mirror of
synced 2024-10-05 20:47:46 -04:00
- Support CPU frequency 360MHz - Support SOC ROOT clock source switch - Support LP SLOW clock source switch - Support clock calibration
1058 lines
30 KiB
1058 lines
30 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include "soc/pmu_reg.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 21;
// uint32_t vdd_spi_pd_en: 1;
uint32_t dcdc_switch_pd_en :1;//new
uint32_t mem_dslp : 1;
uint32_t mem_pd_en : 1;
// uint32_t wifi_pd_en : 1;
uint32_t reserved1 : 6;
// uint32_t cpu_pd_en : 1;
uint32_t cnnt_pd_en : 1; //new
// uint32_t aon_pd_en : 1;
uint32_t top_pd_en : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_dig_power_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 30;
uint32_t code : 2;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_icg_modem_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 23;
uint32_t power_det_bypass : 1; //new
uint32_t uart_wakeup_en : 1;
uint32_t lp_pad_hold_all: 1;
uint32_t hp_pad_hold_all: 1;
uint32_t dig_pad_slp_sel: 1;
uint32_t dig_pause_wdt : 1;
uint32_t dig_cpu_stall : 1;
uint32_t reserved1 : 2;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_sys_cntl_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 21;
uint32_t i2c_iso_en : 1;
uint32_t i2c_retention: 1;
// uint32_t xpd_bb_i2c : 1;
uint32_t xpd_pll_i2c : 4; //cha
uint32_t xpd_pll : 4; //cha
uint32_t reserved1 : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_clk_power_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 18;
uint32_t dcm_vset : 5; //new
uint32_t dcm_mode : 2; //new
uint32_t xpd_bias : 1;
uint32_t dbg_atten : 4;
uint32_t pd_cur : 1;
uint32_t bias_sleep: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_bias_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct { /* HP: Active State */
uint32_t reserved0 : 4;
uint32_t hp_sleep2active_backup_modem_clk_code: 2;
uint32_t hp_modem2active_backup_modem_clk_code: 2;
uint32_t reserved1 : 2;
uint32_t hp_active_retention_mode : 1;
uint32_t hp_sleep2active_retention_en : 1;
uint32_t hp_modem2active_retention_en : 1;
uint32_t reserved2 : 1;
uint32_t hp_sleep2active_backup_clk_sel : 2;
uint32_t hp_modem2active_backup_clk_sel : 2;
uint32_t reserved3 : 2;
uint32_t hp_sleep2active_backup_mode : 3;
uint32_t hp_modem2active_backup_mode : 3;
uint32_t reserved4 : 3;
uint32_t hp_sleep2active_backup_en : 1;
uint32_t hp_modem2active_backup_en : 1;
uint32_t reserved5 : 1;
struct { /* HP: Modem State */
uint32_t reserved6 : 4;
uint32_t hp_sleep2modem_backup_modem_clk_code : 2;
uint32_t reserved7 : 4;
uint32_t hp_modem_retention_mode : 1;
uint32_t hp_sleep2modem_retention_en : 1;
uint32_t reserved8 : 2;
uint32_t hp_sleep2modem_backup_clk_sel : 2;
uint32_t reserved9 : 4;
uint32_t hp_sleep2modem_backup_mode : 3;
uint32_t reserved10 : 6;
uint32_t hp_sleep2modem_backup_en : 1;
uint32_t reserved11 : 2;
struct { /* HP: Sleep State */
uint32_t reserved12 : 6;
uint32_t hp_modem2sleep_backup_modem_clk_code : 2;
uint32_t hp_active2sleep_backup_modem_clk_code: 2;
uint32_t hp_sleep_retention_mode : 1;
uint32_t reserved13 : 1;
uint32_t hp_modem2sleep_retention_en : 1;
uint32_t hp_active2sleep_retention_en : 1;
uint32_t reserved14 : 2;
uint32_t hp_modem2sleep_backup_clk_sel : 2;
uint32_t hp_active2sleep_backup_clk_sel : 2;
uint32_t reserved15 : 3;
uint32_t hp_modem2sleep_backup_mode : 3;
uint32_t hp_active2sleep_backup_mode : 3;
uint32_t reserved16 : 1;
uint32_t hp_modem2sleep_backup_en : 1;
uint32_t hp_active2sleep_backup_en : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_backup_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 26;
uint32_t dig_sysclk_nodiv: 1;
uint32_t icg_sysclk_en : 1;
uint32_t sysclk_slp_sel : 1;
uint32_t icg_slp_sel : 1;
