Cody Cutrer 069b82401c
esp_prov: switch from bluez/dbus to bleak
to enable multiplatform ble compatibility
2022-06-23 10:52:53 +05:30

174 lines
6.1 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from __future__ import print_function
import platform
from builtins import input
import utils
fallback = True
# Check if required packages are installed
# else fallback to console mode
import bleak
fallback = False
except ImportError:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
class BLE_Bleak_Client:
def __init__(self):
self.adapter_props = None
async def connect(self, devname, iface, chrc_names, fallback_srv_uuid):
self.devname = devname
self.srv_uuid_fallback = fallback_srv_uuid
self.chrc_names = [name.lower() for name in chrc_names]
self.device = None
self.adapter = None = None
self.nu_lookup = None
self.characteristics = dict()
self.srv_uuid_adv = None
devices = await
except bleak.exc.BleakDBusError as e:
if str(e) == '[org.bluez.Error.NotReady] Resource Not Ready':
raise RuntimeError('Bluetooth is not ready. Maybe try `bluetoothctl power on`?')
address = None
for d in devices:
if == self.devname:
address = d.address
uuids = d.metadata['uuids']
# There should be 1 service UUID in advertising data
# If bluez had cached an old version of the advertisement data
# the list of uuids may be incorrect, in which case connection
# or service discovery may fail the first time. If that happens
# the cache will be refreshed before next retry
if len(uuids) == 1:
self.srv_uuid_adv = uuids[0]
if not address:
raise RuntimeError('Device not found')
self.device = bleak.BleakClient(address)
await self.device.connect()
# must be paired on Windows to access characteristics;
# cannot be paired on Mac
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
await self.device.pair()
print('Getting Services...')
services = await self.device.get_services()
service = services[self.srv_uuid_adv] or services[self.srv_uuid_fallback]
if not service:
await self.device.disconnect()
self.device = None
raise RuntimeError('Provisioning service not found')
nu_lookup = dict()
for characteristic in service.characteristics:
for descriptor in characteristic.descriptors:
if descriptor.uuid[4:8] != '2901':
readval = await self.device.read_gatt_descriptor(descriptor.handle)
found_name = ''.join(chr(b) for b in readval).lower()
nu_lookup[found_name] = characteristic.uuid
self.characteristics[characteristic.uuid] = characteristic
match_found = True
for name in self.chrc_names:
if name not in nu_lookup:
# Endpoint name not present
match_found = False
# Create lookup table only if all endpoint names found
self.nu_lookup = [None, nu_lookup][match_found]
return True
def get_nu_lookup(self):
return self.nu_lookup
def has_characteristic(self, uuid):
print('checking for characteristic ' + uuid)
if uuid in self.characteristics:
return True
return False
async def disconnect(self):
if self.device:
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
await self.device.unpair()
await self.device.disconnect()
self.device = None
self.nu_lookup = None
self.characteristics = dict()
async def send_data(self, characteristic_uuid, data):
await self.device.write_gatt_char(characteristic_uuid, bytearray(data.encode('latin-1')), True)
readval = await self.device.read_gatt_char(characteristic_uuid)
return ''.join(chr(b) for b in readval)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Console based BLE client for Cross Platform support
class BLE_Console_Client:
async def connect(self, devname, iface, chrc_names, fallback_srv_uuid):
print('BLE client is running in console mode')
print('\tThis could be due to your platform not being supported or dependencies not being met')
print('\tPlease ensure all pre-requisites are met to run the full fledged client')
print('BLECLI >> Please connect to BLE device `' + devname + '` manually using your tool of choice')
resp = input('BLECLI >> Was the device connected successfully? [y/n] ')
if resp != 'Y' and resp != 'y':
return False
print('BLECLI >> List available attributes of the connected device')
resp = input("BLECLI >> Is the service UUID '" + fallback_srv_uuid + "' listed among available attributes? [y/n] ")
if resp != 'Y' and resp != 'y':
return False
return True
def get_nu_lookup(self):
return None
def has_characteristic(self, uuid):
resp = input("BLECLI >> Is the characteristic UUID '" + uuid + "' listed among available attributes? [y/n] ")
if resp != 'Y' and resp != 'y':
return False
return True
async def disconnect(self):
async def send_data(self, characteristic_uuid, data):
print("BLECLI >> Write following data to characteristic with UUID '" + characteristic_uuid + "' :")
print('\t>> ' + utils.str_to_hexstr(data))
print('BLECLI >> Enter data read from characteristic (in hex) :')
resp = input('\t<< ')
return utils.hexstr_to_str(resp)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function to get client instance depending upon platform
def get_client():
if fallback:
return BLE_Console_Client()
return BLE_Bleak_Client()