# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import logging import os import shutil import stat import sys import textwrap from pathlib import Path from typing import List from typing import Union import pytest from test_build_system_helpers import APP_BINS from test_build_system_helpers import append_to_file from test_build_system_helpers import BOOTLOADER_BINS from test_build_system_helpers import file_contains from test_build_system_helpers import get_idf_build_env from test_build_system_helpers import IdfPyFunc from test_build_system_helpers import PARTITION_BIN from test_build_system_helpers import replace_in_file from test_build_system_helpers import run_cmake_and_build def assert_built(paths: Union[List[str], List[Path]]) -> None: for path in paths: assert os.path.exists(path) def test_build_alternative_directories(idf_py: IdfPyFunc, func_work_dir: Path, test_app_copy: Path) -> None: logging.info('Moving BUILD_DIR_BASE out of tree') alt_build_dir = func_work_dir / 'alt_build' try: idf_py('-B', str(alt_build_dir), 'build') assert os.listdir(alt_build_dir) != [], 'No files found in new build directory!' default_build_dir = test_app_copy / 'build' if default_build_dir.exists(): assert os.listdir(default_build_dir) == [], f'Some files were incorrectly put into the default build directory: {default_build_dir}' except Exception: raise else: shutil.rmtree(alt_build_dir) logging.info('BUILD_DIR_BASE inside default build directory') build_subdir_inside_build_dir = default_build_dir / 'subdirectory' idf_py('-B', str(build_subdir_inside_build_dir), 'build') assert os.listdir(build_subdir_inside_build_dir) != [], 'No files found in new build directory!' @pytest.mark.usefixtures('test_app_copy') def test_build_cmake_ninja() -> None: logging.info('Can build with Ninja (no idf.py)') run_cmake_and_build('-G', 'Ninja', '..') assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN) @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32', reason="GNU Make doesn't work on Windows") @pytest.mark.usefixtures('test_app_copy') def test_build_cmake_makefile() -> None: logging.info('Can build with GNU Make (no idf.py)') run_cmake_and_build('-G', 'Unix Makefiles', '..') assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('test_app_copy') def test_build_with_generator_ninja(idf_py: IdfPyFunc) -> None: logging.info('idf.py can build with Ninja') idf_py('-G', 'Ninja', 'build') cmake_cache_file = Path('build', 'CMakeCache.txt') assert_built([cmake_cache_file]) assert file_contains(cmake_cache_file, 'CMAKE_GENERATOR:INTERNAL=Ninja') assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN) @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32', reason="GNU Make doesn't work on Windows") @pytest.mark.usefixtures('test_app_copy') def test_build_with_generator_makefile(idf_py: IdfPyFunc) -> None: logging.info('idf.py can build with Unix Makefiles') idf_py('-G', 'Unix Makefiles', 'build') cmake_cache_file = Path('build', 'CMakeCache.txt') assert_built([cmake_cache_file]) assert file_contains(cmake_cache_file, 'CMAKE_GENERATOR:INTERNAL=Unix Makefiles') assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN) def test_build_with_cmake_and_idf_path_unset(idf_py: IdfPyFunc, test_app_copy: Path) -> None: idf_path = Path(os.environ['IDF_PATH']) env = get_idf_build_env(idf_path) env.pop('IDF_PATH') logging.info('Can build with IDF_PATH set via cmake cache not environment') replace_in_file('CMakeLists.txt', 'ENV{IDF_PATH}', '{IDF_PATH}') run_cmake_and_build('-G', 'Ninja', '..', '-DIDF_PATH={}'.format(idf_path), env=env) assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN) idf_py('fullclean') logging.info('Can build with IDF_PATH unset and inferred by cmake when Kconfig needs it to be set') # working with already changed CMakeLists.txt kconfig_file = test_app_copy / 'main' / 'Kconfig.projbuild' kconfig_file.write_text('source "$IDF_PATH/examples/wifi/getting_started/station/main/Kconfig.projbuild"') run_cmake_and_build('-G', 'Ninja', '..', '-DIDF_PATH={}'.format(idf_path), env=env) assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN) kconfig_file.unlink() # remove file to not affect following sub-test idf_py('fullclean') logging.info('Can build with IDF_PATH unset and inferred by build system') # replacing {IDF_PATH} not ENV{IDF_PATH} since CMakeLists.txt was already changed in this test replace_in_file('CMakeLists.txt', '{IDF_PATH}', '{ci_idf_path}') run_cmake_and_build('-G', 'Ninja', '-D', 'ci_idf_path={}'.format(idf_path), '..', env=env) assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN) def test_build_skdconfig_phy_init_data(idf_py: IdfPyFunc, test_app_copy: Path) -> None: logging.info('can build with phy_init_data') (test_app_copy / 'sdkconfig.defaults').touch() (test_app_copy / 'sdkconfig.defaults').write_text('CONFIG_ESP32_PHY_INIT_DATA_IN_PARTITION=y') idf_py('reconfigure') idf_py('build') assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN + ['build/phy_init_data.bin']) def test_build_compiler_flag_in_source_file(idf_py: IdfPyFunc, test_app_copy: Path) -> None: logging.info('Compiler flags on build command line are taken into account') compiler_flag = textwrap.dedent(""" #ifndef USER_FLAG #error "USER_FLAG is not defined!" #endif """) append_to_file((test_app_copy / 'main' / 'build_test_app.c'), compiler_flag) idf_py('build', '-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-DUSER_FLAG') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('test_app_copy') def test_build_compiler_flags_no_overwriting(idf_py: IdfPyFunc) -> None: logging.info('Compiler flags cannot be overwritten') # If the compiler flags are overridden, the following build command will # cause issues at link time. idf_py('build', '-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=', '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=') def test_build_with_sdkconfig_build_abspath(idf_py: IdfPyFunc, test_app_copy: Path) -> None: build_path = test_app_copy / 'build_tmp' sdkconfig_path = build_path / 'sdkconfig' idf_py('-D', f'SDKCONFIG={sdkconfig_path}', '-B', str(build_path), 'build') def test_build_fail_on_build_time(idf_py: IdfPyFunc, test_app_copy: Path) -> None: logging.info('Fail on build time works') append_to_file(test_app_copy / 'CMakeLists.txt', '\n'.join(['', 'if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/hello.txt")', 'fail_at_build_time(test_file "hello.txt does not exists")', 'endif()'])) ret = idf_py('build', check=False) assert ret.returncode != 0, 'Build should fail if requirements are not satisfied' (test_app_copy / 'hello.txt').touch() idf_py('build') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('test_app_copy') def test_build_dfu(idf_py: IdfPyFunc) -> None: logging.info('DFU build works') ret = idf_py('dfu', check=False) assert 'command "dfu" is not known to idf.py and is not a Ninja target' in ret.stderr, 'DFU build should fail for default chip target' idf_py('set-target', 'esp32s2') ret = idf_py('dfu') assert 'build/dfu.bin" has been written. You may proceed with DFU flashing.' in ret.stdout, 'DFU build should succeed for esp32s2' assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN + ['build/dfu.bin']) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('test_app_copy') def test_build_uf2(idf_py: IdfPyFunc) -> None: logging.info('UF2 build works') ret = idf_py('uf2') assert 'build/uf2.bin, ready to be flashed with any ESP USB Bridge' in ret.stdout, 'UF2 build should work for esp32' assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN + ['build/uf2.bin']) ret = idf_py('uf2-app') assert 'build/uf2-app.bin, ready to be flashed with any ESP USB Bridge' in ret.stdout, 'UF2 build should work for application binary' assert_built(['build/uf2-app.bin']) idf_py('set-target', 'esp32s2') ret = idf_py('uf2') assert 'build/uf2.bin, ready to be flashed with any ESP USB Bridge' in ret.stdout, 'UF2 build should work for esp32s2' assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN + ['build/uf2.bin']) def test_build_loadable_elf(idf_py: IdfPyFunc, test_app_copy: Path) -> None: logging.info('Loadable ELF build works') (test_app_copy / 'sdkconfig').write_text('\n'.join(['CONFIG_APP_BUILD_TYPE_RAM=y', 'CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_TERMIOS=n', 'CONFIG_NEWLIB_NANO_FORMAT=y', 'CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_PANIC_PRINT_HALT=y', 'CONFIG_ESP_ERR_TO_NAME_LOOKUP=n'])) idf_py('reconfigure') assert (test_app_copy / 'build' / 'flasher_args.json').exists(), 'flasher_args.json should be generated in a loadable ELF build' idf_py('build') @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32', reason='Windows does not support stat commands') def test_build_with_crlf_files(idf_py: IdfPyFunc, test_app_copy: Path, idf_copy: Path) -> None: def change_files_to_crlf(path: Path) -> None: for root, _, files in os.walk(path): for filename in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, filename) # Do not modify .git directory and executable files, as Linux will fail to execute them if '.git' in file_path or os.stat(file_path).st_mode & stat.S_IEXEC: continue with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() crlf_data = data.replace(b'\n', b'\r\n') with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(crlf_data) logging.info('Can still build if all text files are CRLFs') change_files_to_crlf(test_app_copy) change_files_to_crlf(idf_copy) idf_py('build') assert_built(BOOTLOADER_BINS + APP_BINS + PARTITION_BIN) def test_build_cmake_executable_suffix(idf_py: IdfPyFunc, test_app_copy: Path) -> None: logging.info('idf.py can build with CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX set') append_to_file((test_app_copy / 'CMakeLists.txt'), 'set(CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX_CXX ".ext")') ret = idf_py('build') assert 'Project build complete' in ret.stdout, 'Build with CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX set failed'