""" Test case for iperf example. This test case might have problem running on windows: 1. direct use of `make` 2. use `sudo killall iperf` to force kill iperf, didn't implement windows version The test env Example_ShieldBox do need the following config:: Example_ShieldBox: ap_list: - ssid: "ssid" password: "password" outlet: 1 apc_ip: "" attenuator_port: "/dev/ttyUSB0" iperf: "/dev/ttyUSB1" apc_ip: "" pc_nic: "eth0" """ from __future__ import division, unicode_literals import os import re import subprocess import time from builtins import object, range, str import ttfw_idf from idf_iperf_test_util import Attenuator, LineChart, PowerControl, TestReport from tiny_test_fw import DUT, TinyFW, Utility # configurations TEST_TIME = TEST_TIMEOUT = 60 WAIT_AP_POWER_ON_TIMEOUT = 90 SCAN_TIMEOUT = 3 SCAN_RETRY_COUNT = 3 RETRY_COUNT_FOR_BEST_PERFORMANCE = 2 ATTEN_VALUE_LIST = range(0, 60, 2) # constants FAILED_TO_SCAN_RSSI = -97 INVALID_HEAP_SIZE = 0xFFFFFFFF PC_IPERF_TEMP_LOG_FILE = '.tmp_iperf.log' CONFIG_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r'sdkconfig\.ci\.(.+)') # We need to auto compare the difference between adjacent configs (01 -> 00, 02 -> 01, ...) and put them to reports. # Using numbers for config will make this easy. # Use default value `99` for config with best performance. BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG = '99' class TestResult(object): """ record, analysis test result and convert data to output format """ PC_BANDWIDTH_LOG_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(\d+).0\s*-\s*(\d+).0\s+sec\s+[\d.]+\s+MBytes\s+([\d.]+)\s+Mbits/sec') DUT_BANDWIDTH_LOG_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(\d+)-\s+(\d+)\s+sec\s+([\d.]+)\s+Mbits/sec') ZERO_POINT_THRESHOLD = -88 # RSSI, dbm ZERO_THROUGHPUT_THRESHOLD = -92 # RSSI, dbm BAD_POINT_RSSI_THRESHOLD = -75 # RSSI, dbm BAD_POINT_MIN_THRESHOLD = 10 # Mbps BAD_POINT_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD = 0.3 # we need at least 1/2 valid points to qualify the test result THROUGHPUT_QUALIFY_COUNT = TEST_TIME // 2 RSSI_RANGE = [-x for x in range(10, 100)] ATT_RANGE = [x for x in range(0, 64)] def __init__(self, proto, direction, config_name): self.proto = proto self.direction = direction self.config_name = config_name self.throughput_by_rssi = dict() self.throughput_by_att = dict() self.att_rssi_map = dict() self.heap_size = INVALID_HEAP_SIZE self.error_list = [] def _save_result(self, throughput, ap_ssid, att, rssi, heap_size): """ save the test results: * record the better throughput if att/rssi is the same. * record the min heap size. """ if ap_ssid not in self.att_rssi_map: # for new ap, create empty dict() self.throughput_by_att[ap_ssid] = dict() self.throughput_by_rssi[ap_ssid] = dict() self.att_rssi_map[ap_ssid] = dict() self.att_rssi_map[ap_ssid][att] = rssi def record_throughput(database, key_value): try: # we save the larger value for same att if throughput > database[ap_ssid][key_value]: database[ap_ssid][key_value] = throughput except KeyError: database[ap_ssid][key_value] = throughput record_throughput(self.throughput_by_att, att) record_throughput(self.throughput_by_rssi, rssi) if int(heap_size) < self.heap_size: self.heap_size = int(heap_size) def add_result(self, raw_data, ap_ssid, att, rssi, heap_size): """ add result for one test :param raw_data: iperf raw data :param ap_ssid: ap ssid that tested :param att: attenuate value :param rssi: AP RSSI :param