uint32_t dig_sysclk_sel : 2;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_sysclk_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 4; /* Only HP_ACTIVE modem under hp system is valid */
uint32_t lp_dbias_vol : 5; /* Only HP_ACTIVE modem under hp system is valid */
uint32_t hp_dbias_vol : 5; /* Only HP_ACTIVE modem under hp system is valid */
uint32_t dbias_sel : 1; /* Only HP_ACTIVE modem under hp system is valid */
uint32_t dbias_init : 1; /* Only HP_ACTIVE modem under hp system is valid */
uint32_t slp_mem_xpd : 1;
uint32_t slp_logic_xpd : 1;
uint32_t xpd : 1;
uint32_t slp_mem_dbias : 4;
uint32_t slp_logic_dbias: 4;
uint32_t dbias : 5;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_regulator0_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 26;
uint32_t drv_b : 6;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_regulator1_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 31;
uint32_t xpd_xtal : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_xtal_reg_t;
typedef struct pmu_hp_hw_regmap_t {
pmu_hp_dig_power_reg_t dig_power;
uint32_t icg_func;
uint32_t icg_apb;
pmu_hp_icg_modem_reg_t icg_modem;
pmu_hp_sys_cntl_reg_t syscntl;
pmu_hp_clk_power_reg_t clk_power;
pmu_hp_bias_reg_t bias;
pmu_hp_backup_reg_t backup;
uint32_t backup_clk;
pmu_hp_sysclk_reg_t sysclk;
pmu_hp_regulator0_reg_t regulator0;
pmu_hp_regulator1_reg_t regulator1;
pmu_hp_xtal_reg_t xtal;
} pmu_hp_hw_regmap_t;
/** */
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 21;
uint32_t slp_xpd : 1;
uint32_t xpd : 1;
uint32_t slp_dbias: 4;
uint32_t dbias : 5;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_regulator0_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 28;
uint32_t drv_b : 4;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_regulator1_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 31;
uint32_t xpd_xtal : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_xtal_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 26;
uint32_t lp_pad_slp_sel : 1; //new
uint32_t bod_source_sel : 1; //new
uint32_t vddbat_mode : 2; //new
uint32_t mem_dslp : 1;
uint32_t peri_pd_en: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_dig_power_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 27;
uint32_t xpd_lppll : 1; //new
uint32_t xpd_xtal32k: 1;
uint32_t xpd_rc32k : 1;
uint32_t xpd_fosc : 1;
uint32_t pd_osc : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_clk_power_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 25;
uint32_t xpd_bias : 1;
uint32_t dbg_atten : 4;
uint32_t pd_cur : 1;
uint32_t bias_sleep: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_bias_reg_t;
typedef struct pmu_lp_hw_regmap_t {
pmu_lp_regulator0_reg_t regulator0;
pmu_lp_regulator1_reg_t regulator1;
pmu_lp_xtal_reg_t xtal; /* Only LP_SLEEP mode under lp system is valid */
pmu_lp_dig_power_reg_t dig_power;
pmu_lp_clk_power_reg_t clk_power;
pmu_lp_bias_reg_t bias; /* Only LP_SLEEP mode under lp system is valid */
} pmu_lp_hw_regmap_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t tie_low_cali_xtal_icg : 1; //new
uint32_t tie_low_global_pll_icg : 4;
uint32_t tie_low_global_xtal_icg : 1;
uint32_t tie_low_i2c_retention : 1;
// uint32_t tie_low_xpd_bb_i2c : 1;
uint32_t tie_low_xpd_pll_i2c : 4;
uint32_t tie_low_xpd_pll : 4;
uint32_t tie_low_xpd_xtal : 1;
uint32_t tie_high_cali_xtal_icg : 1; //new
uint32_t tie_high_global_pll_icg : 4;
// uint32_t tie_high_global_bbpll_icg: 1;
uint32_t tie_high_global_xtal_icg : 1;
uint32_t tie_high_i2c_retention : 1;
// uint32_t tie_high_xpd_bb_i2c : 1;
uint32_t tie_high_xpd_pll_i2c : 4;
// uint32_t tie_high_xpd_bbpll_i2c : 1;
uint32_t tie_high_xpd_pll : 4;
// uint32_t tie_high_xpd_bbpll : 1;
