# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0 """ Test case for iperf example. This test case might have problem running on windows: - use `sudo killall iperf` to force kill iperf, didn't implement windows version The test env Example_ShieldBox do need the following config:: Example_ShieldBox: ap_list: - ssid: "ssid" password: "password" outlet: 1 apc_ip: "" attenuator_port: "/dev/ttyUSB0" iperf: "/dev/ttyUSB1" apc_ip: "" pc_nic: "eth0" """ import logging import os import re import time from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Tuple import pexpect import pytest from common_test_methods import get_env_config_variable, get_host_ip_by_interface from idf_iperf_test_util import Attenuator, IperfUtility, PowerControl, TestReport from idf_iperf_test_util.IperfUtility import SCAN_RETRY_COUNT, SCAN_TIMEOUT, TEST_TIME from pytest_embedded import Dut from pytest_embedded_idf.dut import IdfDut # configurations RETRY_COUNT_FOR_BEST_PERFORMANCE = 2 ATTEN_VALUE_LIST = range(0, 60, 2) NO_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT = -1 # iperf send bandwith is not limited # We need to auto compare the difference between adjacent configs (01 -> 00, 02 -> 01, ...) and put them to reports. # Using numbers for config will make this easy. # Use default value `99` for config with best performance. BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG = '99' class IperfTestUtilitySoftap(IperfUtility.IperfTestUtility): """ iperf test implementation """ def __init__(self, dut:IdfDut, softap_dut:IdfDut, config_name:str, test_result:Any=None) -> None: IperfUtility.IperfTestUtility.__init__(self, dut, config_name, 'softap', '1234567890', None, None, test_result) self.softap_dut = softap_dut self.softap_ip = '' def setup(self) -> Tuple[str,int]: """ setup iperf test: 1. kill current iperf process 2. reboot DUT (currently iperf is not very robust, need to reboot DUT) 3. scan to get AP RSSI 4. connect to AP """ self.softap_dut.write('restart') self.softap_dut.expect_exact("Type 'help' to get the list of commands.") self.softap_dut.expect('iperf>', timeout=30) self.softap_dut.write('ap {} {}'.format(self.ap_ssid, self.ap_password)) self.dut.write('restart') self.dut.expect_exact("Type 'help' to get the list of commands.") self.dut.expect('iperf>', timeout=30) self.dut.write('scan {}'.format(self.ap_ssid)) for _ in range(SCAN_RETRY_COUNT): try: rssi = int(self.dut.expect(r'\[{}]\[rssi=(-\d+)]'.format(self.ap_ssid), timeout=SCAN_TIMEOUT).group(1)) break except pexpect.TIMEOUT: continue else: raise AssertionError('Failed to scan AP') self.dut.write('sta {} {}'.format(self.ap_ssid, self.ap_password)) dut_ip = self.dut.expect(r'sta ip: ([\d.]+), mask: ([\d.]+), gw: ([\d.]+)').group(1).decode('utf-8') return dut_ip, rssi def _test_once(self, proto:str, direction:str, bw_limit:int) -> Tuple[str, int, int]: """ do measure once for one type """ # connect and scan to get RSSI dut_ip, rssi = self.setup() assert direction in ['rx', 'tx'] assert proto in ['tcp', 'udp'] # run iperf test if direction == 'tx': if proto == 'tcp': self.softap_dut.write('iperf -s -i 1 -t {}'.format(TEST_TIME)) # wait until DUT TCP server created try: self.softap_dut.expect('iperf tcp server create successfully', timeout=1) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: # compatible with old iperf example binary pass if bw_limit > 0: self.dut.write('iperf -c {} -i 1 -t {} -b {}'.format(self.softap_ip, TEST_TIME, bw_limit)) else: self.dut.write('iperf -c {} -i 1 -t {}'.format(self.softap_ip, TEST_TIME)) else: self.softap_dut.write('iperf -s -u -i 1 -t {}'.format(TEST_TIME)) if bw_limit > 0: self.dut.write('iperf -c {} -u -i 1 -t {} -b {}'.format(self.softap_ip, TEST_TIME, bw_limit)) else: self.dut.write('iperf -c {} -u -i 1 -t {}'.format(self.softap_ip, TEST_TIME)) else: if proto == 'tcp': self.dut.write('iperf -s -i 1 -t {}'.format(TEST_TIME)) # wait until DUT TCP server created try: self.dut.expect('iperf tcp server create successfully', timeout=1) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: # compatible with old iperf example binary pass if bw_limit > 0: self.softap_dut.write('iperf -c {} -i 1 -t {} -b {}'.format(dut_ip, TEST_TIME, bw_limit)) else: self.softap_dut.write('iperf -c {} -i 1 -t {}'.format(dut_ip, TEST_TIME)) else: self.dut.write('iperf -s -u -i 1 -t {}'.format(TEST_TIME)) if bw_limit > 0: self.softap_dut.write('iperf -c {} -u -i 1 -t {} -b {}'.format(dut_ip, TEST_TIME, bw_limit)) else: self.softap_dut.write('iperf -c {} -u -i 1 -t {}'.format(dut_ip, TEST_TIME)) time.sleep(TEST_TIME + 5) if direction == 'tx': server_raw_data = self.dut.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=0).decode('utf-8') else: server_raw_data = self.dut.