heap_size: min heap size during test :return: throughput """ fall_to_0_recorded = 0 throughput_list = [] result_list = self.PC_BANDWIDTH_LOG_PATTERN.findall(raw_data) if not result_list: # failed to find raw data by PC pattern, it might be DUT pattern result_list = self.DUT_BANDWIDTH_LOG_PATTERN.findall(raw_data) for result in result_list: if int(result[1]) - int(result[0]) != 1: # this could be summary, ignore this continue throughput_list.append(float(result[2])) if float(result[2]) == 0 and rssi > self.ZERO_POINT_THRESHOLD \ and fall_to_0_recorded < 1: # throughput fall to 0 error. we only record 1 records for one test self.error_list.append('[Error][fall to 0][{}][att: {}][rssi: {}]: 0 throughput interval: {}-{}' .format(ap_ssid, att, rssi, result[0], result[1])) fall_to_0_recorded += 1 if len(throughput_list) > self.THROUGHPUT_QUALIFY_COUNT: throughput = sum(throughput_list) / len(throughput_list) else: throughput = 0.0 if throughput == 0 and rssi > self.ZERO_THROUGHPUT_THRESHOLD: self.error_list.append('[Error][Fatal][{}][att: {}][rssi: {}]: No throughput data found' .format(ap_ssid, att, rssi)) self._save_result(throughput, ap_ssid, att, rssi, heap_size) return throughput def post_analysis(self): """ some rules need to be checked after we collected all test raw data: 1. throughput value 30% worse than the next point with lower RSSI 2. throughput value 30% worse than the next point with larger attenuate """ def analysis_bad_point(data, index_type): for ap_ssid in data: result_dict = data[ap_ssid] index_list = list(result_dict.keys()) index_list.sort() if index_type == 'att': index_list.reverse() for i, index_value in enumerate(index_list[1:]): if index_value < self.BAD_POINT_RSSI_THRESHOLD or \ result_dict[index_list[i]] < self.BAD_POINT_MIN_THRESHOLD: continue _percentage = result_dict[index_value] / result_dict[index_list[i]] if _percentage < 1 - self.BAD_POINT_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD: self.error_list.append('[Error][Bad point][{}][{}: {}]: drop {:.02f}%' .format(ap_ssid, index_type, index_value, (1 - _percentage) * 100)) analysis_bad_point(self.throughput_by_rssi, 'rssi') analysis_bad_point(self.throughput_by_att, 'att') def draw_throughput_figure(self, path, ap_ssid, draw_type): """ :param path: folder to save figure. make sure the folder is already created. :param ap_ssid: ap ssid string or a list of ap ssid string :param draw_type: "att" or "rssi" :return: file_name """ if draw_type == 'rssi': type_name = 'RSSI' data = self.throughput_by_rssi range_list = self.RSSI_RANGE elif draw_type == 'att': type_name = 'Att' data = self.throughput_by_att range_list = self.ATT_RANGE else: raise AssertionError('draw type not supported') if isinstance(ap_ssid, list): file_name = 'ThroughputVs{}_{}_{}_{}.html'.format(type_name, self.proto, self.direction, hash(ap_ssid)[:6]) else: file_name = 'ThroughputVs{}_{}_{}_{}.html'.format(type_name, self.proto, self.direction, ap_ssid) LineChart.draw_line_chart(os.path.join(path, file_name), 'Throughput Vs {} ({} {})'.format(type_name, self.proto, self.direction), '{} (dbm)'.format(type_name), 'Throughput (Mbps)', data, range_list) return file_name def draw_rssi_vs_att_figure(self, path, ap_ssid): """ :param path: folder to save figure. make sure the folder is already created. :param ap_ssid: ap to use :return: file_name """ if isinstance(ap_ssid, list): file_name = 'AttVsRSSI_{}.html'.format(hash(ap_ssid)[:6]) else: file_name = 'AttVsRSSI_{}.html'.format(ap_ssid) LineChart.draw_line_chart(os.path.join(path, file_name), 'Att Vs RSSI', 'Att (dbm)', 'RSSI (dbm)', self.att_rssi_map, self.ATT_RANGE) return file_name def get_best_throughput(self): """ get the best throughput during test """ best_for_aps = [max(self.throughput_by_att[ap_ssid].values()) for ap_ssid in self.throughput_by_att] return max(best_for_aps) def __str__(self): """ returns summary for this test: 1. test result (success or fail) 2. best performance for each AP 3. min free heap size during test """ if self.throughput_by_att: ret = '[{}_{}][{}]: {}\r\n\r\n'.format(self.proto, self.direction, self.config_name, 'Fail' if self.error_list else 'Success') ret += 'Performance for each AP:\r\n' for ap_ssid in self.throughput_by_att: ret += '[{}]: {:.02f} Mbps\r\n'.format(ap_ssid, max(self.throughput_by_att[ap_ssid].values())) if self.heap_size != INVALID_HEAP_SIZE: ret += 'Minimum heap size: {}'.format(self.heap_size) else: ret = '' return ret class IperfTestUtility(object): """ iperf test implementation """ def __init__(self, dut, config_name, ap_ssid, ap_password, pc_nic_ip, pc_iperf_log_file, test_result=None): self.config_name = config_name self.dut = dut self.pc_iperf_log_file = pc_iperf_log_file self.ap_ssid = ap_ssid self.ap_password = ap_password self.pc_nic_ip = pc_nic_ip if test_result: self.test_result = test_result else: self.test_result = { 'tcp_tx': TestResult('tcp', 'tx', config_name), 'tcp_rx': TestResult('tcp', 'rx', config_name), 'udp_tx': TestResult('udp', 'tx', config_name), 'udp_rx': TestResult('udp', 'rx', config_name), } def setup(self): """ setup iperf test: 1. kill current iperf process 2. reboot DUT (currently iperf is not very robust, need to reboot DUT) 3. scan to get AP RSSI 4. connect to AP """ try: subprocess.check_output('sudo killall iperf 2>&1 > /dev/null', shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass self.dut.write('restart') self.dut.expect_any('iperf>', 'esp32>') self.dut.write('scan {}'.format(self.ap_ssid)) for _ in range(SCAN_RETRY_COUNT): try: rssi = int(self.dut.expect(re.compile(r'\[{}]\[rssi=(-\d+)]'.format(self.ap_ssid)), timeout=SCAN_TIMEOUT)[0]) break except DUT.ExpectTimeout: continue else: raise AssertionError('Failed to scan AP') self.dut.write('sta {} {}'.format(self.ap_ssid, self.ap_password)) dut_ip = self.dut.expect(re.compile(r'sta ip: ([\d.]+), mask: ([\d.]+), gw: ([\d.]+)'))[0] return dut_ip, rssi def _save_test_result(self, test_case, raw_data, att, rssi, heap_size): return self.test_result[test_case].add_result(raw_data, self.ap_ssid, att, rssi, heap_size) def _test_once(self, proto, direction): """ do measure once for one type """ # connect and scan to get RSSI dut_ip, rssi = self.setup() assert direction in ['rx', 'tx'] assert proto in ['tcp', 'udp'] # run iperf test if direction == 'tx': with open(PC_IPERF_TEMP_LOG_FILE, 'w') as f: if proto == 'tcp': process = subprocess.Popen(['iperf', '-s', '-B', self.pc_nic_ip, '-t', str(TEST_TIME), '-i', '1', '-f', 'm'], stdout=f, stderr=f) self.dut.write('iperf -c {} -i 1 -t {}'.format(self.pc_nic_ip, TEST_TIME)) else: process = subprocess.Popen(['iperf', '-s', '-u', '-B', self.pc_nic_ip, '-t', str(TEST_TIME), '-i', '1', '-f', 'm'], stdout=f, stderr=f) self.dut.write('iperf -c {} -u -i 1 -t {}'.format(self.pc_nic_ip, TEST_TIME)) for _ in range(TEST_TIMEOUT): if process.poll() is not None: break time.sleep(1) else: process.terminate() with