uint32_t tie_high_xpd_xtal : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_imm_hp_clk_power_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 28;
uint32_t update_dig_icg_switch: 1;
uint32_t tie_low_icg_slp_sel : 1;
uint32_t tie_high_icg_slp_sel : 1;
uint32_t update_dig_sysclk_sel: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_imm_sleep_sysclk_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 31;
uint32_t update_dig_icg_func_en: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_imm_hp_func_icg_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 31;
uint32_t update_dig_icg_apb_en: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_imm_hp_apb_icg_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 31;
uint32_t update_dig_icg_modem_en: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_imm_modem_icg_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 30;
uint32_t tie_low_lp_rootclk_sel : 1;
uint32_t tie_high_lp_rootclk_sel: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_imm_lp_icg_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t pad_slp_sel : 1;//new
uint32_t lp_pad_hold_all : 1;//new
uint32_t hp_pad_hold_all : 1;//new
uint32_t reserved0 : 23;
uint32_t tie_high_pad_slp_sel : 1;//new
uint32_t tie_low_pad_slp_sel : 1;//new
uint32_t tie_high_lp_pad_hold_all: 1;
uint32_t tie_low_lp_pad_hold_all : 1;
uint32_t tie_high_hp_pad_hold_all: 1;
uint32_t tie_low_hp_pad_hold_all : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_imm_pad_hold_all_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 30;
uint32_t tie_high_i2c_iso_en: 1;
uint32_t tie_low_i2c_iso_en : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_imm_i2c_isolate_reg_t;
typedef struct pmu_imm_hw_regmap_t {
pmu_imm_hp_clk_power_reg_t clk_power;
pmu_imm_sleep_sysclk_reg_t sleep_sysclk;
pmu_imm_hp_func_icg_reg_t hp_func_icg;
pmu_imm_hp_apb_icg_reg_t hp_apb_icg;
pmu_imm_modem_icg_reg_t modem_icg;
pmu_imm_lp_icg_reg_t lp_icg;
pmu_imm_pad_hold_all_reg_t pad_hold_all;
pmu_imm_i2c_isolate_reg_t i2c_iso;
} pmu_imm_hw_regmap_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 5;
uint32_t powerdown_timer: 9;
uint32_t powerup_timer : 9;
uint32_t wait_timer : 9;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_power_wait_timer0_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 5;
uint32_t powerdown_timer: 9;
uint32_t powerup_timer : 9;
uint32_t wait_timer : 9;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_power_wait_timer1_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t force_reset : 1;
uint32_t force_iso : 1;
uint32_t force_pu : 1;
uint32_t force_no_reset: 1;
uint32_t force_no_iso : 1;
uint32_t force_pd : 1;
// uint32_t pd_top_mask : 5;
uint32_t reserved0 : 26; /* Invalid of lp peripherals */
// uint32_t top_pd_mask : 5;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_power_domain_cntl_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t pd_top_mask : 5;
uint32_t reserved0 : 22; /* Invalid of lp peripherals */
uint32_t top_pd_mask : 5;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_power_domain_mask_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t force_pu : 1; /*need_des*/
uint32_t force_pd : 1; /*need_des*/
uint32_t reserved2 : 30;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_power_dcdc_switch_t;
// typedef union {
// struct {
// uint32_t force_hp_mem_iso : 4;
// uint32_t force_hp_mem_pd : 4;
// uint32_t reserved0 : 16;
// uint32_t force_hp_mem_no_iso: 4;
// uint32_t force_hp_mem_pu : 4;
// };
// uint32_t val;
// } pmu_power_memory_cntl_reg_t;
// typedef union {
// struct {
// uint32_t mem2_pd_mask: 5;
// uint32_t mem1_pd_mask: 5;
// uint32_t mem0_pd_mask: 5;
// uint32_t reserved0 : 2;
// uint32_t mem2_mask : 5;
// uint32_t mem1_mask : 5;
// uint32_t mem0_mask : 5;