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=0).decode('utf-8') self.dut.write('iperf -a') self.softap_dut.write('iperf -a') self.dut.write('heap') heap_size = self.dut.expect(r'min heap size: (\d+)\D').group(1) # return server raw data (for parsing test results) and RSSI return server_raw_data, rssi, heap_size @pytest.fixture(name='generate_report_different_configs', scope='session') def fixture_generate_report_different_configs( session_tempdir:str ) -> Generator[Callable[[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], str], None], None, None]: _test_result_dict = dict() _sdkconfig_files_dict = dict() _ap_info = dict() def add_config(ap_info:Dict[str, Any], test_result:Dict[str, Any], config_name:str) -> None: """ Collects results for each config and stores it to a dictionary Args: ap_info: AP info test_result: test results for a specific config config_name: config name """ # need to store the SSID to generate the report in the teardown period # note that the info passed along with the last call of the fixture is used in the teardown period _ap_info['ssid'] = ap_info['ssid'] _test_result_dict[config_name] = test_result _sdkconfig_files_dict[config_name] = 'sdkconfig.ci.' + config_name yield add_config # the final report for all config results is generated during fixture's teardown period report = TestReport.ThroughputForConfigsReport(os.path.join(session_tempdir, 'Performance', 'ThroughputForConfigsReport'), _ap_info['ssid'], _test_result_dict, _sdkconfig_files_dict) report.generate_report() @pytest.mark.esp32 @pytest.mark.esp32s2 @pytest.mark.esp32c3 @pytest.mark.esp32s3 @pytest.mark.temp_skip_ci(targets=['esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3'], reason='lack of runners (run only for ESP32)') @pytest.mark.timeout(1200) @pytest.mark.Example_ShieldBox_Basic @pytest.mark.parametrize('config', [ BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG ], indirect=True) def test_wifi_throughput_basic( dut: Dut, log_performance: Callable[[str, str], None], check_performance: Callable[[str, float, str], None], ) -> None: """ steps: | 1. test TCP tx rx and UDP tx rx throughput 2. compare with the pre-defined pass standard """ # 1. wait for DUT dut.expect('iperf>') # 2. preparing env_name = 'Example_ShieldBox_Basic' pc_nic = get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'pc_nic') pc_nic_ip = get_host_ip_by_interface(pc_nic) pc_iperf_log_file = os.path.join(dut.logdir, 'pc_iperf_log.md') ap_info = { 'ssid': get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'ap_ssid'), 'password': get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'ap_password'), } test_result = { 'tcp_tx': IperfUtility.TestResult('tcp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'tcp_rx': IperfUtility.TestResult('tcp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_tx': IperfUtility.TestResult('udp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_rx': IperfUtility.TestResult('udp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), } test_utility = IperfUtility.IperfTestUtility(dut, BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG, ap_info['ssid'], ap_info['password'], pc_nic_ip, pc_iperf_log_file, test_result) # 3. run test for TCP Tx, Rx and UDP Tx, Rx for _ in range(RETRY_COUNT_FOR_BEST_PERFORMANCE): test_utility.run_all_cases(0, NO_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT) # 4. log performance and compare with pass standard for throughput_type in test_result: log_performance('{}_throughput'.format(throughput_type), '{:.02f} Mbps'.format(test_result[throughput_type].get_best_throughput())) # do check after logging, otherwise test will exit immediately if check fail, some performance can't be logged. for throughput_type in test_result: check_performance('{}_throughput'.format(throughput_type), test_result[throughput_type].get_best_throughput(), dut.target) @pytest.mark.esp32 @pytest.mark.esp32s2 @pytest.mark.esp32c3 @pytest.mark.esp32s3 @pytest.mark.temp_skip_ci(targets=['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3'], reason='local stress test') @pytest.mark.timeout(1200) @pytest.mark.Example_ShieldBox_Basic @pytest.mark.parametrize('config', [ '00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '99' ], indirect=True) def test_wifi_throughput_with_different_configs( dut: Dut, generate_report_different_configs: Callable[[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], str], None], ) -> None: """ steps: | 1. build iperf with specified configs 2. test throughput for all routers """ # 1. wait for DUT dut.expect('iperf>') # 2. preparing env_name = 'Example_ShieldBox_Basic' pc_nic = get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'pc_nic') pc_nic_ip = get_host_ip_by_interface(pc_nic) pc_iperf_log_file = os.path.join(dut.logdir, 'pc_iperf_log.md') ap_info = { 'ssid': get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'ap_ssid'), 'password': get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'ap_password'), } found_config = re.search(r'esp32.*\.