/* Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // mbc_serial_slave.c // Implementation of the Modbus controller serial slave #include // for calculation of time stamp in milliseconds #include "esp_log.h" // for log_write #include "mb.h" // for mb types definition #include "mbutils.h" // for mbutils functions definition for stack callback #include "sdkconfig.h" // for KConfig values #include "esp_modbus_common.h" // for common defines #include "esp_modbus_slave.h" // for public slave interface types #include "mbc_slave.h" // for private slave interface types #include "mbc_serial_slave.h" // for serial slave implementation definitions #include "port_serial_slave.h" // Shared pointer to interface structure static mb_slave_interface_t* mbs_interface_ptr = NULL; // Modbus task function static void modbus_slave_task(void *pvParameters) { // Modbus interface must be initialized before start MB_SLAVE_ASSERT(mbs_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_slave_options_t* mbs_opts = &mbs_interface_ptr->opts; MB_SLAVE_ASSERT(mbs_opts != NULL); // Main Modbus stack processing cycle for (;;) { BaseType_t status = xEventGroupWaitBits(mbs_opts->mbs_event_group, (BaseType_t)(MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED), pdFALSE, // do not clear bits pdFALSE, portMAX_DELAY); // Check if stack started then poll for data if (status & MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED) { (void)eMBPoll(); // allow stack to process data // Send response buffer BOOL xSentState = xMBPortSerialTxPoll(); if (xSentState) { (void)xMBPortEventPost( EV_FRAME_SENT ); } } } } // Setup Modbus controller parameters static esp_err_t mbc_serial_slave_setup(void* comm_info) { MB_SLAVE_CHECK((mbs_interface_ptr != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "Slave interface is not correctly initialized."); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((comm_info != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb wrong communication settings."); mb_slave_options_t* mbs_opts = &mbs_interface_ptr->opts; mb_slave_comm_info_t* comm_settings = (mb_slave_comm_info_t*)comm_info; MB_SLAVE_CHECK(((comm_settings->mode == MB_MODE_RTU) || (comm_settings->mode == MB_MODE_ASCII)), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect mode = (0x%x).", (uint32_t)comm_settings->mode); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((comm_settings->slave_addr <= MB_ADDRESS_MAX), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb wrong slave address = (0x%x).", (uint32_t)comm_settings->slave_addr); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((comm_settings->port < UART_NUM_MAX), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb wrong port to set = (0x%x).", (uint32_t)comm_settings->port); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((comm_settings->parity <= UART_PARITY_ODD), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb wrong parity option = (0x%x).", (uint32_t)comm_settings->parity); // Set communication options of the controller mbs_opts->mbs_comm = *(mb_communication_info_t*)comm_settings; return ESP_OK; } // Start Modbus controller start function static esp_err_t mbc_serial_slave_start(void) { MB_SLAVE_CHECK((mbs_interface_ptr != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "Slave interface is not correctly initialized."); mb_slave_options_t* mbs_opts = &mbs_interface_ptr->opts; eMBErrorCode status = MB_EIO; const mb_communication_info_t* comm_info = (mb_communication_info_t*)&mbs_opts->mbs_comm; // Initialize Modbus stack using mbcontroller parameters status = eMBInit((eMBMode)comm_info->mode, (UCHAR)comm_info->slave_addr, (UCHAR)comm_info->port, (ULONG)comm_info->baudrate, MB_PORT_PARITY_GET(comm_info->parity)); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((status == MB_ENOERR), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack initialization failure, eMBInit() returns (0x%x).", status); status = eMBEnable(); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((status == MB_ENOERR), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack set slave ID failure, eMBEnable() returned (0x%x).", (uint32_t)status); // Set the mbcontroller start flag EventBits_t flag = xEventGroupSetBits(mbs_opts->mbs_event_group, (EventBits_t)MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((flag & MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack start event set error."); return ESP_OK; } // Blocking function to get event on parameter group change for application task static mb_event_group_t mbc_serial_slave_check_event(mb_event_group_t group) { MB_SLAVE_CHECK((mbs_interface_ptr != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "Slave interface is not correctly initialized."); mb_slave_options_t* mbs_opts = &mbs_interface_ptr->opts; MB_SLAVE_ASSERT(mbs_opts->mbs_event_group != NULL); BaseType_t status = xEventGroupWaitBits(mbs_opts->mbs_event_group, (BaseType_t)group, pdTRUE , pdFALSE, portMAX_DELAY); return (mb_event_group_t)status; } // Function to get notification about parameter change from application task static esp_err_t mbc_serial_slave_get_param_info(mb_param_info_t* reg_info, uint32_t timeout) { MB_SLAVE_CHECK((mbs_interface_ptr != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "Slave interface is not correctly initialized."); mb_slave_options_t* mbs_opts = &mbs_interface_ptr->opts; esp_err_t err = ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT; MB_SLAVE_CHECK((mbs_opts->mbs_notification_queue_handle != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb queue handle is invalid."); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((reg_info != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb register information is invalid."); BaseType_t status = xQueueReceive(mbs_opts->mbs_notification_queue_handle, reg_info, pdMS_TO_TICKS(timeout)); if (status == pdTRUE) { err = ESP_OK; } return err; } /* ----------------------- Callback functions for Modbus stack ---------------------------------*/ // These are executed by modbus stack to read appropriate type of registers. // This is required to suppress warning when register start address is zero #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtype-limits" // Modbus controller destroy function static esp_err_t mbc_serial_slave_destroy(void) { MB_SLAVE_CHECK((mbs_interface_ptr != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "Slave interface is not correctly initialized."); mb_slave_options_t* mbs_opts = &mbs_interface_ptr->opts; eMBErrorCode mb_error = MB_ENOERR; // Stop polling by clearing correspondent bit in the event group EventBits_t flag = xEventGroupClearBits(mbs_opts->mbs_event_group, (EventBits_t)MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((flag & MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack stop event failure."); // Disable and then destroy the Modbus stack mb_error = eMBDisable(); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((mb_error == MB_ENOERR), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack disable failure."); (void)vTaskDelete(mbs_opts->mbs_task_handle); (void)vQueueDelete(mbs_opts->mbs_notification_queue_handle); (void)vEventGroupDelete(mbs_opts->mbs_event_group); mb_error = eMBClose(); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((mb_error == MB_ENOERR), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack close failure returned (0x%x).", (uint32_t)mb_error); vMBPortSetMode((UCHAR)MB_PORT_INACTIVE); return ESP_OK; } // Initialization of Modbus controller esp_err_t mbc_serial_slave_create(void** handler) { // Allocate space for options if (mbs_interface_ptr == NULL) { mbs_interface_ptr = malloc(sizeof(mb_slave_interface_t)); } MB_SLAVE_ASSERT(mbs_interface_ptr != NULL); vMBPortSetMode((UCHAR)MB_PORT_SERIAL_SLAVE); mb_slave_options_t* mbs_opts = &mbs_interface_ptr->opts; mbs_opts->port_type = MB_PORT_SERIAL_SLAVE; // set interface port type // Set default values of communication options mbs_opts->mbs_comm.mode = MB_MODE_RTU; mbs_opts->mbs_comm.slave_addr = MB_DEVICE_ADDRESS; mbs_opts->mbs_comm.port = MB_UART_PORT; mbs_opts->mbs_comm.baudrate = MB_DEVICE_SPEED; mbs_opts->mbs_comm.parity = MB_PARITY_NONE; // Initialization of active context of the Modbus controller BaseType_t status = 0; // Parameter change notification queue mbs_opts->mbs_event_group = xEventGroupCreate(); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((mbs_opts->mbs_event_group != NULL), ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, "mb event group error."); // Parameter change notification queue mbs_opts->mbs_notification_queue_handle = xQueueCreate( MB_CONTROLLER_NOTIFY_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(mb_param_info_t)); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((mbs_opts->mbs_notification_queue_handle != NULL), ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, "mb notify queue creation error."); // Create Modbus controller task status = xTaskCreatePinnedToCore((void*)&modbus_slave_task, "modbus_slave_task", MB_CONTROLLER_STACK_SIZE, NULL, MB_CONTROLLER_PRIORITY, &mbs_opts->mbs_task_handle, MB_PORT_TASK_AFFINITY); if (status != pdPASS) { vTaskDelete(mbs_opts->mbs_task_handle); MB_SLAVE_CHECK((status == pdPASS), ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, "mb controller task creation error, xTaskCreate() returns (0x%x).", (uint32_t)status); } MB_SLAVE_ASSERT(mbs_opts->mbs_task_handle != NULL); // The task is created but handle is incorrect // Initialize interface function pointers mbs_interface_ptr->check_event = mbc_serial_slave_check_event; mbs_interface_ptr->destroy = mbc_serial_slave_destroy; mbs_interface_ptr->get_param_info = mbc_serial_slave_get_param_info; mbs_interface_ptr->init = mbc_serial_slave_create; mbs_interface_ptr->set_descriptor = NULL; // Use common set descriptor function mbs_interface_ptr->setup = mbc_serial_slave_setup; mbs_interface_ptr->start = mbc_serial_slave_start; // Initialize stack callback function pointers mbs_interface_ptr->slave_reg_cb_discrete = NULL; // implemented in common layer mbs_interface_ptr->slave_reg_cb_input = NULL; mbs_interface_ptr->slave_reg_cb_holding = NULL; mbs_interface_ptr->slave_reg_cb_coils = NULL; *handler = (void*)mbs_interface_ptr; return ESP_OK; }