# OpenThread command line example ## Overview This example demonstrates a [basic OpenThread command line](https://github.com/openthread/openthread/blob/master/src/cli/README.md). ## How to use example ### Hardware connection To run this example, it's used to use an DevKit C board and connect PIN4 and PIN5 to the UART TX and RX port of another 15.4 capable radio co-processor ([RCP](https://openthread.io/platforms/co-processor?hl=en)) ### Configure the project ``` idf.py menuconfig ``` The example can run with the default configuration. ### Build, Flash, and Run Build the project and flash it to the board, then run monitor tool to view serial output: ``` idf.py -p PORT build flash monitor ``` Now you'll get an interactive OpenThread command line shell. ## Example Output ```bash I (1540) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-PLAT----: RCP reset: RESET_POWER_ON I (1610) OPENTHREAD: [NOTE]-PLAT----: RCP API Version: 3 I (1840) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Non-volatile: Read NetworkInfo {rloc:0x7404, extaddr:aee4a5cc7ed1ad88, role:Child, mode:0x0f, version:2, keyseq:0x0, ... I (1850) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Non-volatile: ... pid:0x1161bcdc, mlecntr:0x5a17, maccntr:0x5a91, mliid:33158c466ab576d4} I (1900) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Non-volatile: Read ParentInfo {extaddr:36505631b12ea5e3, version:2} I (1900) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Notifier: StateChanged (0x1007c300) [KeySeqCntr NetData Channel PanId NetName ExtPanId MstrKey ActDset] > ifconfig up I (11320) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CLI-----: execute command: ifconfig up Done I (11340) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Notifier: StateChanged (0x01001009) [Ip6+ LLAddr Ip6Mult+ NetifState] > dataset init new I (105650) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CLI-----: execute command: dataset init new Done > dataset I (107460) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CLI-----: execute command: dataset Active Timestamp: 1 Channel: 14 Channel Mask: 0x07fff800 Ext PAN ID: d9d69bf6535735ec Mesh Local Prefix: fd73:192f:f27:2a5c::/64 Master Key: 7ad0ec87abbd8c41f07d004922b480bf Network Name: OpenThread-a5fe PAN ID: 0xa5fe PSKc: ef028c933febdeb226f6681cc780272a Security Policy: 672, onrcb Done > dataset commit active I (134350) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CLI-----: execute command: dataset commit active I (134350) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-MESH-CP-: Active dataset set Done I (134380) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Notifier: StateChanged (0x101fc110) [MLAddr KeySeqCntr Channel PanId NetName ExtPanId MstrKey PSKc SecPolicy ... I (134390) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Notifier: StateChanged (0x101fc110) ... ActDset] >thread start I (177250) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CLI-----: execute command: thread start I (177250) OPENTHREAD: [NOTE]-MLE-----: Role Disabled -> Detached I (177280) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Non-volatile: Read NetworkInfo {rloc:0x7404, extaddr:aee4a5cc7ed1ad88, role:Child, mode:0x0f, version:2, keyseq:0x0, ... I (177290) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Non-volatile: ... pid:0x1161bcdc, mlecntr:0x5a17, maccntr:0x5a91, mliid:33158c466ab576d4} I (194054) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Non-volatile: Saved NetworkInfo {rloc:0x7404, extaddr:aee4a5cc7ed1ad88, role:Child, mode:0x0f, version:2, keyseq:0x0, ... I (194064) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-CORE----: Non-volatile: ... pid:0x1161bcdc, mlecntr:0x5e00, maccntr:0x5e79, mliid:33158c466ab576d4} I (194074) OPENTHREAD: [INFO]-MLE-----: Send Child Update Request to parent (fe80:0:0:0:3450:5631:b12e:a5e3) Done # After some seconds > state leader Done ``` ## Example1: TCP/UDP server and client ### Step 1 Configure the project ```bash idf.py menuconfig ``` Enable the operation: Example Configuration -> Enable custom command in ot-cli -> Enable openthread tcp/udp socket ### Step 2 Build, Flash, and Run You need to prepare two ESP devices each connected to a 15.4 RCP and flashed with this example. ``` idf.py -p PORT flash monitor ``` ### Step 3 Set up network On the first device, run: ```bash > extaddr 166e0a0000000001 Done > dataset channel 17 Done > dataset panid 0xface Done > dataset extpanid 000db80000000000 Done > dataset networkname GRL Done > dataset masterkey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff Done > dataset meshlocalprefix FD00:0DB8:0000:0000:: Done > dataset pskc 00000000000000000000000000000000 Done > dataset activetimestamp 1 Done > dataset commit active Done > ifconfig up Done > thread start Done # After some seconds > state leader Done ``` Now the first device has formed a Thread network, on the second device run: ```bash > extaddr 166e0a0000000002 Done > dataset channel 17 Done > dataset panid 0xface Done > dataset extpanid 000db80000000000 Done > dataset networkname GRL Done > dataset masterkey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff Done > dataset meshlocalprefix FD00:0DB8:0000:0000:: Done > dataset pskc 00000000000000000000000000000000 Done > dataset activetimestamp 1 Done > dataset commit active Done > ifconfig up Done > thread start Done # After some seconds > state router # child is also a valid state Done ``` Now the second device has joined the Thread network and acting as a router (or a child). ### Step 4 Set up tcp/udp socket server and client In leader device, run this command in command line shell. ```bash # for setup a tcp server > tcpsockserver # for setup an udp server > udpsockserver ``` Then run this command to get the leader IPv6 address. ```bash > ipaddr fd00:db8:0:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00 fd00:db8:0:0:0:ff:fe00:ac00 fd00:db8:0:0:284a:cb4a:cb3b:2a42 fe80:0:0:0:146e:a00:0:1 ``` In router device, run this command to set up a socket client in command line shell. ```bash # for setup a tcp client > tcpsockclient fd00:db8:0:0:284a:cb4a:cb3b:2a42 # for setup an udp client > udpsockclient fd00:db8:0:0:284a:cb4a:cb3b:2a42 ``` You will get ```bash # in leader device > tcpsockserver I(173437) OPENTHREAD:[INFO]-CLI-----: execute command: tcpsockserver > I (173437) ot_secket: Socket created I (173437) ot_secket: Socket bound, port 12345 I (173457) ot_secket: Socket listening, timeout is 30 seconds I(175007) OPENTHREAD:[INFO]-MLE-----: Send Advertisement (ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1) ...... I (182187) ot_secket: Received 28 bytes from client: I (182187) ot_secket: This message is from client I (182187) ot_secket: Socket accepted ip address: FD00:DB8::498:DDB:EC7:49DC I (182189) ot_secket: Socket server is closed. # in router device > tcpsockclient fd00:db8:0:0:284a:cb4a:cb3b:2a42 I(37731) OPENTHREAD:[INFO]-CLI-----: execute command: tcpsockclient fd00:db8:0:0:284a:cb4a:cb3b:2a42 > I (37741) ot_secket: Socket created, connecting to b80d00fd:0:4acb4a28:422a3bcb:12345 I(37751) OPENTHREAD:[INFO]-ARP-----: Sending address query for fd00:db8:0:0:284a:cb4a:cb3b:2a42 ...... I (38171) ot_secket: Successfully connected ...... I (38321) ot_secket: Received 28 bytes from fd00:db8:0:0:284a:cb4a:cb3b:2a42 I (38321) ot_secket: This message is from server I (38323) ot_secket: Socket client is closed. ```