/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0 */ #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "driver/touch_sens.h" static const char *TAG = "touch_wakeup"; #define EXAMPLE_TOUCH_SAMPLE_CFG_NUM 1 #define EXAMPLE_TOUCH_CHANNEL_NUM 5 #define EXAMPLE_TOUCH_CHAN_INIT_SCAN_TIMES 3 // Active threshold to benchmark ratio. (i.e., touch will be activated when data >= benchmark * (1 + ratio)) static float s_thresh2bm_ratio[EXAMPLE_TOUCH_CHANNEL_NUM] = { [0 ... EXAMPLE_TOUCH_CHANNEL_NUM - 1] = 0.02f, // 2% }; static bool example_touch_on_active_cb(touch_sensor_handle_t sens_handle, const touch_active_event_data_t *event, void *user_ctx) { ESP_EARLY_LOGW("isr", "ch %d active", (int)event->chan_id); return false; } static bool example_touch_on_inactive_cb(touch_sensor_handle_t sens_handle, const touch_inactive_event_data_t *event, void *user_ctx) { ESP_EARLY_LOGW("isr", "ch %d inactive", (int)event->chan_id); return false; } static void example_touch_do_initial_scanning(touch_sensor_handle_t sens_handle, touch_channel_handle_t chan_handle[]) { /* Enable the touch sensor to do the initial scanning, so that to initialize the channel data */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_enable(sens_handle)); /* Scan the enabled touch channels for several times, to make sure the initial channel data is stable */ for (int i = 0; i < EXAMPLE_TOUCH_CHAN_INIT_SCAN_TIMES; i++) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_trigger_oneshot_scanning(sens_handle, 2000)); } /* Disable the touch channel to rollback the state */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_disable(sens_handle)); /* (Optional) Read the initial channel benchmark and reconfig the channel active threshold accordingly */ printf("Initial benchmark and new threshold are:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < EXAMPLE_TOUCH_CHANNEL_NUM; i++) { /* Read the initial benchmark of the touch channel */ uint32_t benchmark[EXAMPLE_TOUCH_SAMPLE_CFG_NUM] = {}; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_channel_read_data(chan_handle[i], TOUCH_CHAN_DATA_TYPE_BENCHMARK, benchmark)); /* Calculate the proper active thresholds regarding the initial benchmark */ printf("[CH %d]", i); touch_channel_config_t chan_cfg = {}; for (int j = 0; j < EXAMPLE_TOUCH_SAMPLE_CFG_NUM; j++) { chan_cfg.active_thresh[j] = (uint32_t)(benchmark[j] * s_thresh2bm_ratio[j]); printf(" %d: %"PRIu32", %"PRIu32"\t", j, benchmark[j], chan_cfg.active_thresh[j]); } printf("\n"); /* Update the channel configuration */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_reconfig_channel(chan_handle[i], &chan_cfg)); } } esp_err_t example_register_touch_wakeup(void) { touch_sensor_handle_t sens_handle = NULL; touch_sensor_sample_config_t sample_cfg[EXAMPLE_TOUCH_SAMPLE_CFG_NUM] = { TOUCH_SENSOR_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_CONFIG0(), }; touch_sensor_config_t sens_cfg = TOUCH_SENSOR_DEFAULT_BASIC_CONFIG(EXAMPLE_TOUCH_SAMPLE_CFG_NUM, sample_cfg); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_new_controller(&sens_cfg, &sens_handle)); touch_sensor_filter_config_t filter_cfg = TOUCH_SENSOR_DEFAULT_FILTER_CONFIG(); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_config_filter(sens_handle, &filter_cfg)); touch_channel_handle_t chan_handle[EXAMPLE_TOUCH_CHANNEL_NUM]; touch_channel_config_t chan_cfg = { .active_thresh = {5000}, // Initial threshold }; for (int i = 0; i < EXAMPLE_TOUCH_CHANNEL_NUM; i++) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_new_channel(sens_handle, i, &chan_cfg, &chan_handle[i])); } /* (Optional) Do the initial scanning to initialize the touch channel data * Without this step, the channel data in the first read will be invalid */ example_touch_do_initial_scanning(sens_handle, chan_handle); touch_event_callbacks_t callbacks = { .on_active = example_touch_on_active_cb, .on_inactive = example_touch_on_inactive_cb, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_register_callbacks(sens_handle, &callbacks, NULL)); touch_sleep_config_t light_slp_cfg = { .slp_wakeup_lvl = TOUCH_LIGHT_SLEEP_WAKEUP, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_config_sleep_wakeup(sens_handle, &light_slp_cfg)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_enable(sens_handle)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(touch_sensor_start_continuous_scanning(sens_handle)); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "touch wakeup source is ready"); return ESP_OK; }