open(PC_IPERF_TEMP_LOG_FILE, 'r') as f: pc_raw_data = server_raw_data = f.read() else: with open(PC_IPERF_TEMP_LOG_FILE, 'w') as f: if proto == 'tcp': self.dut.write('iperf -s -i 1 -t {}'.format(TEST_TIME)) # wait until DUT TCP server created try: self.dut.expect('iperf tcp server create successfully', timeout=1) except DUT.ExpectTimeout: # compatible with old iperf example binary pass process = subprocess.Popen(['iperf', '-c', dut_ip, '-t', str(TEST_TIME), '-f', 'm'], stdout=f, stderr=f) else: self.dut.write('iperf -s -u -i 1 -t {}'.format(TEST_TIME)) process = subprocess.Popen(['iperf', '-c', dut_ip, '-u', '-b', '100M', '-t', str(TEST_TIME), '-f', 'm'], stdout=f, stderr=f) for _ in range(TEST_TIMEOUT): if process.poll() is not None: break time.sleep(1) else: process.terminate() server_raw_data = self.dut.read() with open(PC_IPERF_TEMP_LOG_FILE, 'r') as f: pc_raw_data = f.read() # save PC iperf logs to console with open(self.pc_iperf_log_file, 'a+') as f: f.write('## [{}] `{}`\r\n##### {}' .format(self.config_name, '{}_{}'.format(proto, direction), time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())))) f.write('\r\n```\r\n\r\n' + pc_raw_data + '\r\n```\r\n') self.dut.write('heap') heap_size = self.dut.expect(re.compile(r'min heap size: (\d+)\D'))[0] # return server raw data (for parsing test results) and RSSI return server_raw_data, rssi, heap_size def run_test(self, proto, direction, atten_val): """ run test for one type, with specified atten_value and save the test result :param proto: tcp or udp :param direction: tx or rx :param atten_val: attenuate value """ rssi = FAILED_TO_SCAN_RSSI heap_size = INVALID_HEAP_SIZE try: server_raw_data, rssi, heap_size = self._test_once(proto, direction) throughput = self._save_test_result('{}_{}'.format(proto, direction), server_raw_data, atten_val, rssi, heap_size) Utility.console_log('[{}][{}_{}][{}][{}]: {:.02f}' .format(self.config_name, proto, direction, rssi, self.ap_ssid, throughput)) except Exception as e: self._save_test_result('{}_{}'.format(proto, direction), '', atten_val, rssi, heap_size) Utility.console_log('Failed during test: {}'.format(e)) def run_all_cases(self, atten_val): """ run test for all types (udp_tx, udp_rx, tcp_tx, tcp_rx). :param atten_val: attenuate value """ self.run_test('tcp', 'tx', atten_val) self.run_test('tcp', 'rx', atten_val) self.run_test('udp', 'tx', atten_val) self.run_test('udp', 'rx', atten_val) def wait_ap_power_on(self): """ AP need to take sometime to power on. It changes for different APs. This method will scan to check if the AP powers on. :return: True or False """ self.dut.write('restart') self.dut.expect_any('iperf>', 'esp32>') for _ in range(WAIT_AP_POWER_ON_TIMEOUT // SCAN_TIMEOUT): try: self.dut.write('scan {}'.format(self.ap_ssid)) self.dut.expect(re.compile(r'\[{}]\[rssi=(-\d+)]'.format(self.ap_ssid)), timeout=SCAN_TIMEOUT) ret = True break except DUT.ExpectTimeout: pass else: ret = False return ret class IperfTestUtilitySoftap(IperfTestUtility): """ iperf test implementation """ def __init__(self, dut, softap_dut, config_name, test_result=None): super(IperfTestUtility, self).