// };
// uint32_t val;
// } pmu_power_memory_mask_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t force_hp_pad_no_iso_all: 1;
uint32_t force_hp_pad_iso_all : 1;
uint32_t reserved0 : 30;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_power_hp_pad_reg_t;
// typedef union {
// struct {
// uint32_t reserved0 : 18;
// uint32_t pwr_wait : 11;
// uint32_t pwr_sw : 2;
// uint32_t pwr_sel_sw: 1;
// };
// uint32_t val;
// } pmu_power_vdd_spi_cntl_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t wait_xtal_stable: 16;
uint32_t wait_pll_stable : 16;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_power_clk_wait_cntl_reg_t;
typedef struct pmu_power_hw_regmap_t {
pmu_power_wait_timer0_reg_t wait_timer0;
pmu_power_wait_timer1_reg_t wait_timer1;
pmu_power_domain_cntl_t hp_pd[3];
pmu_power_domain_mask_t hp_pd_mask[3];
pmu_power_dcdc_switch_t dcdc_switch;
pmu_power_domain_cntl_t lp_peri;
pmu_power_domain_mask_t lp_peri_mask;
// pmu_power_memory_cntl_reg_t mem_cntl;
// pmu_power_memory_mask_reg_t mem_mask;
pmu_power_hp_pad_reg_t hp_pad;
// pmu_power_vdd_spi_cntl_reg_t vdd_spi;
pmu_power_clk_wait_cntl_reg_t clk_wait;
} pmu_power_hw_regmap_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 31;
uint32_t sleep_req: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl0_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t sleep_reject_ena: 31;
uint32_t slp_reject_en : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl1_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t lp_min_slp_val: 8;
uint32_t hp_min_slp_val: 8;
uint32_t sleep_prt_sel : 2;
uint32_t reserved0 : 14;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl3_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 31;
uint32_t slp_reject_cause_clr: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl4_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t modem_wait_target : 20;
uint32_t reserved0 : 4;
uint32_t lp_ana_wait_target: 8;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl5_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t soc_wakeup_wait : 20;
uint32_t reserved0 : 10;
uint32_t soc_wakeup_wait_cfg: 2;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl6_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 16;
uint32_t ana_wait_target: 16;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl7_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 31;
uint32_t lp_lite_wakeup_ena: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl8_reg_t;
typedef struct pmu_wakeup_hw_regmap_t {
pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl0_reg_t cntl0;
pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl1_reg_t cntl1;
uint32_t cntl2;
pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl3_reg_t cntl3;
pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl4_reg_t cntl4;
pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl5_reg_t cntl5;
pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl6_reg_t cntl6;
pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl7_reg_t cntl7;
pmu_slp_wakeup_cntl8_reg_t cntl8;//new
uint32_t status0;
uint32_t status1;
uint32_t status2;//new
} pmu_wakeup_hw_regmap_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t i2c_por_wait_target: 8;
uint32_t reserved0 : 24;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_clk_poweron_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t modify_icg_cntl_wait: 8;
uint32_t switch_icg_cntl_wait: 8;
uint32_t reserved0 : 16;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_clk_cntl_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 31;
uint32_t por_done : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_por_status_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 24;
