# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ This file is used in CI generate binary files for different kinds of apps """ import argparse import os import sys import typing as t import unittest from pathlib import Path import yaml from dynamic_pipelines.constants import DEFAULT_TEST_PATHS from idf_build_apps import build_apps, setup_logging from idf_build_apps.utils import semicolon_separated_str_to_list from idf_pytest.constants import (DEFAULT_BUILD_TEST_RULES_FILEPATH, DEFAULT_CONFIG_RULES_STR, DEFAULT_FULL_BUILD_TEST_FILEPATTERNS, DEFAULT_IGNORE_WARNING_FILEPATH) from idf_pytest.script import get_all_apps CI_ENV_VARS = { 'EXTRA_CFLAGS': '-Werror -Werror=deprecated-declarations -Werror=unused-variable ' '-Werror=unused-but-set-variable -Werror=unused-function -Wstrict-prototypes', 'EXTRA_CXXFLAGS': '-Werror -Werror=deprecated-declarations -Werror=unused-variable ' '-Werror=unused-but-set-variable -Werror=unused-function', 'LDGEN_CHECK_MAPPING': '1', } def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: extra_default_build_targets: t.List[str] = [] if args.default_build_test_rules: with open(args.default_build_test_rules) as fr: configs = yaml.safe_load(fr) if configs: extra_default_build_targets = configs.get('extra_default_build_targets') or [] test_related_apps, non_test_related_apps = get_all_apps( args.paths, args.target, config_rules_str=args.config, marker_expr=args.marker_expr, filter_expr=args.filter_expr, preserve_all=args.preserve_all, extra_default_build_targets=extra_default_build_targets, modified_files=args.modified_components, modified_components=args.modified_files, ignore_app_dependencies_filepatterns=args.ignore_app_dependencies_filepatterns, ) if args.pytest_apps: apps = test_related_apps else: apps = non_test_related_apps if args.extra_preserve_dirs: for app in apps: if app.preserve: continue for extra_preserve_dir in args.extra_preserve_dirs: abs_extra_preserve_dir = Path(extra_preserve_dir).resolve() abs_app_dir = Path(app.app_dir).resolve() if abs_extra_preserve_dir == abs_app_dir or abs_extra_preserve_dir in abs_app_dir.parents: app.preserve = True res = build_apps( sorted(apps), parallel_count=args.parallel_count, parallel_index=args.parallel_index, dry_run=False, build_verbose=args.build_verbose, keep_going=True, collect_size_info='size_info.txt', collect_app_info=args.collect_app_info, ignore_warning_strs=args.ignore_warning_str, ignore_warning_file=args.ignore_warning_file, copy_sdkconfig=args.copy_sdkconfig, modified_components=args.modified_components, modified_files=args.modified_files, ignore_app_dependencies_filepatterns=args.ignore_app_dependencies_filepatterns, junitxml=args.junitxml, ) sys.exit(res) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Build all the apps for different test types. Will auto remove those non-test apps binaries', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='*', help='Paths to the apps to build.') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--target', default='all', help='Build apps for given target', ) parser.add_argument( '--config', default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_RULES_STR, nargs='+', help='Adds configurations (sdkconfig file names) to build. This can either be ' 'FILENAME[=NAME] or FILEPATTERN. FILENAME is the name of the sdkconfig file, ' 'relative to the project directory, to be used. Optional NAME can be specified, ' 'which can be used as a name of this configuration. FILEPATTERN is the name of ' 'the sdkconfig file, relative to the project directory, with at most one wildcard. ' 'The part captured by the wildcard is used as the name of the configuration.', ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='count', help='Increase the LOGGER level of the script. Can be specified multiple times.', ) parser.add_argument( '--build-verbose', action='store_true', help='Enable verbose output from build system.', ) parser.add_argument( '--preserve-all', action='store_true', help='Preserve the binaries for all apps when specified.', ) parser.add_argument('--parallel-count', default=1, type=int, help='Number of parallel build jobs.') parser.add_argument( '--parallel-index', default=1, type=int, help='Index (1-based) of the job, out of the number specified by --parallel-count.', ) parser.add_argument( '--collect-app-info', default='list_job_@p.txt', help='If specified, the test case name and app info json will be