__init__(dut, config_name, 'softap', '1234567890', None, None, test_result=None) self.softap_dut = softap_dut self.softap_ip = '' def setup(self): """ setup iperf test: 1. kill current iperf process 2. reboot DUT (currently iperf is not very robust, need to reboot DUT) 3. scan to get AP RSSI 4. connect to AP """ self.softap_dut.write('restart') self.softap_dut.expect_any('iperf>', 'esp32>', timeout=30) self.softap_dut.write('ap {} {}'.format(self.ap_ssid, self.ap_password)) self.dut.write('restart') self.dut.expect_any('iperf>', 'esp32>', timeout=30) self.dut.write('scan {}'.format(self.ap_ssid)) for _ in range(SCAN_RETRY_COUNT): try: rssi = int(self.dut.expect(re.compile(r'\[{}]\[rssi=(-\d+)]'.format(self.ap_ssid)), timeout=SCAN_TIMEOUT)[0]) break except DUT.ExpectTimeout: continue else: raise AssertionError('Failed to scan AP') self.dut.write('sta {} {}'.format(self.ap_ssid, self.ap_password)) dut_ip = self.dut.expect(re.compile(r'sta ip: ([\d.]+), mask: ([\d.]+), gw: ([\d.]+)'))[0] return dut_ip, rssi def _test_once(self, proto, direction): """ do measure once for one type """ # connect and scan to get RSSI dut_ip, rssi = self.setup() assert direction in ['rx', 'tx'] assert proto in ['tcp', 'udp'] # run iperf test if direction == 'tx': if proto == 'tcp': self.softap_dut.write('iperf -s -i 1 -t {}'.format(TEST_TIME)) # wait until DUT TCP server created try: self.softap_dut.expect('iperf tcp server create successfully', timeout=1) except DUT.ExpectTimeout: # compatible with old iperf example binary pass self.dut.write('iperf -c {} -i 1 -t {}'.format(self.softap_ip, TEST_TIME)) else: self.softap_dut.write('iperf -s -u -i 1 -t {}'.format(TEST_TIME)) self.dut.write('iperf -c {} -u -i 1 -t {}'.format(self.softap_ip, TEST_TIME)) else: if proto == 'tcp': self.dut.write('iperf -s -i 1 -t {}'.format(TEST_TIME)) # wait until DUT TCP server created try: self.dut.expect('iperf tcp server create successfully', timeout=1) except DUT.ExpectTimeout: # compatible with old iperf example binary pass self.softap_dut.write('iperf -c {} -i 1 -t {}'.format(dut_ip, TEST_TIME)) else: self.dut.write('iperf -s -u -i 1 -t {}'.format(TEST_TIME)) self.softap_dut.write('iperf -c {} -u -i 1 -t {}'.format(dut_ip, TEST_TIME)) time.sleep(60) if direction == 'tx': server_raw_data = self.dut.read() else: server_raw_data = self.softap_dut.read() self.dut.write('iperf -a') self.softap_dut.write('iperf -a') self.dut.write('heap') heap_size = self.dut.expect(re.compile(r'min heap size: (\d+)\D'))[0] # return server raw data (for parsing test results) and RSSI return server_raw_data, rssi, heap_size @ttfw_idf.idf_example_test(env_tag='Example_ShieldBox_Basic', target=['ESP32', 'ESP32S2', 'ESP32C3'], category='stress') def test_wifi_throughput_with_different_configs(env, extra_data): """ steps: | 1. build iperf with specified configs 2. test throughput for all routers """ pc_nic_ip = env.get_pc_nic_info('pc_nic', 'ipv4')['addr'] pc_iperf_log_file = os.path.join(env.log_path, 'pc_iperf_log.md') ap_info = { 'ssid': env.get_variable('ap_ssid'), 'password': env.get_variable('ap_password'), } config_names_raw = subprocess.check_output(['ls', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))]) config_names = CONFIG_NAME_PATTERN.findall(config_names_raw) if not config_names: raise ValueError('no configs found in {}'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__))) test_result = dict() sdkconfig_files = dict() for config_name in config_names: # 1. get the config sdkconfig_files[config_name] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sdkconfig.ci.