uint32_t mspi_phy_xpd : 1;//new
uint32_t sdio_pll_xpd : 1;//new
uint32_t perif_i2c_rstb: 1;
uint32_t xpd_perif_i2c : 1;
uint32_t xpd_txrf_i2c : 1;
uint32_t xpd_rfrx_pbus : 1;
uint32_t xpd_ckgen_i2c : 1;
// uint32_t xpd_pll_i2c : 1;
uint32_t reserved1 : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_rf_pwc_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 31;
uint32_t backup_sysclk_nodiv: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_backup_cfg_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 14;
uint32_t pmu_0p1a_cnt_target0_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p1a_cnt_target1_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p1a_cnt_target0_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p1a_cnt_target1_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p2a_cnt_target0_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p2a_cnt_target1_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p2a_cnt_target0_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p2a_cnt_target1_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p3a_cnt_target0_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p3a_cnt_target1_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p3a_cnt_target0_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p3a_cnt_target1_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t reserved1 : 1;
uint32_t lp_exception: 1;
uint32_t sdio_idle: 1;
uint32_t sw : 1;
uint32_t reject : 1;
uint32_t wakeup : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_hp_intr_reg_t;
typedef struct pmu_hp_ext_hw_regmap_t {
pmu_hp_clk_poweron_reg_t clk_poweron;
pmu_hp_clk_cntl_reg_t clk_cntl;
pmu_por_status_reg_t por_status;
pmu_rf_pwc_reg_t rf_pwc;
pmu_backup_cfg_reg_t backup_cfg;
pmu_hp_intr_reg_t int_raw;
pmu_hp_intr_reg_t int_st;
pmu_hp_intr_reg_t int_ena;
pmu_hp_intr_reg_t int_clr;
} pmu_hp_ext_hw_regmap_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 13;
uint32_t sleep_reject : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p1a_cnt_target0_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p1a_cnt_target1_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p1a_cnt_target0_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p1a_cnt_target1_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p2a_cnt_target0_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p2a_cnt_target1_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p2a_cnt_target0_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p2a_cnt_target1_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p3a_cnt_target0_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p3a_cnt_target1_reach_0 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p3a_cnt_target0_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t pmu_0p3a_cnt_target1_reach_1 : 1;//new
uint32_t lp_wakeup : 1;
// uint32_t modem_switch_active_end : 1;
uint32_t sleep_switch_active_end : 1;
// uint32_t sleep_switch_modem_end : 1;
// uint32_t modem_switch_sleep_end : 1;
uint32_t active_switch_sleep_end : 1;
// uint32_t modem_switch_active_start: 1;
uint32_t sleep_switch_active_start: 1;
// uint32_t sleep_switch_modem_start : 1;
// uint32_t modem_switch_sleep_start : 1;
uint32_t active_switch_sleep_start: 1;
uint32_t hp_sw_trigger : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_intr_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t waiti_rdy : 1;
uint32_t stall_rdy : 1;
uint32_t reserved0 : 16;
uint32_t force_stall : 1;
uint32_t slp_waiti_flag_en : 1;
uint32_t slp_stall_flag_en : 1;
uint32_t slp_stall_wait : 8;
uint32_t slp_stall_en : 1;
uint32_t slp_reset_en : 1;
uint32_t slp_bypass_intr_en: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_cpu_pwr0_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
