/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include "string.h" #include "esp_heap_caps.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "unity.h" #include "unity_test_runner.h" #include "test_utils.h" #include "esp_newlib.h" #include "memory_checks.h" #ifdef CONFIG_HEAP_TRACING #include "esp_heap_trace.h" #endif static void unity_task(void *pvParameters) { // Delay a bit to let the main task and any other startup tasks be deleted vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(50)); // Start running unity (prints test menu and doesn't return) unity_run_menu(); } void test_main(void) { // Note: if unpinning this task, change the way run times are calculated in // unity_port_esp32.c xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(unity_task, "unityTask", UNITY_FREERTOS_STACK_SIZE, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_CPU); } /* setUp runs before every test */ void setUp(void) { // If heap tracing is enabled in kconfig, leak trace the test #ifdef CONFIG_HEAP_TRACING setup_heap_record(); #endif printf("%s", ""); /* sneakily lazy-allocate the reent structure for this test task */ #ifdef CONFIG_APP_BUILD_USE_FLASH_SECTIONS /* TODO: add sufficient startup code in case of building an ELF file, so that * flash cache is initialized and can work in such mode. * For now this is disabled to allow running unit tests which don't require * flash cache related operations. */ get_test_data_partition(); /* allocate persistent partition table structures */ #endif // CONFIG_APP_BUILD_USE_FLASH_SECTIONS #ifdef CONFIG_HEAP_TRACING heap_trace_start(HEAP_TRACE_LEAKS); #endif test_utils_record_free_mem(); test_utils_set_leak_level(CONFIG_UNITY_CRITICAL_LEAK_LEVEL_GENERAL, ESP_LEAK_TYPE_CRITICAL, ESP_COMP_LEAK_GENERAL); test_utils_set_leak_level(CONFIG_UNITY_WARN_LEAK_LEVEL_GENERAL, ESP_LEAK_TYPE_WARNING, ESP_COMP_LEAK_GENERAL); test_utils_set_leak_level(0, ESP_LEAK_TYPE_CRITICAL, ESP_COMP_LEAK_LWIP); } typedef enum { NO_LEAK_CHECK, DEFAULT_LEAK_CHECK, SPECIAL_LEAK_CHECK } leak_check_type_t; /** * It is possible to specify the maximum allowed memory leak level directly in the test case * or disable leak checking for a test case. * This function checks if this is the case and return the appropriate return value. * If a custom leak level has been specified, that custom threshold is written to the value pointed by threshold. */ static leak_check_type_t leak_check_required(size_t *threshold) { if (Unity.CurrentDetail1 != NULL) { const char *leaks = "[leaks"; const int len_leaks = strlen(leaks); const char *sub_leaks = strstr(Unity.CurrentDetail1, leaks); if (sub_leaks != NULL) { if (sub_leaks[len_leaks] == ']') { return NO_LEAK_CHECK; } else if (sub_leaks[len_leaks] == '=') { *threshold = strtol(&sub_leaks[len_leaks + 1], NULL, 10); return SPECIAL_LEAK_CHECK; } } } return DEFAULT_LEAK_CHECK; } /* tearDown runs after every test */ void tearDown(void) { /* some FreeRTOS stuff is cleaned up by idle task */ vTaskDelay(5); /* clean up some of the newlib's lazy allocations */ esp_reent_cleanup(); /* We want the teardown to have this file in the printout if TEST_ASSERT fails */ const char *real_testfile = Unity.TestFile; Unity.TestFile = __FILE__; /* check if unit test has caused heap corruption in any heap */ TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE( heap_caps_check_integrity(MALLOC_CAP_INVALID, true), "The test has corrupted the heap"); /* check for leaks */ #ifdef CONFIG_HEAP_TRACING heap_trace_stop(); heap_trace_dump(); #endif size_t leak_threshold_critical = 0; size_t leak_threshold_warning = 0; leak_check_type_t check_type = leak_check_required(&leak_threshold_critical); // In the "special case", only one level can be passed directly from the test case. // Hence, we set both warning and critical leak levels to that same value here leak_threshold_warning = leak_threshold_critical; if (check_type == NO_LEAK_CHECK) { // do not check } else if (check_type == SPECIAL_LEAK_CHECK) { test_utils_finish_and_evaluate_leaks(leak_threshold_warning, leak_threshold_critical); } else if (check_type == DEFAULT_LEAK_CHECK) { test_utils_finish_and_evaluate_leaks(test_utils_get_leak_level(ESP_LEAK_TYPE_WARNING, ESP_COMP_LEAK_ALL), test_utils_get_leak_level(ESP_LEAK_TYPE_CRITICAL, ESP_COMP_LEAK_ALL)); } else { assert(false); // coding error } Unity.TestFile = real_testfile; // go back to the real filename }