{}'.format(config_name)) # 2. get DUT and download dut = env.get_dut('iperf', 'examples/wifi/iperf', app_config_name=config_name) dut.start_app() dut.expect_any('iperf>', 'esp32>') # 3. run test for each required att value test_result[config_name] = { 'tcp_tx': TestResult('tcp', 'tx', config_name), 'tcp_rx': TestResult('tcp', 'rx', config_name), 'udp_tx': TestResult('udp', 'tx', config_name), 'udp_rx': TestResult('udp', 'rx', config_name), } test_utility = IperfTestUtility(dut, config_name, ap_info['ssid'], ap_info['password'], pc_nic_ip, pc_iperf_log_file, test_result[config_name]) for _ in range(RETRY_COUNT_FOR_BEST_PERFORMANCE): test_utility.run_all_cases(0) for result_type in test_result[config_name]: summary = str(test_result[config_name][result_type]) if summary: Utility.console_log(summary, color='orange') # 4. check test results env.close_dut('iperf') # 5. generate report report = TestReport.ThroughputForConfigsReport(os.path.join(env.log_path, 'ThroughputForConfigsReport'), ap_info['ssid'], test_result, sdkconfig_files) report.generate_report() @ttfw_idf.idf_example_test(env_tag='Example_ShieldBox', target=['ESP32', 'ESP32S2', 'ESP32C3'], category='stress') def test_wifi_throughput_vs_rssi(env, extra_data): """ steps: | 1. build with best performance config 2. switch on one router 3. set attenuator value from 0-60 for each router 4. test TCP tx rx and UDP tx rx throughput """ att_port = env.get_variable('attenuator_port') ap_list = env.get_variable('ap_list') pc_nic_ip = env.get_pc_nic_info('pc_nic', 'ipv4')['addr'] apc_ip = env.get_variable('apc_ip') pc_iperf_log_file = os.path.join(env.log_path, 'pc_iperf_log.md') test_result = { 'tcp_tx': TestResult('tcp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'tcp_rx': TestResult('tcp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_tx': TestResult('udp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_rx': TestResult('udp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), } # 1. get DUT and download dut = env.get_dut('iperf', 'examples/wifi/iperf', app_config_name=BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG) dut.start_app() dut.expect_any('iperf>', 'esp32>') # 2. run test for each required att value for ap_info in ap_list: test_utility = IperfTestUtility(dut, BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG, ap_info['ssid'], ap_info['password'], pc_nic_ip, pc_iperf_log_file, test_result) PowerControl.Control.control_rest(apc_ip, ap_info['outlet'], 'OFF') PowerControl.Control.control(apc_ip, {ap_info['outlet']: 'ON'}) Attenuator.set_att(att_port, 0) if not test_utility.wait_ap_power_on(): Utility.console_log('[{}] failed to power on, skip testing this AP' .format(ap_info['ssid']), color='red') continue for atten_val in ATTEN_VALUE_LIST: assert Attenuator.set_att(att_port, atten_val) is True test_utility.run_all_cases(atten_val) # 3. check test results env.close_dut('iperf') # 4. generate report report = TestReport.ThroughputVsRssiReport(os.path.join(env.log_path, 'STAThroughputVsRssiReport'), test_result) report.generate_report() @ttfw_idf.idf_example_test(env_tag='Example_ShieldBox_Basic', target=['ESP32', 'ESP32S2', 'ESP32C3'], ci_target=['ESP32']) def test_wifi_throughput_basic(env, extra_data): """ steps: | 1. test TCP tx rx and UDP tx rx throughput 2. compare with the pre-defined pass standard """ pc_nic_ip = env.get_pc_nic_info('pc_nic', 'ipv4')['addr'] pc_iperf_log_file = os.path.join(env.log_path, 'pc_iperf_log.md') ap_info = { 'ssid': env.get_variable('ap_ssid'), 'password': env.get_variable('ap_password'), } # 1. get DUT dut = env.get_dut('iperf', 