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All original source code in this repository is Copyright (C) 2015-2016
Espressif Systems. This source code is licensed under the Apache
License 2.0 as described in the file LICENSE.
Chapter Introduction
Chapter 1. SSL Context Method Create
Chapter 2. SSL Context Fucntion
Chapter 3. SSL Fucntion
Chapter 4. SSL X509 Certification and Private Key Function
Chapter 1. SSL Context Method Create
1.1 const SSL_METHOD* SSLv23_client_method(void);
Arguments : none
Return : SSLV2 and 3 version SSL context client method point
Description : create the target SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method = SSLv23_client_method();
1.2 const SSL_METHOD* TLSv1_client_method(void);
Arguments : none
Return : TLSV1.0 version SSL context client method point
Description : create the target SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method = TLSv1_client_method();
1.3 const SSL_METHOD* SSLv3_client_method(void);
Arguments : none
Return : SSLV3.0 version SSL context client method point
Description : create the target SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method = SSLv3_client_method();
1.4 const SSL_METHOD* TLSv1_1_client_method(void);
Arguments : none
Return : TLSV1.1 version SSL context client method point
Description : create the target SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method = TLSv1_1_client_method();
1.5 const SSL_METHOD* TLSv1_2_client_method(void);
Arguments : none
Return : TLSV1.2 version SSL context client method point
Description : create the target SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method = TLSv1_2_client_method();
1.6 const SSL_METHOD* SSLv23_server_method(void);
Arguments : none
Return : SSLV2 and 3 version SSL context server method point
Description : create the target SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method = SSLv23_server_method();
1.7 const SSL_METHOD* TLSv1_1_server_method(void);
Arguments : none
Return : TLSV1.1 version SSL context server method point
Description : create the target SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method = TLSv1_1_server_method();
1.8 const SSL_METHOD* TLSv1_2_server_method(void);
Arguments : none
Return : TLSV1.2 version SSL context server method point
Description : create the target SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method = TLSv1_2_server_method();
1.9 const SSL_METHOD* TLSv1_server_method(void);
Arguments : none
Return : TLSV1.0 version SSL context server method point
Description : create the target SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method = TLSv1_server_method();
1.10 const SSL_METHOD* SSLv3_server_method(void);
Arguments : none
Return : SSLV3.0 version SSL context server method point
Description : create the target SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method = SSLv3_server_method();
Chapter 2. SSL Context Fucntion
2.1 SSL_CTX* SSL_CTX_new(const SSL_METHOD *method);
Arguments : method - the SSL context method point
Return : context point
Description : create a SSL context
Example :
void example(void)
SSL_CTX *ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_server_method());
2.2 void SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX *ctx);
Arguments : ctx - the SSL context point
Return : none
Description : free a SSL context
Example :
void example(void)
SSL_CTX *ctx;
... ...
2.3 int SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(SSL_CTX *ctx, const SSL_METHOD *meth);
Arguments : ctx - SSL context point
meth - SSL method point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : set the SSL context version
Example :
void example(void)
SSL_CTX *ctx;
const SSL_METHOD *meth;
... ...
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(ctx, meth);
2.4 const SSL_METHOD *SSL_CTX_get_ssl_method(SSL_CTX *ctx);
Arguments : ctx - SSL context point
Return : SSL context method
Description : get the SSL context method
Example :
void example(void)
const SSL_METHOD *method;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
... ...
method = SSL_CTX_get_ssl_method(ctx);
Chapter 3. SSL Fucntion
3.1 SSL* SSL_new(SSL_CTX *ctx);
Arguments : ctx - SSL context point
Return : SSL method
Description : create a SSL
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
... ...
ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
3.2 void SSL_free(SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : none
Description : free SSL
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
... ...
3.3 int SSL_do_handshake(SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed, connect is close by remote
-1 : a error catch
Description : perform the SSL handshake
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_do_handshake(ssl);
3.4 int SSL_connect(SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed, connect is close by remote
-1 : a error catch
Description : connect to the remote SSL server
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_connect(ssl);
3.5 int SSL_accept(SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed, connect is close by remote
-1 : a error catch
Description : accept the remote connection
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_accept(ssl);
3.6 int SSL_shutdown(SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed, connect is close by remote
-1 : a error catch
Description : shutdown the connection
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_shutdown(ssl);
3.7 int SSL_clear(SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : shutdown the connection
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_clear(ssl);
3.8 int SSL_read(SSL *ssl, void *buffer, int len);
Arguments : ssl - point
buffer - data buffer point
len - data length
Return : result
> 0 : OK, and return received data bytes
= 0 : no data received or connection is closed
< 0 : an error catch
Description : read data from remote
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
char *buf;
int len;
int ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_read(ssl, buf, len);
3.9 int SSL_write(SSL *ssl, const void *buffer, int len);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
buffer - data buffer point
len - data length
Return : result
> 0 : OK, and return received data bytes
= 0 : no data sent or connection is closed
< 0 : an error catch
Description : send the data to remote
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
char *buf;
int len;
int ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_write(ssl, buf, len);
3.10 SSL_CTX *SSL_get_SSL_CTX(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : SSL context
Description : get SSL context of the SSL
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
... ...