written to this file', ) parser.add_argument( '--ignore-warning-str', nargs='+', help='Ignore the warning string that match the specified regex in the build output. space-separated list', ) parser.add_argument( '--ignore-warning-file', default=DEFAULT_IGNORE_WARNING_FILEPATH, type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='Ignore the warning strings in the specified file. Each line should be a regex string.', ) parser.add_argument( '--copy-sdkconfig', action='store_true', help='Copy the sdkconfig file to the build directory.', ) parser.add_argument( '--extra-preserve-dirs', nargs='+', help='also preserve binaries of the apps under the specified dirs', ) parser.add_argument( '--pytest-apps', action='store_true', help='Only build apps required by pytest scripts. ' 'Will build non-test-related apps if this flag is unspecified.', ) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--marker-expr', default='not host_test', # host_test apps would be built and tested under the same job help='only build tests matching given mark expression. For example: -m "host_test and generic". Works only' 'for pytest', ) parser.add_argument( '-k', '--filter-expr', help='only build tests matching given filter expression. For example: -k "test_hello_world". Works only' 'for pytest', ) parser.add_argument( '--default-build-test-rules', default=DEFAULT_BUILD_TEST_RULES_FILEPATH, help='default build test rules config file', ) parser.add_argument( '--skip-setting-flags', action='store_true', help='by default this script would set the build flags exactly the same as the CI ones. ' 'Set this flag to use your local build flags.', ) parser.add_argument( '--modified-components', type=semicolon_separated_str_to_list, help='semicolon-separated string which specifies the modified components. ' 'app with `depends_components` set in the corresponding manifest files would only be built ' 'if depends on any of the specified components. ' 'If set to "", the value would be considered as None. ' 'If set to ";", the value would be considered as an empty list', ) parser.add_argument( '--modified-files', type=semicolon_separated_str_to_list, help='semicolon-separated string which specifies the modified files. ' 'app with `depends_filepatterns` set in the corresponding manifest files would only be built ' 'if any of the specified file pattern matches any of the specified modified files. ' 'If set to "", the value would be considered as None. ' 'If set to ";", the value would be considered as an empty list', ) parser.add_argument( '-if', '--ignore-app-dependencies-filepatterns', type=semicolon_separated_str_to_list, help='semicolon-separated string which specifies the file patterns used for ' 'ignoring checking the app dependencies. ' 'The `depends_components` and `depends_filepatterns` set in the manifest files ' 'will be ignored when any of the specified file patterns matches any of the modified files. ' 'Must be used together with --modified-files. ' 'If set to "", the value would be considered as None. ' 'If set to ";", the value would be considered as an empty list', ) parser.add_argument( '--junitxml', default='build_summary_@p.xml', help='Path to the junitxml file. If specified, the junitxml file will be generated', ) arguments = parser.parse_args() setup_logging(arguments.verbose) # set default paths if not arguments.paths: arguments.paths = DEFAULT_TEST_PATHS # skip setting flags in CI if not arguments.skip_setting_flags and not os.getenv('CI_JOB_ID'): for _k, _v in CI_ENV_VARS.items(): os.environ[_k] = _v print(f'env var {_k} set to "{_v}"') if os.getenv('IS_MR_PIPELINE') == '0' or os.getenv('BUILD_AND_TEST_ALL_APPS') == '1': # if it's not MR pipeline or env var BUILD_AND_TEST_ALL_APPS=1, # remove component dependency related arguments arguments.modified_components = None arguments.modified_files = None arguments.ignore_app_dependencies_filepatterns = None # default file patterns to tigger full build if arguments.modified_files is not None and arguments.ignore_app_dependencies_filepatterns is None: arguments.ignore_app_dependencies_filepatterns = DEFAULT_FULL_BUILD_TEST_FILEPATTERNS main(arguments) class TestParsingShellScript(unittest.TestCase): """ This test case is run in CI jobs to make sure the CI build flags is the same as the ones recorded in CI_ENV_VARS """ def test_parse_result(self) -> None: for k, v in CI_ENV_VARS.items(): self.assertEqual(os.getenv(k), v)