'examples/wifi/iperf', app_config_name=BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG) dut.start_app() dut.expect_any('iperf>', 'esp32>') # 2. preparing test_result = { 'tcp_tx': TestResult('tcp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'tcp_rx': TestResult('tcp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_tx': TestResult('udp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_rx': TestResult('udp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), } test_utility = IperfTestUtility(dut, BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG, ap_info['ssid'], ap_info['password'], pc_nic_ip, pc_iperf_log_file, test_result) # 3. run test for TCP Tx, Rx and UDP Tx, Rx for _ in range(RETRY_COUNT_FOR_BEST_PERFORMANCE): test_utility.run_all_cases(0) # 4. log performance and compare with pass standard performance_items = [] for throughput_type in test_result: ttfw_idf.log_performance('{}_throughput'.format(throughput_type), '{:.02f} Mbps'.format(test_result[throughput_type].get_best_throughput())) performance_items.append(['{}_throughput'.format(throughput_type), '{:.02f} Mbps'.format(test_result[throughput_type].get_best_throughput())]) # 5. save to report TinyFW.JunitReport.update_performance(performance_items) # do check after logging, otherwise test will exit immediately if check fail, some performance can't be logged. for throughput_type in test_result: ttfw_idf.check_performance('{}_throughput'.format(throughput_type), test_result[throughput_type].get_best_throughput(), dut.TARGET) env.close_dut('iperf') @ttfw_idf.idf_example_test(env_tag='Example_ShieldBox2', target=['ESP32', 'ESP32S2', 'ESP32C3'], category='stress') def test_softap_throughput_vs_rssi(env, extra_data): """ steps: | 1. build with best performance config 2. switch on one router 3. set attenuator value from 0-60 for each router 4. test TCP tx rx and UDP tx rx throughput """ att_port = env.get_variable('attenuator_port') test_result = { 'tcp_tx': TestResult('tcp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'tcp_rx': TestResult('tcp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_tx': TestResult('udp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_rx': TestResult('udp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), } # 1. get DUT and download softap_dut = env.get_dut('softap_iperf', 'examples/wifi/iperf') softap_dut.start_app() softap_dut.expect_any('iperf>', 'esp32>') sta_dut = env.get_dut('sta_iperf', 'examples/wifi/iperf', app_config_name=BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG) sta_dut.start_app() sta_dut.expect_any('iperf>', 'esp32>') # 2. run test for each required att value test_utility = IperfTestUtilitySoftap(sta_dut, softap_dut, BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG, test_result) Attenuator.set_att(att_port, 0) for atten_val in ATTEN_VALUE_LIST: assert Attenuator.set_att(att_port, atten_val) is True test_utility.run_all_cases(atten_val) env.close_dut('softap_iperf') env.close_dut('sta_iperf') # 3. generate report report = TestReport.ThroughputVsRssiReport(os.path.join(env.log_path, 'SoftAPThroughputVsRssiReport'), test_result) report.generate_report() if __name__ == '__main__': # test_wifi_throughput_basic(env_config_file='EnvConfig.yml') # test_wifi_throughput_with_different_configs(env_config_file='EnvConfig.yml') test_wifi_throughput_vs_rssi(env_config_file='EnvConfig.yml', target='ESP32C3') test_softap_throughput_vs_rssi(env_config_file='EnvConfig.yml')