(\w+)\.', dut.test_case_name) if found_config is not None: config_name = found_config.group(1) else: raise Exception('config name not found') # 3. run test for each required att value test_result = { 'tcp_tx': IperfUtility.TestResult('tcp', 'tx', config_name), 'tcp_rx': IperfUtility.TestResult('tcp', 'rx', config_name), 'udp_tx': IperfUtility.TestResult('udp', 'tx', config_name), 'udp_rx': IperfUtility.TestResult('udp', 'rx', config_name), } test_utility = IperfUtility.IperfTestUtility(dut, config_name, ap_info['ssid'], ap_info['password'], pc_nic_ip, pc_iperf_log_file, test_result) for _ in range(RETRY_COUNT_FOR_BEST_PERFORMANCE): test_utility.run_all_cases(0, NO_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT) for result_type in test_result: summary = str(test_result[result_type]) if summary: logging.info(summary) generate_report_different_configs(ap_info, test_result, config_name) @pytest.mark.esp32 @pytest.mark.esp32s2 @pytest.mark.esp32c3 @pytest.mark.esp32s3 @pytest.mark.temp_skip(targets=['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3'], reason='lack of runners') @pytest.mark.timeout(3600) @pytest.mark.Example_ShieldBox @pytest.mark.parametrize('config', [ BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG ], indirect=True) def test_wifi_throughput_vs_rssi( dut: Dut, session_tempdir:str, ) -> None: """ steps: | 1. build with best performance config 2. switch on one router 3. set attenuator value from 0-60 for each router 4. test TCP tx rx and UDP tx rx throughput """ # 1. wait for DUT dut.expect('iperf>') # 2. preparing env_name = 'Example_ShieldBox' att_port = get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'attenuator_port') ap_list = get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'ap_list') pc_nic = get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'pc_nic') pc_nic_ip = get_host_ip_by_interface(pc_nic) apc_ip = get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'apc_ip') pc_iperf_log_file = os.path.join(dut.logdir, 'pc_iperf_log.md') test_result = { 'tcp_tx': IperfUtility.TestResult('tcp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'tcp_rx': IperfUtility.TestResult('tcp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_tx': IperfUtility.TestResult('udp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_rx': IperfUtility.TestResult('udp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), } # 3. run test for each required att value for ap_info in ap_list: test_utility = IperfUtility.IperfTestUtility(dut, BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG, ap_info['ssid'], ap_info['password'], pc_nic_ip, pc_iperf_log_file, test_result) PowerControl.Control.control_rest(apc_ip, ap_info['outlet'], 'OFF') PowerControl.Control.control(apc_ip, {ap_info['outlet']: 'ON'}) Attenuator.set_att(att_port, 0) if not test_utility.wait_ap_power_on(): logging.error('[{}] failed to power on, skip testing this AP'.format(ap_info['ssid'])) continue for atten_val in ATTEN_VALUE_LIST: assert Attenuator.set_att(att_port, atten_val) is True try: test_utility.run_all_cases(atten_val, NO_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT) except AssertionError: break # 4. generate report report = TestReport.ThroughputVsRssiReport(os.path.join(session_tempdir, 'Performance', 'STAThroughputVsRssiReport'), test_result) report.generate_report() @pytest.mark.esp32 @pytest.mark.esp32s2 @pytest.mark.esp32c3 @pytest.mark.esp32s3 @pytest.mark.temp_skip(targets=['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3'], reason='lack of runners') @pytest.mark.parametrize('count, config', [ (2, BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), ], indirect=True) def test_softap_throughput_vs_rssi( dut: Tuple[IdfDut, IdfDut], session_tempdir:str, ) -> None: """ steps: | 1. build with best performance config 2. switch on one router 3. set attenuator value from 0-60 for each router 4. test TCP tx rx and UDP tx rx throughput """ # 1. wait for DUTs softap_dut = dut[0] sta_dut = dut[1] softap_dut.expect('iperf>') sta_dut.expect('iperf>') # 2. preparing env_name = 'Example_ShieldBox2' att_port = get_env_config_variable(env_name, 'attenuator_port') test_result = { 'tcp_tx': IperfUtility.TestResult('tcp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'tcp_rx': IperfUtility.TestResult('tcp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_tx': IperfUtility.TestResult('udp', 'tx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), 'udp_rx': IperfUtility.TestResult('udp', 'rx', BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG), } # 3. run test for each required att value test_utility = IperfTestUtilitySoftap(sta_dut, softap_dut, BEST_PERFORMANCE_CONFIG, test_result) Attenuator.set_att(att_port, 0) for atten_val in ATTEN_VALUE_LIST: assert Attenuator.set_att(att_port, atten_val) is True try: test_utility.run_all_cases(atten_val, NO_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT) except AssertionError: break # 4. generate report report = TestReport.ThroughputVsRssiReport(os.path.join(session_tempdir, 'Performance', 'SoftAPThroughputVsRssiReport'),test_result) report.generate_report()