========================== ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 Kit v1.2 ========================== :link_to_translation:`zh_CN:[中文]` New version available: :doc:`user-guide-esp32-s2-kaluga-1-kit` The ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 kit v1.2 is a development kit by Espressif that is mainly created to: - Demonstrate the ESP32-S2's human-computer interaction functionalities - Provide the users with the tools for development of human-computer interaction applications based on the ESP32-S2 There are many ways of how the ESP32-S2's abundant functionalities can be used. For starters, the possible use cases may include: - **Smart home**: From simplest smart lighting, smart door locks, smart sockets, to video streaming devices, security cameras, OTT devices, and home appliances - **Battery-powered equipment**: Wi-Fi mesh sensor networks, Wi-Fi-networked toys, wearable devices, health management equipment - **Industrial automation equipment**: Wireless control and robot technology, intelligent lighting, HVAC control equipment, etc. - **Retail and catering industry**: POS machines and service robots .. figure:: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/schematics/pictures/esp32-s2-kaluga-1-kit-v1.0-3d.png :align: center :width: 3452px :height: 1590px :scale: 20% :alt: ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1-Kit-Assembly :figclass: align-center ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1-Kit Overview (click to enlarge) The ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 kit consists of the following boards: - Main board: *ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1* - Extension boards: - :doc:`user-guide-esp-lyrat-8311a_v1.2` - audio player - :doc:`user-guide-esp-lyrap-toucha-v1.1` - touch panel - :doc:`user-guide-esp-lyrap-lcd32-v1.1` - 3.2" LCD screen - :doc:`user-guide-esp-lyrap-cam-v1.0` - camera board Due to the presence of multiplexed pins on ESP32-S2, certain extension board combinations have limited compatibility. For more details, please see :ref:`user-guide-esp32-s2-kaluga-1-kit-v1.2-ext-board-compatibility`. This document is **mostly dedicated to the main board** and its interaction with the extension boards. For more detailed information on each extension board, click their respective links. This guide covers: - `Getting Started`_: Provides an overview of the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 and hardware/software setup instructions to get started. - `Hardware reference`_: Provides more detailed information about the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1's hardware. - `Hardware Revision Details`_: Covers revision history, known issues, and links to user guides for previous versions of the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1. - `Related Documents`_: Gives links to related documentation. Getting Started =============== This section describes how to get started with the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1. It begins with a few introductory sections about the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1, then Section `Start Application Development`_ provides instructions on how to do the initial hardware setup and then how to flash firmware onto the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1. Overview -------- The ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 main board is the heart of the kit. It integrates the ESP32-S2-WROVER module and all the connectors for extension boards. This board is the key tool in prototyping human-computer interaction interfaces. The ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 board has connectors for boards with: - Extension header (ESP-LyraT-8311A, ESP-LyraP-LCD32) - Camera header (ESP-LyraP-CAM) - Touch FPC connector (ESP-LyraP-TouchA) - LCD FPC connector (no official extension boards yet) - I2C FPC connector (no official extension boards yet) .. figure:: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/schematics/pictures/esp32-s2-kaluga-1-v1.2-3d.png :align: center :width: 2631px :height: 1966px :scale: 25% :alt: ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 :figclass: align-center ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 (click to enlarge) All the four extension boards are specially designed to support the following features: * Touch panel control * Six touch buttons * Supports acrylic panels up to 5 mm * Wet hand operation * Water rejection, ESP32-S2 can be configured to disable all touchpads automatically if multiple pads are simultaneously covered with water and to re-enable touchpads if the water is removed * Audio playback * Connect speakers to play audio * Use together with the Touch panel to control audio playback and adjust volume * LCD display * LCD interface (8-bit parallel RGB, 8080, and 6800 interface) * Camera image acquisition * Supports OV2640 and OV3660 camera modules * 8-bit DVP image sensor interface (ESP32-S2 also supports 16-bit DVP image sensors, you can design it yourself) * Clock frequency up to 40 MHz * Optimized DMA transmission bandwidth for easier transmission of high-resolution images Description of Components ------------------------- .. figure:: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/schematics/pictures/esp32-s2-kaluga-1-v1.2-layout-front.png :align: center :width: 934px :height: 645px :scale: 70% :alt: ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 - front :figclass: align-center ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 - front (click to enlarge) The description of components starts