if(BOOTLOADER_BUILD) # bootloader only needs FreeRTOS for config, not for anything else idf_component_register() return() endif() set(srcs "xtensa/port.c" "xtensa/portasm.S" "xtensa/xtensa_context.S" "xtensa/xtensa_init.c" "xtensa/xtensa_overlay_os_hook.c" "xtensa/xtensa_vector_defaults.S" "xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S") list(APPEND srcs "croutine.c" "event_groups.c" "FreeRTOS-openocd.c" "list.c" "queue.c" "tasks.c" "timers.c") set(include_dirs include xtensa/include) set(private_include_dirs include/freertos xtensa/include/freertos xtensa .) if(CONFIG_ESP32_IRAM_AS_8BIT_ACCESSIBLE_MEMORY) list(APPEND srcs "xtensa/xtensa_loadstore_handler.S") endif() # app_trace is required by FreeRTOS headers only when CONFIG_SYSVIEW_ENABLE=y, # but requirements can't depend on config options, so always require it. idf_component_register(SRCS "${srcs}" INCLUDE_DIRS ${include_dirs} PRIV_INCLUDE_DIRS ${private_include_dirs} LDFRAGMENTS linker.lf REQUIRES app_trace esp_timer PRIV_REQUIRES soc) idf_component_get_property(COMPONENT_DIR freertos COMPONENT_DIR) idf_component_set_property(freertos ORIG_INCLUDE_PATH "${COMPONENT_DIR}/include/freertos/") if(CONFIG_FREERTOS_DEBUG_OCDAWARE) target_link_libraries(${COMPONENT_LIB} INTERFACE "-Wl,--undefined=uxTopUsedPriority") endif() set_source_files_properties( tasks.c event_groups.c timers.c queue.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS _ESP_FREERTOS_INTERNAL ) # The freertos component provides the `start_app` and `start_app_other_cores` # if it is included in the build. It then calls `app_main` # from the main task created, which must be provided by the user. # Like for `start_app` and `start_app_other_cores`, # we can't establish dependency on what we don't yet know, so we force the # linker to not drop this symbol. target_link_libraries(${COMPONENT_LIB} INTERFACE "-u app_main")