| Supported Targets | ESP32-S2 | | ----------------- | -------- | # TinyUSB Sample Descriptor (See the README.md file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.) This example shows how to set up ESP32-S2 chip to work as a USB Serial Device. As a USB stack, a TinyUSB component is used. ## How to use example ### Hardware Required - Any board with the ESP32-S2 chip with USB connectors or with exposed USB's D+ and D- (DATA+/DATA-) pins. If the board has no USB connector, but has the pins connect pins directly to the host (e.g. with DIY cable from any USB connection cable) ``` ESP32-S2 BOARD USB CONNECTOR (type A) -- | || VCC [GPIO 19] --------> | || D- [GPIO 20] --------> | || D+ | || GND -- ``` You can also use power from the USB connector. ### Build and Flash Build the project and flash it to the board, then run monitor tool to view serial output: ```bash idf.py -p PORT flash monitor ``` (Replace PORT with the name of the serial port to use.) (To exit the serial monitor, type ``Ctrl-]``.) See the Getting Started Guide for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects. ## Serial Connection After program's start and getting of the message of readiness (`Serial device is ready to connect`) you can connect to the board using any serial port terminal application (e.g. CoolTerm). ## Example Output After the flashing you should see the output: ``` I (346) example: USB initialization I (346) TinyUSB: Driver installation... I (346) TinyUSB - Descriptors Control: Setting of a descriptor: .bDeviceClass = 239 .bDeviceSubClass = 2, .bDeviceProtocol = 1, .bMaxPacketSize0 = 64, .idVendor = 0x0000303a, .idProduct = 0x00004001, .bcdDevice = 0x00000100, .iManufacturer = 0x01, .iProduct = 0x02, .iSerialNumber = 0x03, .bNumConfigurations = 0x01 I (362) TinyUSB: Driver installed I (362) example: USB initialization DONE I (922) example: Line state changed! dtr:0, rst:0 ``` Let's try to send a string "espressif" and get the return string in your console on PC: ``` I (18346) example: Got data (9 bytes): espressif ```