// uint32_t wakeup_en: 16;
uint32_t reserved0: 31;
uint32_t sleep_req: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_cpu_pwr1_reg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t wakeup_en: 31;
uint32_t reserved0: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_cpu_pwr2_reg_t; //new
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t wakeup_cause: 31;
uint32_t reserved0: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_cpu_pwr3_reg_t; //new
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t sleep_reject: 31;
uint32_t reserved0: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_cpu_pwr4_reg_t; //new
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t sleep_reject_cause: 31;
uint32_t reserved0: 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_lp_cpu_pwr5_reg_t; //new
typedef struct pmu_lp_ext_hw_regmap_t {
pmu_lp_intr_reg_t int_raw;
pmu_lp_intr_reg_t int_st;
pmu_lp_intr_reg_t int_ena;
pmu_lp_intr_reg_t int_clr;
pmu_lp_cpu_pwr0_reg_t pwr0;
pmu_lp_cpu_pwr1_reg_t pwr1;
pmu_lp_cpu_pwr2_reg_t pwr2;
pmu_lp_cpu_pwr3_reg_t pwr3;
pmu_lp_cpu_pwr4_reg_t pwr4;
pmu_lp_cpu_pwr5_reg_t pwr5;
} pmu_lp_ext_hw_regmap_t;
typedef struct {
volatile struct {
} common;
} pmu_hp_lp_hw_regmap_t;
/** Type of pmu_ext_ldo register
* need_des
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:7;
/** force_tieh_sel : R/W; bitpos: [7]; default: 0;
* need_des
uint32_t force_tieh_sel:1;
/** xpd : R/W; bitpos: [8]; default: 1;
* need_des
uint32_t xpd:1;
/** tieh_sel : R/W; bitpos: [11:9]; default: 0;
* need_des
uint32_t tieh_sel:3;
/** tieh_pos_en : R/W; bitpos: [12]; default: 0;
* need_des
uint32_t tieh_pos_en:1;
/** tieh_neg_en : R/W; bitpos: [13]; default: 0;
* need_des
uint32_t tieh_neg_en:1;
/** tieh : R/W; bitpos: [14]; default: 0;
* need_des
uint32_t tieh:1;
/** target1 : R/W; bitpos: [22:15]; default: 64;
* need_des
uint32_t target1:8;
/** target0 : R/W; bitpos: [30:23]; default: 128;
* need_des
uint32_t target0:8;
/** ldo_cnt_prescaler_sel : R/W; bitpos: [31]; default: 0;
* need_des
uint32_t ldo_cnt_prescaler_sel:1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_ext_ldo_reg_t;
/** Type of pmu_ext_ldo_ana register
* need_des
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved_0:23;
/** mul : R/W; bitpos: [25:23]; default: 2;
* need_des
uint32_t mul:3;
/** en_vdet : R/W; bitpos: [26]; default: 0;
* need_des
uint32_t en_vdet:1;
/** en_cur_lim : R/W; bitpos: [27]; default: 0;
* need_des
uint32_t en_cur_lim:1;
/** dref : R/W; bitpos: [31:28]; default: 11;
* need_des
uint32_t dref:4;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_ext_ldo_ana_reg_t;
/** Type of ahb_dma_in_chn_reg_t register
* need_des
typedef struct {
volatile pmu_ext_ldo_reg_t pmu_ext_ldo;
volatile pmu_ext_ldo_ana_reg_t pmu_ext_ldo_ana;
} pmu_ext_ldo_info_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t on_req : 1;
uint32_t off_req : 1;
uint32_t lightslp_req : 1;
uint32_t deepslp_req : 1;
uint32_t reserved0 : 3;
uint32_t done_force : 1;
uint32_t on_force_pu : 1;
uint32_t on_force_pd : 1;
uint32_t fb_res_force_pu : 1;
uint32_t fb_res_force_pd : 1;
uint32_t ls_force_pu : 1;
uint32_t ls_force_pd : 1;
uint32_t ds_force_pu : 1;
uint32_t ds_force_pd : 1;
uint32_t dcm_cur_st : 8;
uint32_t reserved1 : 5;
uint32_t en_amux_test : 1;
uint32_t reserved2 : 2;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_dcm_ctrl_reg_t; //new
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t pre_delay : 8;
uint32_t res_off_delay : 8;
uint32_t stable_delay : 10;
uint32_t reserved0 : 6;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_dcm_wait_delay_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t module : 2;
uint32_t reserved1 : 29;