from the ESP32-S2 module on the left side and then goes clockwise. **Reserved** means that the functionality is available, but the current version of the kit does not use it. .. list-table:: :widths: 30 70 :header-rows: 1 * - Key Component - Description * - ESP32-S2-WROVER Module - Module integrating the ESP32-S2 chip that provides Wi-Fi connectivity, data processing power, and flexible data storage. * - 4.3" LCD FPC Connector - (Reserved) Connect to a 4.3" LCD extension board using the FPC cable. * - ESP Prog Connector - (Reserved) Connection for Espressif's download device (ESP-Prog) to flash ESP32-S2 system. * - JTAG Switch - Switch to ON to enable connection between ESP32-S2 and FT2232; JTAG debugging will then be possible using USB-UART/JTAG Port. See also :doc:`../../api-guides/jtag-debugging/index`. * - Breakout Header 2 - Some GPIO pins of the ESP32-S2-WROVER module are broken out to this header, see labels on the board. * - USB-to-UART/JTAG Bridge - FT2232 adapter board allowing for communication over USB port using UART/JTAG protocols. * - Camera Header - Mount a camera extension board here (e.g., ESP-LyraP-CAM). * - Extension Header - Mount the extension boards having such connectors here. * - Reset Button - Press this button to restart the system. * - Boot Button - Holding down **Boot** and then pressing **Reset** initiates Firmware Download mode for downloading firmware through the serial port. * - USB-UART/JTAG Port - Communication interface (UART or JTAG) between a PC and the ESP32-S2 module. * - USB Power Port - Power supply for the board. * - Battery Port - Connect an external battery to the 2-pin battery connector. * - Power On LED - Turns on when the USB or an external power supply is connected to the board. * - Power Switch - Switch to ON to power the system. * - RGB Jumper - To have access to the RGB LED, place a jumper onto the pins. * - RGB LED - Programmable RGB LED and controlled by GPIO45. Before using it, you need to put RGB Jumper ON. * - Power Regulator - Regulator converts 5 V to 3.3 V. * - I2C FPC Connector - (Reserved) Connect to other I2C extension boards using the FPC cable. * - Breakout Header 1 - Some GPIO pins of the ESP32-S2-WROVER module are broken out to this header, see labels on the board. * - Touch FPC Connector - Connect the ESP-LyraP-TouchA extension board using the FPC cable. * - Touch Switch - In OFF position, GPIO1 to GPIO14 are used for connection to touch sensors; switch to ON if you want to use them for other purposes. * - 3.2" LCD FPC connector - Connect a 3.2" LCD extension board (e.g., ESP-LyraP-LCD32) using the FPC cable. Start Application Development ----------------------------- Before powering up your ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1, please make sure that it is in good condition with no obvious signs of damage. Required Hardware ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 - Two USB 2.0 cables (Standard-A to Micro-B) - For power supply - For UART/JTAG communication - Computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS - Any extension boards of your choice Hardware Setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Connect the extension board(s) of your choice (go to their respective user guides if necessary) 2. Plug in both USB cables 3. Turn the **Power Switch** to ON - the Power On LED will light up .. _user-guide-esp32-s2-kaluga-1-kit-v1.2-software-setup: Software Setup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please proceed to :doc:`../../get-started/index`, where Section :ref:`get-started-step-by-step` will quickly help you set up the development environment. The programming guide and application examples for your ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 kit can be found in `esp-dev-kits `_ repository on GitHub. Contents and Packaging ---------------------- Retail Orders ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you order one or several samples of the kit, each ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 development kit comes in an individual package containing: - Main Board - ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 - Extension Boards: - ESP-LyraT-8311A - ESP-LyraP-CAM - ESP-LyraP-TouchA - ESP-LyraP-LCD32 - Connectors - 20-pin FPC cable (to connect ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 to ESP-LyraP-TouchA) - Fasteners - Mounting bolts (x8) - Screws (x4) - Nuts (x4) For retail orders, please go to https://www.espressif.com/en/contact-us/get-samples. Wholesale Orders ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you order in bulk, the boards come in large cardboard boxes. For wholesale orders, please go to https://www.espressif.com/en/contact-us/sales-questions. Hardware Reference ================== Block Diagram ------------- A block diagram below shows the components of the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 and their interconnections. .. figure:: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/schematics/pictures/esp32-s2-kaluga-1-v1.2-block-diagram.png :align: center :alt: ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 block diagram :figclass: align-center ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 block diagram Power Supply Options -------------------- There are four ways to provide power to the board: - Micro USB port, default power supply - External battery via the 2-pin battery connector - 5V and GND header pins - 3V3 and GND header pins .. _user-guide-esp32-s2-kaluga-1-kit-v1.2-ext-board-compatibility: Compatibility of Extension Boards --------------------------------- If