ctx = SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl);
3.11 int SSL_get_shutdown(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : shutdown mode
Description : get SSL shutdown mode
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int mode;
... ...
mode = SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl);
3.12 void SSL_set_shutdown(SSL *ssl, int mode);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : shutdown mode
Description : set SSL shutdown mode
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int mode = 0;
... ...
SSL_set_shutdown(ssl, mode);
3.13 const SSL_METHOD *SSL_get_ssl_method(SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : SSL method
Description : set SSL shutdown mode
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
const SSL_METHOD *method;
... ...
method = SSL_get_ssl_method(ssl);
3.14 int SSL_set_ssl_method(SSL *ssl, const SSL_METHOD *method);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
meth - SSL method point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : set the SSL method
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
const SSL_METHOD *method;
... ...
ret = SSL_set_ssl_method(ssl, method);
3.15 int SSL_pending(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : data bytes
Description : get received data bytes
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
... ...
ret = SSL_pending(ssl);
3.16 int SSL_has_pending(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
1 : Yes
0 : No
Description : check if data is received
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
... ...
ret = SSL_has_pending(ssl);
3.17 int SSL_get_fd(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
>= 0 : socket id
< 0 : a error catch
Description : get the socket of the SSL
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
... ...
ret = SSL_get_fd(ssl);
3.18 int SSL_get_rfd(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
>= 0 : socket id
< 0 : a error catch
Description : get the read only socket of the SSL
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
... ...
ret = SSL_get_rfd(ssl);
3.19 int SSL_get_wfd(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
>= 0 : socket id
< 0 : a error catch
Description : get the write only socket of the SSL
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
... ...
ret = SSL_get_wfd(ssl);
3.20 int SSL_set_fd(SSL *ssl, int fd);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
fd - socket id
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : set socket to SSL
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
int socket;
... ...
ret = SSL_set_fd(ssl, socket);
3.21 int SSL_set_rfd(SSL *ssl, int fd);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
fd - socket id
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : set read only socket to SSL
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
int socket;
... ...
ret = SSL_set_rfd(ssl, socket);
3.22 int SSL_set_wfd(SSL *ssl, int fd);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
fd - socket id
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : set write only socket to SSL
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
int socket;
... ...
ret = SSL_set_wfd(ssl, socket);
3.23 int SSL_version(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : SSL version
Description : get SSL version
Example :
void example(void)
int version;
SSL *ssl;
... ...
version = SSL_version(ssl);
3.24 const char *SSL_get_version(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : SSL version string
Description : get the SSL current version string
Example :
void example(void)
char *version;
SSL *ssl;
... ...
version = SSL_get_version(ssl);
3.25 OSSL_HANDSHAKE_STATE SSL_get_state(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : SSL state
Description : get the SSL state
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
... ...
state = SSL_get_state(ssl);
3.26 const char *SSL_alert_desc_string(int value);
Arguments : value - SSL description
Return : alert value string
Description : get alert description string
Example :
void example(void)
int val;
char *str;
... ...
str = SSL_alert_desc_string(val);
3.27 const char *SSL_alert_desc_string_long(int value);
Arguments : value - SSL description
Return : alert value long string
Description : get alert description long string
Example :
void example(void)
int val;
char *str;
... ...
str = SSL_alert_desc_string_long(val);
3.28 const char *SSL_alert_type_string(int value);
Arguments : value - SSL type description
Return : alert type string
Description : get alert type string
Example :
void example(void)
int val;
char *str;
... ...
str = SSL_alert_type_string(val);
3.29 const char *SSL_alert_type_string_long(int value);
Arguments : value - SSL type description
Return : alert type long string
Description : get alert type long string
Example :
void example(void)
int val;
char *str;
... ...
str = SSL_alert_type_string_long(val);
3.30 const char *SSL_rstate_string(SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : state string
Description : get the state string where SSL is reading
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
char *str;
... ...
str = SSL_rstate_string(ssl);
3.31 const char *SSL_rstate_string_long(SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : state long string
Description : get the state long string where SSL is reading
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
char *str;
... ...
str = SSL_rstate_string_long(ssl);
3.32 char *SSL_state_string(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : state string
Description : get the state string
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
char *str;
... ...
str = SSL_state_string(ssl);
3.33 char *SSL_state_string_long(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : state long string
Description : get the state long string
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
char *str;
... ...
str = SSL_state_string(ssl);
3.34 int SSL_get_error(const SSL *ssl, int ret_code);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
ret_code - SSL return code
Return : SSL error number
Description : get SSL error code
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int ret;
int err;
... ...
err = SSL_get_error(ssl, ret);
3.35 void SSL_CTX_set_default_read_buffer_len(SSL_CTX *ctx, size_t len);
Arguments : ctx - SSL context point
len - read buffer length
Return : none
Description : set the SSL context read buffer length
Example :
void example(void)
SSL_CTX *ctx;
size_t len;
... ...