uint32_t sw_update : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_vddbat_cfg_t;
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 5;
uint32_t wait_cycles : 9;
uint32_t sleep_cycles : 16;
uint32_t force_done : 1;
uint32_t sleep_timer_en : 1;
uint32_t val;
} pmu_touch_sensor_pwr_cntl_t;
typedef struct pmu_dev_t {
volatile pmu_hp_hw_regmap_t hp_sys[3];
volatile pmu_lp_hw_regmap_t lp_sys[2];
volatile pmu_imm_hw_regmap_t imm;
volatile pmu_power_hw_regmap_t power;
volatile pmu_wakeup_hw_regmap_t wakeup;
volatile pmu_hp_ext_hw_regmap_t hp_ext;
volatile pmu_lp_ext_hw_regmap_t lp_ext;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 30;
volatile uint32_t lp_trigger_hp: 1;
volatile uint32_t hp_trigger_lp: 1;
volatile uint32_t val;
} hp_lp_cpu_comm;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 31;
volatile uint32_t dig_regulator_en_cal: 1;
volatile uint32_t val;
} hp_regulator_cfg;
union {
struct {
volatile uint32_t en_cali_pmu_cntl : 1;//new
uint32_t reserved0 : 10;
volatile uint32_t last_st : 7;
volatile uint32_t target_st : 7;
volatile uint32_t current_st: 7;
volatile uint32_t val;
} main_state;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0: 13;
volatile uint32_t backup_st: 5;
volatile uint32_t lp_pwr_st: 5;
volatile uint32_t hp_pwr_st: 9;
volatile uint32_t val;
} pwr_state;
union {
struct {
// uint32_t stable_xpd_bbpll : 1;
volatile uint32_t stable_xpd_bbpll : 3;//new
volatile uint32_t stable_xpd_xtal : 1;
volatile uint32_t ana_xpd_pll_i2c : 3;
volatile uint32_t reserved0 : 3;
volatile uint32_t sysclk_slp_sel : 1;
volatile uint32_t sysclk_sel : 2;
volatile uint32_t sysclk_nodiv : 1;
volatile uint32_t icg_sysclk_en : 1;
volatile uint32_t icg_modem_switch : 1;
volatile uint32_t icg_modem_code : 2;
volatile uint32_t icg_slp_sel : 1;
volatile uint32_t icg_global_xtal : 1;
volatile uint32_t icg_global_pll : 4;
volatile uint32_t ana_i2c_iso_en : 1;
volatile uint32_t ana_i2c_retention: 1;
volatile uint32_t reserved1 : 1;
// uint32_t ana_xpd_bb_i2c : 1;
// uint32_t ana_xpd_bbpll_i2c: 1;
// uint32_t ana_xpd_bbpll : 1;
volatile uint32_t ana_xpd_pll : 4;//new
volatile uint32_t ana_xpd_xtal : 1;
volatile uint32_t val;
} clk_state0;
volatile uint32_t clk_state1;
volatile uint32_t clk_state2;
volatile pmu_ext_ldo_info_t ext_ldo[6];
volatile uint32_t ext_wakeup_lv;
volatile uint32_t ext_wakeup_sel;
volatile uint32_t ext_wakeup_st;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 30;
volatile uint32_t status_clr : 1;
volatile uint32_t filter : 1;
volatile uint32_t val;
} ext_wakeup_cntl;
union {
struct {
volatile uint32_t act_dnum : 10;
uint32_t reserved0 : 22;
volatile uint32_t val;
} sdio_wakeup_cntl;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 16;
volatile uint32_t cnt_target : 16;
volatile uint32_t val;
} xtal_slp;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved0 : 16;
volatile uint32_t hpcore1_stall_code : 8;
volatile uint32_t hpcore0_stall_code : 8;
volatile uint32_t val;
} cpu_sw_stall;
volatile pmu_dcm_ctrl_reg_t dcm_ctrl; //new
volatile pmu_dcm_wait_delay_t dcm_delay;//new
volatile pmu_vddbat_cfg_t vbat_cfg;//new
volatile pmu_touch_sensor_pwr_cntl_t touch_pwr_cntl;//new
union {
struct {
volatile uint32_t eco_result:1;
uint32_t reserved0 : 30;
volatile uint32_t eco_en: 1;
volatile uint32_t val;
} pmu_rdn_eco;
uint32_t reserved[121];
union {
struct {
volatile uint32_t pmu_date: 31;
volatile uint32_t clk_en : 1;
volatile uint32_t val;
} date;
} pmu_dev_t;
extern pmu_dev_t PMU;
#ifndef __cplusplus
_Static_assert(sizeof(pmu_dev_t) == 0x400, "Invalid size of pmu_dev_t structure");
_Static_assert(offsetof(pmu_dev_t, reserved) == (PMU_RDN_ECO_REG - DR_REG_PMU_BASE) + 4, "Invalid size of pmu_dev_t structure");
#ifdef __cplusplus