]->transfer.num_bytes = URB_DATA_BUFF_SIZE;
urb_list[i]->transfer.context = URB_CONTEXT_VAL;
//Enqueue URBs
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_URBS; i++) {
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, hcd_urb_enqueue(intr_pipe, urb_list[i]));
int iter_count = NUM_URB_ITERS;
for (iter_count = NUM_URB_ITERS; iter_count > 0; iter_count--) {
//Wait for an URB to be done
test_hcd_expect_pipe_event(intr_pipe, HCD_PIPE_EVENT_URB_DONE);
//Dequeue the URB and check results
urb_t *urb = hcd_urb_dequeue(intr_pipe);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(URB_CONTEXT_VAL, urb->transfer.context);
mock_hid_process_report((mock_hid_mouse_report_t *)urb->transfer.data_buffer, iter_count);
//Requeue URB
if (iter_count > NUM_URBS) {
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_OK, hcd_urb_enqueue(intr_pipe, urb));
//Free URB list and pipe
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_URBS; i++) {
test_hcd_wait_for_disconn(port_hdl, false);