SSL_CTX_set_default_read_buffer_len(ctx, len);
3.36 void SSL_set_default_read_buffer_len(SSL *ssl, size_t len);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
len - read buffer length
Return : none
Description : set the SSL read buffer length
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
size_t len;
... ...
SSL_set_default_read_buffer_len(ctx, len);
3.37 int SSL_want(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : specifical statement
Description : get the SSL specifical statement
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int state;
... ...
state = SSL_want(ssl);
3.38 int SSL_want_nothing(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
0 : false
1 : true
Description : check if SSL want nothing
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_want(ssl);
3.39 int SSL_want_read(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
0 : false
1 : true
Description : check if SSL want to read
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_want_read(ssl);
3.40 int SSL_want_write(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : result
0 : false
1 : true
Description : check if SSL want to write
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
int ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_want_write(ssl);
Chapter 4. SSL X509 Certification and Private Key Function
4.1 X509* d2i_X509(X509 **cert, const unsigned char *buffer, long len);
Arguments : cert - a point pointed to X509 certification
buffer - a point pointed to the certification context memory point
length - certification bytes
Return : X509 certification object point
Description : load a character certification context into system context. If '*cert' is pointed to the
certification, then load certification into it. Or create a new X509 certification object
Example :
void example(void)
X509 *new;
X509 *cert;
unsigned char *buffer;
long len;
... ...
new = d2i_X509(&cert, buffer, len);
4.2 int SSL_add_client_CA(SSL *ssl, X509 *x);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
x - CA certification point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : add CA client certification into the SSL
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
X509 *new;
... ...
ret = SSL_add_client_CA(ssl, new);
4.3 int SSL_CTX_add_client_CA(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x);
Arguments : ctx - SSL context point
x - CA certification point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : add CA client certification into the SSL context
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
X509 *new;
... ...
ret = SSL_add_clSSL_CTX_add_client_CAient_CA(ctx, new);
4.4 X509 *SSL_get_certificate(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : SSL certification point
Description : get the SSL certification point
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
X509 *cert;
... ...
cert = SSL_get_certificate(ssl);
4.5 long SSL_get_verify_result(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : the result of verifying
Description : get the verifying result of the SSL certification
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
long ret;
... ...
ret = SSL_get_verify_result(ssl);
4.6 int SSL_CTX_use_certificate(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x);
Arguments : ctx - the SSL context point
pkey - certification object point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : load the certification into the SSL_CTX or SSL object
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL_CTX *ctx
X509 *new;
... ...
ret = SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ctx, new);
4.7 int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1(SSL_CTX *ctx, int len, const unsigned char *d);
Arguments : ctx - SSL context point
len - certification length
d - data point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : load the ASN1 certification into SSL context
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
const unsigned char *buf;
int len;
... ...
ret = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1(ctx, len, buf);
4.8 int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(SSL_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey);
Arguments : ctx - SSL context point
pkey - private key object point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : load the private key into the context object
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
EVP_PKEY *pkey;
... ...
ret = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(ctx, pkey);
4.9 int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(int pk, SSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *d, long len);
Arguments : ctx - SSL context point
d - data point
len - private key length
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : load the ASN1 private key into SSL context
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
int pk;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
const unsigned char *buf;
long len;
... ...
ret = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(pk, ctx, buf, len);
4.10 int SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(SSL_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *d, long len);
Arguments : ctx - SSL context point
d - data point
len - private key length
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : load the RSA ASN1 private key into SSL context
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
const unsigned char *buf;
long len;
... ...
ret = SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(ctx, buf, len);
4.11 int SSL_use_certificate_ASN1(SSL *ssl, int len, const unsigned char *d);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
len - data bytes
d - data point
Return : result
1 : OK
0 : failed
Description : load certification into the SSL
Example :
void example(void)
int ret;
SSL *ssl;
const unsigned char *buf;
long len;
... ...
ret = SSL_use_certificate_ASN1(ssl, len, buf);
4.12 X509 *SSL_get_peer_certificate(const SSL *ssl);
Arguments : ssl - SSL point
Return : peer certification
Description : get peer certification
Example :
void example(void)
SSL *ssl;
X509 *peer;
... ...
peer = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);