you want to use more than one extension board at the same time, please check the table given below. .. list-table:: :widths: 20 10 30 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Boards Used - HW Conflict - Limitations - Solution * - 8311A v1.2 + CAM v1.0 - I2S Controller, IO46 - ESP32-S2 has only one I2S interface. But both extension boards require connection via the ESP32-S2's I2S interface (ESP-LyraT-8311A in Standard mode, ESP-LyraP-CAM in Camera mode). If IO46 is used by both extension boards at the same time, ESP-LyraP-CAM experiences interferences when used. - No ready solution for now. * - TouchA v1.1 + LCD32 v1.1 - IO11, IO6 - Touch actions cannot be triggered because of the multiplexed pin IO11. ESP-LyraP-LCD32 is also affected because its BK (BLCT) pin is connected to pin IO6. - Do not initialize IO11 (NETWORK) and IO6 (PHOTO) for your ESP-LyraP-TouchA. * - 8311A v1.2 + LCD32 v1.1 - IO6 - The two extension boards can be used at the same time. However, since the BK (BLCT) pin of ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 is connected to IO6, ESP-LyraT-8311A's pin BT_ADC cannot be used and the board's six buttons will not be available. - There is a solution that will allow you to use ESP-LyraT-8311A's pin BT_ADC, but will stop you from controlling the display background brightness with software: on your ESP-LyraP-LCD32 board, remove R39, change R41 to 100 Ohm, switch BLCT_L to on. * - TouchA v1.1 + 8311A v1.2 - Pin BT_ADC on ESP-LyraT-8311A - The two extension boards can be used at the same time. However, ESP-LyraP-TouchA cannot be triggered if ESP-LyraT-8311A's pin BT_ADC is used to initialize the board's six buttons. - If you plan to use ESP-LyraT-8311A's pin BT_ADC, do not initialize pin IO6 (PHOTO) for your ESP-LyraP-TouchA. * - TouchA v1.1 + CAM v1.0 - IO1, IO2, IO3 - Cannot be used simultaneously because of the mentioned multiplexed pins. - For ESP-LyraP-TouchA, do not initialize IO1 (VOL_UP), IO2 (PLAY), and IO3 (VOL_DOWN). * - TouchA v1.1 + LCD32 v1.1 + CAM v1.0 - IO1, IO2, IO3, IO6, IO11 - Conflicts on the mentioned multiplexed pins. - **Solution 1**: For ESP-LyraP-TouchA, do not initialize IO1 (VOL_UP), IO2 (PLAY), IO3 (VOL_DOWN), IO6 (PHOTO) and IO11 (NETWORK). **Solution 2**: It will allow you to initialize IO6 (PHOTO) properly, but will stop you from controlling the background brightness with software. On your ESP-LyraP-LCD32, remove R39, change R41 to 100 Ohm, switch BLCT_L to on. * - TouchA v1.1 + LCD32 v1.1 + 8311A v1.2 - IO6, IO11 - IO11 is multiplexed; IO6 is also multiplexed stopping you from using ESP-LyraT-8311A's pin BT_ADC that is needed to initialize the board's six buttons. - **Solution 1**: For ESP-LyraP-TouchA, do not initialize IO6 (PHOTO) and IO11 (NETWORK). Please note that the six buttons on ESP-LyraT-8311A still cannot be used. **Solution 2**: On your ESP-LyraP-LCD32, remove R39, change R41 to 100 Ohm, switch BLCT_L to on. For your ESP-LyraP-TouchA, do not initialize IO11 (NETWORK). If you want to use the six buttons on your ESP-LyraT-8311A, also do not initialize IO6 (PHOTO). Also, all extension boards and the :ref:`JTAG interface ` share the same pins IO39, IO40, IO41 and IO42. For this reason, the following may disturb the JTAG operation: * Plugging in any extension board * Debugging an application that is using an extension board Known Issues ============ .. list-table:: :widths: 22 24 32 22 :header-rows: 1 * - Hardware Issue - Description - Reason for Failure - Solution * - ESP-LyraP-CAM v1.0, pin IO45, IO46 - Flashing firmware might be impossible with the extension board connected to the main board. - Incorrect timing sequence is fed to strapping pins IO45 and IO46 when the board is powered on. It stops the board from booting successfully. - While flashing the main board, keep the extension board disconnected. * - ESP-LyraP-CAM v1.0, pin IO45, IO46 - Rebooting the board by pressing Reset might not lead to desired results. - Incorrect timing sequence is fed to strapping pins IO45 and IO46 when the board is powered on. It stops the board from booting successfully. - No ready solution for v1.2. This bug is fixed in ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 V1.3. * - ESP-LyraT-8311A v1.2, pin IO46 - Flashing firmware might be impossible with the extension board connected to the main board. - Incorrect timing sequence is fed to strapping pin IO46 when the board is powered on. It stops the board from booting successfully. - While flashing the main board, keep the extension board disconnected. * - ESP-LyraT-8311A v1.2, pin IO46 - Rebooting the board by pressing Reset might not lead to desired results. - Incorrect timing sequence is fed to strapping pin IO46 when the board is powered on. It stops the board from booting successfully. - No ready solution for v1.2. This bug is fixed in ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 V1.3. Hardware Revision Details ========================= No previous versions available. Related Documents ================= .. toctree:: :hidden: user-guide-esp-lyrap-cam-v1.0 user-guide-esp-lyrap-lcd32-v1.1 user-guide-esp-lyrap-toucha-v1.1 user-guide-esp-lyrat-8311a_v1.2 - `ESP32-S2-WROVER Datasheet `_ (PDF) - `ESP Product Selector `_ - :doc:`../../api-guides/jtag-debugging/index` - `ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 Schematic `_ (PDF) - `ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 PCB Layout `_ (PDF) - `ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 Pin Mapping `_ (Excel) For other design documentation for the board, please contact us at sales@espressif.com.