Yinling 90e57cdf8f add auto generated test folder to components:
1. add test cases and related scripts
2. add CI config files
read for detail
2016-10-11 17:19:40 +11:00

184 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File

import os
import random
import time
import WifiConnUtility
from NativeLog import NativeLog
from TCAction import TCActionBase
from Utility import Encoding
from Utility import MakeFolder
STEPS = {"SCAN1": 0x01, "JAP": 0x02, "SCAN2": 0x04, "RECONNECT": 0x08}
AP_PROP = ("ssid", "ssid_len", "pwd",
"pwd_len", "channel", "enc", "apc")
LOG_FOLDER = os.path.join("AT_LOG", "Performance", "JAP")
SSID_LEN_RANGE = (1, 32) # in bytes
ENC_TYPE = (0, 2, 3, 4) # do not support WEP for 8266 soft AP
PWD_RANGE = {0: [0, 0],
1: [5, 5],
2: [8, 63],
3: [8, 63],
4: [8, 63],
class WifiJAP(TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase):
def __init__(self, name, test_env, cmd_set, timeout=30, log_path=TCActionBase.LOG_PATH):
TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase.__init__(self, name, test_env, cmd_set=cmd_set,
timeout=timeout, log_path=log_path)
# default value for optional configurable params
self.pwd_len = [8, 64]
self.step_config = [0x03, 0x01, 0x02, 0x0B, 0x0F]
self.join_test_method = ["Normal"]
self.join_delay = [[1.5, 5], [1.5, 5]]
self.reconnect_test_method = ["OFF_ON"]
self.reconnect_delay = [[1.5, 5], [1.5, 6]]
# load param from excel
for i in range(1, len(cmd_set)):
if cmd_set[i][0] != "dummy" and cmd_set[i][0] != "":
cmd_string = "self." + cmd_set[i][0]
exec cmd_string
# read AP list
self.ap_list = []
for i in range(1, len(cmd_set)):
for j in range(len(cmd_set[i][1])):
if cmd_set[i][1][j] != "":
cmd_string = "self.ap_list.append(dict(zip(AP_PROP, " + cmd_set[i][1][j] + ")))"
exec cmd_string
folder_path = MakeFolder.make_folder(LOG_FOLDER)
file_name = "JAP_log_%s.log" % (time.strftime("%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()))
self._performance_log_file = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
# test statistics
self._succeed_count = self._fail_count = self._time_cost_count = 0
self._total_time = self._longest_time = 0
self.result_cntx = TCActionBase.ResultCheckContext(self, test_env, self.tc_name)
# get target type "SSC" or "AT"
self.target_type = ["SSC" if test_env.get_port_by_name("AT1") is None else "AT"]
self.target_type.append("SSC" if test_env.get_port_by_name("AT1") is None else "AT")
self._utility = WifiConnUtility.WifiConnUtility(self)
def _generate_random_ap_prop(self):
ap_prop = dict.fromkeys(AP_PROP)
# generate target ap_value
ap_prop["ssid_len"] = random.randint(SSID_LEN_RANGE[0], SSID_LEN_RANGE[1])
ap_prop["channel"] = random.choice(range(1, 14))
ap_prop["enc"] = random.choice(ENC_TYPE)
ap_prop["pwd_len"] = random.randint(PWD_RANGE[ap_prop["enc"]][0], PWD_RANGE[ap_prop["enc"]][1])
# generate string
if self.target_type[0] == self.target_type[1] == "AT":
ap_prop["ssid"] = Encoding.generate_random_utf8_str(ap_prop["ssid_len"])
ap_prop["pwd"] = Encoding.generate_random_utf8_str(ap_prop["pwd_len"])
# NativeLog.add_trace_info("ssid hex is : %x" % ap_prop["ssid"])
# NativeLog.add_trace_info("pwd hex is : %x" % ap_prop["pwd"])
ap_prop["ssid"] = Encoding.generate_random_printable_str(ap_prop["ssid_len"])
ap_prop["pwd"] = Encoding.generate_random_printable_str(ap_prop["pwd_len"])
return ap_prop
def _logging_performance(self, ssid, join_method="Normal", time_cost=0):
# log performance to performance log file
with open(self._performance_log_file, "ab+") as f:
# log time and ssid
f.write("\r\n[%s]:\r\n[AP name] %s\r\n" %
(time.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), ssid))
if join_method == "Normal" or join_method == "OFF_ON":
if time_cost is not False:
self._succeed_count += 1
if join_method == "Normal":
f.write("[Succeed][%f]\r\n" % time_cost)
self._longest_time = (time_cost > self._longest_time and
[time_cost] or [self._longest_time])[0]
self._time_cost_count += 1
self._total_time += time_cost
f.write("[Succeed][%s]\r\n" % join_method)
self._fail_count += 1
f.write("[Fail][%s]\r\n" % join_method)
def _logging_fail_step(self, ssid, step):
with open(self._performance_log_file, "ab+") as f:
f.write("\r\n[%s]:\r\n[AP name] %s\r\n" %
(time.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), ssid))
f.write("[Fail][%s]\r\n" % step)
def _generate_performance_report(self):
with open(self._performance_log_file, "ab+") as f:
f.write("[Test report] Succeed: %d\r\n" % self._succeed_count)
f.write("[Test report] Failed: %d\r\n" % self._fail_count)
if self._succeed_count > 0 or self._fail_count > 0:
f.write("[Test report] Pass Rate: %f\r\n" %
if self._time_cost_count > 0:
f.write("[Test report] Average time: %f\r\n" % (self._total_time/self._time_cost_count))
f.write("[Test report] Longest time: %f\r\n" % self._longest_time)
def execute(self):
# mandatory configurable params
target_ap_num = self.target_ap_num
test_count = self.test_count
except StandardError, e:
NativeLog.add_trace_critical("Error configuration for WifiJAP script, error is %s" % e)
raise StandardError("Error configuration")
# prepare ap list
_ap_list = [["target", None]] * target_ap_num
for _ap_prop in self.ap_list:
_ap_list.append(["AP", _ap_prop])
# set to correct mode first
# self._utility.set_mode([1, 2])
for _ap in _ap_list:
# arrange ap
_ap_type = _ap[0]
_ap_prop = _ap[1]
if _ap_type == "target":
_ap_prop = self._generate_random_ap_prop()
for i in xrange(test_count):
# step 3 : mandatory step, join AP
_join_test_method = "Normal"
time_cost = self._utility.join_ap(_join_test_method, _ap_type, _ap_prop, self.join_delay)
# log performance to performance log file
self._logging_performance(_ap_prop["ssid"], _join_test_method, time_cost)
NativeLog.add_prompt_trace("[Step] Join AP done")
NativeLog.add_prompt_trace("[WifiJAP] One AP Done")
# generate report and cleanup
def result_check(self, port_name, data):
TCActionBase.CommonTCActionBase.result_check(self, port_name, data)
self.result_cntx.append_data(port_name, data)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':